Showing posts with label provenance research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label provenance research. Show all posts

Jan 15, 2025

Museum Collections and Names of Concern in Provenance

The following names are linked to Holocaust art and restitution cases stemming from the persecution of Jews in the Nazi era. Their presence in a provenance is a Flag that requires serious verification. (For art galleries, see "More Names of Concern".

Dec 24, 2024

Nov 10, 2024

Experiments in Automated Entity Extraction with Pinpoint: Toledo Museum of Art Provenance PDF

Pinpoint is a tool for investigative journalists. It performs automatic entity extraction from PDF files. Can it be useful for processing provenance texts?

In this post, we examine the results for the Provenance Research PDF file published by the Toledo Museum of Art and archived at:

Since the Toledo Museum of Art doesn't appear to publish provenance on its Website in 2024,  this older PDF file offers insights to the ownership history of artworks.

Nov 7, 2024

The Grosz was acquired from...

The German Expressionist artist George Grosz (1893–1959) was persecuted by the Nazis for his art, while Grosz's art dealer, Alfred Flechtheim (1878-1937), was persecuted by the Nazis for being Jewish*. Both fled Nazi Germany in 1933, Grosz to America and Flechtheim to England. Both were plundered.

Some pretty elaborate speculation has been advanced concerning the itineraries of artworks via Grosz and Flechtheim. This post explores what the museums who have Grosz in their collections have to say about where they got it from.

Art Institutions Table

National Gallery of Art
Cleveland Museum of Art
Rosenwald Collection
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
"Degenerate Art" Collection
Dallas Museum of Art
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Museum of Modern Art
Bavarian State Painting Collections
King Baudouin Foundation

Where is this art today?

We're going to focus on the art created in early years, until 1932.

The itineraries of many of these artworks are contested. We will focus on the one piece of information that museums must know: who they acquired the Grosz artworks from and when.

Oct 28, 2024

Arthur Pfannstiel, Red Flag Name

"Definitely not a reliable or trustworthy source for cataloguing" 

- Secret Modigliani

 What does it mean to find Arthur Pfannstiel in a provenance or as the author of a reference?

Sep 11, 2024

Jul 10, 2024

DATASET: Art Provenances AFTER Restitution of Looted Art

Claims for Nazi-looted art or duress sales sometimes result in restitution or settlement agreements which cause the restituted artwork to be sold at auction.

Below are artworks whose provenance, as published by Christie's auction house, mentions a restitution or settlement agreement with the heir of a victim of Nazi persecution.

These provenance texts provide valuable information to art historians and Holocaust researchers, offering insights into the art market networks that dealt in Holocaust-linked artworks between the time they left the possession of the persecuted Jewish collectors and the time they were restituted.

(original source of information: Christie's auction website)


Dataset:  CSV Download 



Jun 25, 2024

Graupe in provenance texts of American museums

When Meules de blé appeared for sale, Christie’s was privileged to have researched the history of this work and facilitated a settlement agreement between the Cox Collection and the heir of Max Meirowsky as well as the heirs of Alexandrine de Rothschild, illustrating the complexity of restitution cases and losses due to Nazi persecution. It was offered on 11 November 2021 pursuant a settlement agreement

The Paul Graupe auction house was a key player in sales of Jewish art collections during the Nazi-era.

In this post, we look at a selection of  88 artworks in American museums that mention "Graupe" in the provenance text.

 Some texts refer to sales prior to 1933. Some texts specify that an artwork was NOT sold at Graupe's. And some texts clearly refer to sales at Graupe's during the Nazi era. Some texts are factual while others contain speculative language.

May 30, 2024

Erasing Jewish collectors' names from Nazi looted art: Alfred Weinberger

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

 In 2009, Sotheby's put up for sale this Renoir entitled DEUX FEMMES DANS UN JARDIN with the following provenance.


Soutro Gallery, London
Sale: Christie's, London, June 24, 1997, lot 284
Private Collection (sold: Sotheby's, New York, November 3, 2005, lot 114)
Acquired at the above sale by the present owner

No mention of Alfred Weinberger, who had owned the Renoir until a Nazi looting organization seized it in Paris on December 4, 1941.

The above is one of the most typical provenance types that conceals Nazi-looted art. 

May 29, 2024

Looted Art Detector: Custom Indicator File Art Traffickers

The list below contains the last names of antiquities trafficker who were investigated by the Manhattan DA, the FBI or other criminal investigators for their role in trafficking looted cultural heritage.

It is easy to check art provenances and references for names of known art traffickers and their networks using publicly available text analysis tools. 

