Showing posts with label digital tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital tools. Show all posts

Jul 10, 2024

DATASET: Art Provenances AFTER Restitution of Looted Art

Claims for Nazi-looted art or duress sales sometimes result in restitution or settlement agreements which cause the restituted artwork to be sold at auction.

Below are artworks whose provenance, as published by Christie's auction house, mentions a restitution or settlement agreement with the heir of a victim of Nazi persecution.

These provenance texts provide valuable information to art historians and Holocaust researchers, offering insights into the art market networks that dealt in Holocaust-linked artworks between the time they left the possession of the persecuted Jewish collectors and the time they were restituted.

(original source of information: Christie's auction website)


Dataset:  CSV Download 



May 29, 2024

Looted Art Detector: Custom Indicator File Art Traffickers

The list below contains the last names of antiquities trafficker who were investigated by the Manhattan DA, the FBI or other criminal investigators for their role in trafficking looted cultural heritage.

It is easy to check art provenances and references for names of known art traffickers and their networks using publicly available text analysis tools. 

Below are several lists of words that can be useful, no matter what the tool (Voyant-Tools, Rstudio, Python, ChatGPT, Lootedart Detector, etc.)

The user can analyse provenances for any names or words that seem interesting.

See also: Looted Art Detector 

and Using Custom Indicators

The list below contains the last names of antiquities trafficker who were investigated by the Manhattan DA, the FBI or other criminal investigators for their role in trafficking looted cultural heritage. To add your own words, simply copy or download the CSV and add your content and save as your own file.

wordtype of flag
C. T. LooHeritageFlag
Marion TrueHeritageFlag
add your own namesHeritageFlag
add your own namesHeritageFlag

If you want to have each name counted SEPARATELY? (not lumped together), you can a line for each name, like this:

May 19, 2024

Holocaust victims and refugees in art provenances

Museums and auction houses rarely mention that a name in a provenance of an artwork corresponds to a person who was robbed and murdered by the Nazis or a Jewish refugee fleeing to escape the Holocaust.

This Wikidata Sparql query displays a few of the art collector whose names are absolutely to be considered red flags in provenances because they either died in the Holocaust or were forced to flee to survive.

Wikidata query run 18 May 2024: Short link:

Table: Art Collectors and Dealers who died in the Holocaust or were forced to flee

Jan 16, 2024

Tracking Looted Art with Knowledge Graphs: A Wikidata Case Study

Art looting networks operate on many levels, many of them hidden, over long periods of time. The native graph function of Wikidata enhanced by federated queries can help track them.

April 9, 2022, Laurel Zuckerman

Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022 Technologies, Models, Analyses, and Visualizations

6th International Conference, 3. – 4. February 2022, Online

The 6th international conference on Graphs and Networks in the Humanities took place from Thursday 3. February to Friday 4. February 2022 online, co-organized by scholars from the Huygens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz, Vienna University, University of Leipzig, and the University Ca’ Foscari Venice

Paper: Tracking Looted Art with Graphs: A Case Study 

See also:

The Error is the Message: Extracting Insights from Deceptive Data for Nazi looted art


The Knowledge Graph Conference, 2023


Oct 9, 2021

Persecuted Jewish art collectors in LOSTART for Looted Art Detector Key Indicator Counts

The Looted Art Detector automatically counts any word or phrase included in the Key Indicator file and adds information about the number of times it appears in the provenance of each artwork.

One kind of name to flag and count is that of Jewish art collectors known to have been either robbed or forced to sell their art collections due to Nazi persecution. There are many different sources, including claims files, lawsuits, news article, restitution committee report and various databases. 

Below is a list of Persecuted Jewish Art Collectors, published by the German Lost Art Foundation. 

The appearance of any of these names in the provenance of an artwork raises the possibility of a problematic provenance. For this reason it makes sense to include them in the Looted Art Detector Key Indicator file.

