Showing posts with label Jewish collectors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish collectors. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2020

UK Spoliation Reports Collections Trust downloadable DATASET CSV

InstitutionArtworks in Spoliation Reports from UK Museums, UK Collections Trust 15 April 2020
British Museum7329
Courtauld Gallery3133
Fitzwilliam Museum2415
Victoria & Albert Museum559
Glasgow Museums344
Manchester City Galleries298
British Library239
Amgueddfa Cymru168
National Gallery165
Whitworth Art Gallery149
National Galleries of Scotland131
Southampton City Art Gallery128
Hull City Museums & Art Gallery93
York Art Gallery72
Bowes Museum62
Bristol Museums & Art Gallery55
Leicester City Museums54
National Maritime Museum47
Northampton Museums43
Birmingham Museums And Art Gallery32
Barber Institute of Fine Arts32
Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery28
Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums20
Norfolk Museums Service11
Museum of London11
Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums10
National Museums Liverpool7
National Portrait Gallery5
National Museums of Scotland2
Science Museum Group1
National Trust for Scotland1
Grand Total17679

See the Dataset of Provenances for each artwork published by Collections Trust here:

Format: CSV

DescriptionThis dataset gathers together in an easy to download CSV file provenance information and questions contained in the Spoliation Reports from UK Museums published by the Collections Trust.  It is intended to facilitate research into Holocaust-era provenance for scholars, art historians and families. 
The original and best source of information concerning provenance remains the Spoliation Reports for each museum on the Collections Trust website.

Download CSV File : 17679  provenances and questions about provenance gaps from the Spoliation Reports of UK Museums in CSV here

Version: 2

For the most recent information on the Spoliation Reports from UK Museums, please consult the website of  the Collections Trust UK Spoliation Reports for UK Museums