Below are several lists of words that can be useful, no matter what the tool (Voyant-Tools, Rstudio, Python, ChatGPT, Lootedart Detector, etc.)

The user can analyse provenances for any names or words that seem interesting.

See also: Looted Art Detector 

and Using Custom Indicators

The list below contains the last names of antiquities trafficker who were investigated by the Manhattan DA, the FBI or other criminal investigators for their role in trafficking looted cultural heritage. To add your own words, simply copy or download the CSV and add your content and save as your own file.

wordtype of flag
C. T. LooHeritageFlag
Marion TrueHeritageFlag
add your own namesHeritageFlag
add your own namesHeritageFlag

If you want to have each name counted SEPARATELY? (not lumped together), you can a line for each name, like this:

May 26, 2024

Phoenix Ancient Art: selected provenances

detail of Marble female figure Cycladicca. 3200–2700 BC (on loan to the Met)

 Phoenix Ancient Art has been in the news quite a bit lately, and art crime experts are advising museums to verify their collections.

Chasing Aphrodite

Oct 4, 2023

Comparing 1961 and May 30 2019 provenances for Manet's La Sultane in the Bührle collection

How many times did the provenance change?
Word/Phrase 1961 Catalogue Count 2019 Bürhle website Count
dealer 1 0
silberberg 1 9
? 0 2
art market 0 1
by 0 7
rosenberg 0 5
might 0 1
until 0 1
no documents 0 1
was never really and completely owned by Silberberg 0 1

Edouard Manet

Young Woman in Oriental Garb

ca. 1871

Sep 12, 2023

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: no provenances for Picasso?

How can a major American museum fail to publish provenance information for European artworks created before 1933?
PhotoShort TitleDateAccNumCredit LineProvenance
Pedestal Table (Translation)192247.10.80T. Catesby Jones CollectionNO PROVENANCE
The Banjo Player (Primary Title)192147.10.81T. Catesby Jones CollectionNO PROVENANCE
The Horse (Primary Title)190185.795Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul MellonNO PROVENANCE
Head of a Peasant Woman (Former Title)190647.10.78T. Catesby Jones CollectionNO PROVENANCE
Still Life (Wineglass and Newspaper) (Primary Title)ca. 1913–447.10.83T. Catesby Jones CollectionNO PROVENANCE
Fool on Horseback (Former Title)190584.2Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul MellonNO PROVENANCE
Landscape (Translation)190747.10.79T. Catesby Jones CollectionNO PROVENANCE

Sep 2, 2023

DATASET: Latchford Wiener Hecht Sperling Klejman in provenances at Metropolitan Museum of Art

FLASH: 26 Doris Wiener provenances added 17SEP2023!

September 2, 2023

DATASET Metropolitan Museum of Art artworks with links to Douglas Latchford, Doris Wiener, Robert Hecht, Harry Sperling, John Klejman, Klaus G. Perls, Joseph Brummer 

Dataset name: Selection Latchford plus Metmuseum 2022

Description: This enhanced Provenance dataset has been constructed from information available on the public internet site of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It includes the provenance and credit line information for artworks which mention Douglas Latchford, Doris Wiener, Robert Hecht, Harry Sperling, John Klejman, Klaus G. Perls, Joseph Brummer and others.  It is intended to facilitate research into antiquities provenance for scholars, art historians and investigators. 

Format: Google Sheet


Download: CSV


  • Selection
  • Source
  • RetrievalDate
  • YEAR Acquired
  • Source Url
  • Title Date
  • Artist
  • Credit Line
  • Acc Num
  • Provenance (as published by the Metropolitan Museum on its website on March 29, 2022)
  • Description
  • Artist_Region
  • Artwork__tombstone Value

Publisher of Dataset: OAD

Date of Publication: September 2, 2023

Jul 25, 2023

British Museum Acquisitions from Spink and Sons: analysis with ChatGPT prompts

 QUESTION TO CHATGPT (code interpreter)

Spink and Sons is an art dealer involved in selling many looted artifacts. Please examine this file and tell me three ways it could be analysed to rank artworks most likely to have been looted

- Spink prov British Museum.csv

Jun 20, 2023

Picasso in Museums around the world

Twenty-five years have passed since the Washington Conference on Holocaust era assets.
Yet there is still no central database of museum artworks with their provenances. Some museums - big museums, university art museums - still publish no provenance at all.
Projects are announced, appear, disappear, each separate. There is no central tracking of Nazi era provenance gaps.  The scale is enormous. The number of artworks with unclear ownership history for the Nazi era remains extremely high.