(for more on the use of custom indicators in the Looted Art Detector, please see: )

Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) LOSTARTurl
Abramowicz, Leon,%20Leon.html
Adelsberger, Abraham,%20Abraham.html
Alexander, Dr. Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Alliance Israélite Universelle, Paris
Altmann, Bernhard,%20Bernhard.html
Amon, Hans,%20Hans.html
Anninger, Otto,%20Otto.html
Arens, Dr. Gustav (Nachlass),%20Dr.%20Gustav%20(Nachlass).html
Arnhold, Eduard (Nachlass),%20Eduard%20(Nachlass).html
Arnhold, Hans,%20Hans.html
Arnhold, Lisa,%20Lisa.html
Askonas, Carl,%20Carl.html
Auspitz-Artenegg, Theodor,%20Theodor.html
Auspitz, Stefan,%20Stefan.html
Bachofen-Echt (geb. Lederer), Elisabeth,%20Elisabeth.html
Ball, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Bamberger, Gustav,%20Gustav.html
Bamberger, Ludwig,%20Ludwig.html
Barach, Claire,%20Claire.html
Beer-Hofmann, Richard,%20Richard.html
Bendel, Leo,%20Leo.html
Benedikt, Kurt (Curt),%20(Curt)%20Kurt.html
Benedikt, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Bermann Fischer, Dr. med. Gottfried,%20Dr.%20Gottfried.html
Bernheim-Jeune, Gaston,%20Gaston.html
Bernheim-Jeune, Josse,%20Josse.html
Bernheim, Léonce,%20L%C3%A9once.html
Bernheimer, Otto,%20Otto.html
Berolzheimer,Dr. Michael,%20Michael.html
Bettelheim-Gabillon, Ludwig,%20Ludwig.html
Bittmann, Rudolf,%20Rudolf.html
Blauhorn, Josef,%20Josef.html
Bleichröder, Familie (Baron) v.,%20Familie%20v..html
Blitz, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Blitz, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Bloch-Bauer, Ferdinand,%20Ferdinand.html
Bloch, Dr. Hans,%20Dr.%20Hans.html
Bloch, Felix (Nachlass),%20Felix%20(Nachlass).html
Bloch, Sidonie,%20Sidonie.html
Bloch, Viktor,%20Viktor.html
Blum, Léon,%20L%C3%A9on.html
Blum, Victor G.,%20Victor%20G..html
Bondy, Oscar,%20Oscar.html
Breuer, Julius,%20Julius.html
Brill, Otto,%20Otto.html
Buchstab, Julius,%20Julius.html
Budge (geb. Lazarus), Emma,%20Emma.html
Cahn-Speyer, Paul,%20Paul.html
Cassel, Baron van Doorn,%20Baron%20van%20Doorn.html
Cassirer, Bruno,%20Bruno.html
Cleef, van,%20van.html
Czeczowiczka, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Czeczowiczka, Edwin,%20Edwin.html
Darmstaedter, Ludwig (Nachlass),%20Ludwig%20(Nachlass).html
David-Weill, David,%20David.html
David-Weill, Pierre,%20Pierre.html
Dosquet, Dr. Wilhelm,%20Dr.%20Wilhelm.html
Drey, Siegfried (Kunsthandlung A.S. Drey),%20Siegfried.html
Dreyfus, Gaston,%20Gaston.html
Dreyfus, Henri,%20Henri.html
Dreyfus, Maurice,%20Maurice.html
Duschnitz, Willibald,%20Willibald.html
van Diemen, Galerie
École Rabbinique Paris
Egger-Möllwald, Lothar,%20Lothar.html
Egger, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Eisler, Alfred (Nachlass),%20Alfred%20(Nachlass).html
Eissler, Dr. Hermann,%20Dr.%20Hermann.html
Emden, Max James,%20Max%20James.html
Engel, Hans,%20Hans.html
Ephrussi, Ritter von Viktor,%20Ritter%20von%20Viktor.html
Epstein (geb. Wiedmann), Charlotte,%20Charlotte.html
Erlanger, Dr.,%20Dr..html
Ernst, Rudolf,%20Rudolf.html
Fédération des Sociétés Juives de France
Fürst, Leo,%20Leo.html
Fürstenberg, Hans (Jean),%20Hans.html
Federer, Oskar,%20Oskar.html
Feist-Wollheim, Hans,%20Hans.html
Feist, Hermine (geb. Wollheim),%20Hermine.html
Feldberg, Dr. Siegbert,%20Dr.%20Siegbert.html
Feldmann, Dr. Arthur,%20Dr.%20Arthur.html
Felsöványi (geb. Loew), Gertrud,%20Gertrud.html
Fischel (geb. Mandl), Adele,%20Adele.html
Flavian, Salomo,%20Salomo.html
Flechtheim, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Flersheim, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Freund, Josef,%20Josef.html
Freund, Julius,%20Julius.html
Freund, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Friedmann, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Fuchs, Eduard,%20Eduard.html
Fuld,Peter Harry,%20Peter%20Harry.html
Fuld jun., Harry Sally,%20%20Harry%20Sally.html
Gall, Hermann (Nachlass),%20Hermann%20(Nachlass).html
Gallinek, Dr. Ernst,%20Dr.%20Ernst.html
Gentili di Giuseppe, Frederico,%20Frederico.html
Gerngross, Ludwig,%20Ludwig.html
Gerngross, Paul,%20Paul.html
Gerngross, Robert,%20Robert.html
Geyer, Emil,%20Emil.html
Glaser, Prof. Dr. Curt,%20Prof.%20Dr.%20Curt.html
Goldmann, David,%20David.html
Goldschmidt, Dr. Victor,%20Dr.%20Victor.html
Goldschmidt, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Goldschmidt, Jakob,%20Jakob.html
Goll, Claire & Ivan,%20Claire%20u.%20Ivan.html
Gomperz, Philipp,%20Philipp.html
Goudstikker, Jacques,%20Jacques.html
Grünbaum, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Grünwald, Karl,%20Karl.html
Graetz, Robert,%20Robert.html
Gugenheim, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Gutmann, Eugen,%20Eugen.html
Gutmann, Friedrich (Fritz),%20Friedrich%20(Fritz).html
Gutmann, Rudolf von,%20Rudolf%20von.html
Haas, Felix,%20Felix.html
Haberfeld, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Hakenbroch, Leon Wilhelm,%20Leon%20Wilhelm.html
Halphen, Emile,%20Emile.html
Halphen, George,%20George.html
Hartog, Jacob,%20Jacob.html
Hauser, Alexander,%20Alexander.html
Hecht, Leo,%20Leo.html
Heissfeld (geb. Kulka), Valerie,%20Valerie.html
Helbing, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Hellmann, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Herzberg, Franz,%20Franz.html
Herzog, Baron András,%20Baron%20Andr%C3%A1s.html
Herzog, Baron Mor Lipot,%20Baron%20Mor%20Lipot.html
Hesse, Raymond,%20Raymond.html
Hessel, Josse,%20Josse.html
Hinrichsen, Henri,%20Henri.html
Hirsch, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Hirsch, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Hirschland, Georg,%20Georg.html
Hochstim, Adolf,%20Adolf.html
Honig, (Franz) Josef (Nachlass),%20(Franz)%20Josef%20(Nachlass).html
Hupka, Josef Franz,%20Josef%20Franz.html
Jacobi, B.,%20B..html
Jacobson, Maurice-Wolf,%20Maurice-Wolf.html
Jaffé, Dr. iur. Alfons,%20Dr.%20Alfons.html
Jellinek-Mercedes, Dr. Fernand Raoul,%20Dr.%20Fernand%20Raoul.html
Jellinek, Bruno,%20Bruno.html
Königstein (geb. Rosenstraus), Natalie „Nettie“,%20Natalie%20%E2%80%9ENettie%E2%80%9C.html
Kallir-Nirenstein, Otto,%20Otto.html
Kann, Alphonse,%20Alphonse.html
Kantor, Siegfried,%20Siegfried.html