Given the enormity of the task, this post looks at the situation in museums for a single artist: Picasso.
(update ongoing)


Collection Before 1945 Image? Provenance? Nazi-era Gaps?
MoMA 659 yes sometimes yes
NGA 258 yes yes yes
Pompidou 59 yes no yes
Musée Picasso 4000+ all dates yes no unknown
Albertina 40 yes no yes
Hermitage 36 yes no yes
Fondation Beyeler 22 yes yes yes
Museums in Denmark 133 yes yes yes
UK Collections Trust 16 no yes yes
Pinakothek (Munich) 14 no no yes
Kunstmuseum Basel 66 yes NO yes
Kunstmuseum Bern 9 -on display or Gurlitt yes yes - PDF yes
Metropolitan Museum 56 yes yes yes
MFA 29 yes yes yes
DIA 21 NO yes yes
Harvard Art Museums 20 yes yes yes-11
Yale Art 35 yes yes yes
Cleveland 19 yes yes yes
Princeton Museum 6 yes NO yes
Emil Bührle Collection 5 yes yes yes
Musée d'Orsay 1 yes yes yes
Rose Art Museum 4 yes no yes


Museum of Modern Art - MoMa (USA)

Query for Picasso (all)  1246 artworks all dates

(659 artworks is an estimation, because the query picks up some other artists as well)


MFA Boston (USA)

UK Collections Trust:

Pinakothek (Munich)

Museums in Denmark

Rose Art Museum (USA)
* no provenance information *

Jun 3, 2023

Advisory Commission on the Return of Cultural Property Seized as a Result of Nazi persecution: recommendations in searchable text

This is a searchable text-only copy of recommendations originally published by the Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property  (Beratende Kommission NS-Raubgut)

  • Robert Graetz
  • Kurt and Else Grawi
  • Heinrich Rieger
  • Max Fischer
  • Dr. and Mrs. Max Stern
  • Max J. Emden
  • Max und Margarethe Rüdenberg
  • Felix Hildesheimer
  • Alfred Salomon 
  • Alfred Flechtheim
  • Ludwig Traube
  • Eduard L. Behrens
  • Clara Levy geb. Isaak
  • J.S. Goldschmidt, I. Rosenbaum und Z.M. Hackenbroch 
  • Paul Westheim
  • Alexander Lewin
  • Julius und Clara Freund

May 27, 2023

Using ChatGPT to detect language indicating uncertainty in provenance texts

In this conversation with the AI ChatBot, I asked it to look at the provenance text for Picasso's Woman with Pears, at the MoMa.

The provenance text on MoMa's website is:

[Galerie Kahnweiler, Paris and/or Ambroise Vollard, Paris and/or Galerie Thannhauser, Munich] 
By September 7, 1919 (1912 or 1913?) - at least October 1932, Alfred Flechtheim and/or Galerie Flechtheim, Düsseldorf, Berlin and London. 
By February 1934(?) - March 1937, The Mayor Gallery and/or Douglas Cooper, London. 
March 1937, Pierre Matisse Gallery (consignment no. 882, stock no. 594), New York, purchased from “Cooper”.  
March 31, 1937 - June 2, 1955, Walter P. Chrysler, Jr., New York, purchased from Pierre Matisse Gallery. 
June 2, 1955 - 1996, Florene May Marx (1903-1995, later Schoenborn) and Samuel A. Marx (1948–1964), Chicago, purchased from Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. through M. Knoedler & Co. (consignment no. 4786), New York. 
1996, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, acquired as bequest from Florene May Schoenborn.

I asked ChatGPT to break the provenance text into sentences and to identify any indications of uncertainty or speculation in each. Then I requested that it present the results in a table.

(I requested that it view "and/or" as uncertain.)

Sentence Indications of Uncertainty or Speculation
[Galerie Kahnweiler, Paris and/or Ambroise Vollard, Paris and/or Galerie Thannhauser, Munich] Indication of uncertainty in the gallery names
By September 7, 1919 (1912 or 1913?) - at least October 1932, Alfred Flechtheim and/or Galerie Flechtheim, Düsseldorf, Berlin, and London. Uncertainty about the specific year (1912 or 1913) and presence of "and/or"

By February 1934(?) - March 1937, The Mayor Gallery and/or Douglas Cooper, London. Uncertainty about the specific date (February 1934) and presence of "and/or"

March 1937, Pierre Matisse Gallery (consignment no. 882, stock no. 594), New York, purchased from "Cooper." None

1996, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, acquired as bequest from Florene May Schoenborn. None

Then I asked ChatGPT: 

what is the first year for which there is solid information

ChatGPT replied:

The first year for which there is solid information in the given text is 1937.