Karpeles-Schenker, Emil (Nachlass),%20Emil%20(Nachlass).html
Katz, Nathan,%20Nathan.html
Ketschendorf (geb. Gutmann), Irma,%20Irma.html
Kien, Julius,%20Julius.html
Kirstein, Berthold und Bettina,%20Berthold%20und%20Bettina.html
Kirstein, Gustav (Nachlass),%20Gustav%20(Nachlass).html
Klapholz, Benedikt,%20Benedikt.html
Klemperer, Gustav v. (Nachlass),%20Gustav%20v.%20(Nachlass).html
Klemperer, Herbert-Otto v.,%20Herbert-Otto%20v..html
Klemperer, Viktor (Victor), Edler v. Klemenau,%20Viktor%20(Victor),%20Edler%20v.%20Klemenau.html
Klinger, Norbert,%20Norbert.html
Koenigs, Franz,%20Franz.html
Kohn, Isidor (Nachlass),%20Isidor%20(Nachlass).html
Kornfeld, Felix,%20Felix.html
Krüger, Hans,%20Hans.html
Kraus, Gottlieb,%20Gottlieb.html
Krausz, Wilhelm Viktor,%20Wilhelm%20Viktor.html
Kronfeld, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Kronig, Joseph,%20Joseph.html
Kuczynski, Jürgen,%20J%C3%BCrgen.html
Kuffner, Moriz,%20Moriz.html
Kuffner, Wilhelm (Nachlass),%20Wilhelm%20(Nachlass).html
Kulka, Adele,%20Adele.html
Kulka (geb. Manes), Valerie „Wally“,%20Valerie%20%E2%80%9EWally%E2%80%9C.html
Lämmle, Siegfried,%20Siegfried.html
Löffler, Arnold,%20Arnold.html
Löhner, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Löw, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Löwenstein, Oscar,%20Oscar.html
Ladner, Oscar L.,%20Oscar%20L..html
Lanckoronski, Anton,%20Anton.html
Landowska, Wanda
Lanyi, Richard,%20Richard.html
Lanz, Otto,%20Otto.html
Lasch, Agathe,%20Agathe.html
Lasus, Georg (Nachlass),%20Georg%20(Nachlass).html
Lazare, Raymond,%20Raymond.html
Lederer, August (Nachlass),%20August%20(Nachlass).html
Lemberger (geb. Bettelheim), Rosa,%20Rosa.html
Levi de Benzion, Moïse,%20Mo%C3%AFse.html
Levy-Benzion (Levy de Benzion)
Levy, Mme. Roger,%20Mme.%20Roger.html
Levy, Silvain,%20Sylvain.html
Lewin, Leo,%20Leo.html
Lieben (geb. Freiin Schey von Koromla), Mathilde,%20Mathilde.html
Liebermann, Max,%20Max.html
Lilienfeld, Leon,%20Leon.html
Lindenbaum, Markus,%20Markus.html
Lindenbaum (später Lindon), Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. (LiRo)
List, Adolf (Adolph),%20Adolf%20(Adolph).html
Littmann, Dr. Ismar,%20Dr.%20Ismar.html
Lobkowitz (Lobkowicz)
Loebl, Allen,%20Allen.html
Loge Le Grand Orient de France
Loge Groß-Orient de France
Lourié, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Lugt, Frits,%20Frits.html
Magnus, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Mahler-Werfel (geb. Schindler), Alma,%20Alma.html
Mandel, Israel,%20Israel.html
Mandl, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Mannheimer, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Mautner, Stephan,%20Stephan.html
Mayer, August Liebmann,%20August%20Liebmann.html
Mayländer, Karl,%20Karl.html
Meirowsky (Meirowski), Dr. Max,%20Dr.%20Max.html
Mendelsohn, Edmund (Nachlass),%20Edmund%20(Nachlass).html
Meyszner (geb. Strauss), Alice,%20Alice.html
Milhaud, Darius
Mogrobi, Mozes,%20Mozes.html
Morelli (geb. Havlicsek), Berta,%20Berta.html
Morgenstern, Max,%20Max.html
Munk (geb. Pulitzer), Aranka,%20Aranka.html
Nathan, Henry,%20Henry.html
Nathan, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Neumann, Oskar,%20Oskar.html
Neumann, Richard,%20Richard.html
Nicolas, Etienne,%20Etienne.html
Nothmann, Berthold,%20Berthold.html
Oliven, Dr. Fritz,%20Dr.%20Fritz.html
Oppenheim, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Oppenheim, Margarethe (geb. Eisner, verw. Reichenheim),%20Margarethe.html
Oppenheimer, Jacob,%20%20Jacob.html
Oppenheimer (geb. Todesco), Gabriele,%20Gabriele.html
Perls, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Pick, Ignatz,%20Ignatz.html
Pick, Moric,%20Moric.html
Pick, Otto,%20Otto.html
Polak, Jacob,%20Jacob.html
Pollack, Albert,%20Albert.html
Pollack, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Pollak, Robert,%20Robert.html
Popper-Podhragy, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Popper-Podhragy, Leopold,%20Leopold.html
Prager, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Priester, Julius,%20Julius.html
Priester, Leo,%20Leo.html
Pringsheim, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Quittner, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Rüdenberg, Max,%20Max.html
Redlich, Anton,%20Anton.html
Redlich, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Redlich (geb. Zuckerkandl), Amalie,%20Amalie.html
Regenstreif, Friedrich (Fritz),%20Friedrich%20(Fritz).html
Regenstreif, Paul,%20Paul.html
Reichel, Oskar,%20Oskar.html
Reichenbach, B. (Bernhard?).,%20Bernhard.html
Reichmann, Arnim,%20Arnim.html
Reif, Heinrich,%20Heinrich.html
Reisinger, Andreas (Nachlass),%20Andreas%20(Nachlass).html
Richter, Prof. Dr. Elise,%20Prof.%20Dr.%20Elise.html
Rieger, Heinrich,%20Heinrich.html
Roden, Max,%20Max.html
Rosenberg, Paul,%20Paul.html
Rosenstein, Sarah,%20Sarah.html
Rothberger, Heinrich,%20Heinrich.html
Rothberger, Moriz,%20Moriz.html
Rothschild, Alphonse,%20Alphonse.html
Rothschild, Edmond, Baron de,%20Edmond,%20Baron%20de.html
Rothschild, Eduard, Baron de,%20Eduard,%20Baron%20de.html
Rothschild, Henri de,%20Henri%20de.html
Rothschild, Louis,%20Louis.html
Rothschild, Maurice de,%20Maurice%20de.html
Rothschild, Robert, Baron de,%20Robert,%20Baron%20de.html
Rouff, Jules,%20Jules.html
Ruhmann, Franz,%20Franz.html
Sachs, Carl,%20Carl.html
Saulmann, Ernst u. Agathe,%20Ernst%20+%20Agathe.html
Schüller, Ludwig (Nachlass),%20Ludwig%20(Nachlass).html
Schiff-Suvero (geb. Reitzes), Emma,%20Emma.html
Schloss, Adolphe,%20Adolphe.html
Schoenberg, Gustav,%20Gustav.html
Schwabach, Paul von (Nachlass),%20Paul%20von%20(Nachlass).html
Schweinburg, Eduard,%20Eduard.html
Seligmann, Jacques,%20%20Jacques.html
Seligmann, Jean Albert,%20%20Jean%20Albert.html
Seligmann, Jean Andre,%20%20Jean%20Andre.html
Silberberg, Max,%20Max.html
Silberman, Elkan,%20Elkan.html
Simon, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Simon, Josef (Nachlass),%20Josef%20(Nachlass).html
Singer (geb. Schlesinger), Marianne,%20Marianne.html
Sommerguth, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Sonnenfeld, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Springer (geb. Rothschild), Valentine,%20Valentine.html
Steiner, Klara,%20Klara.html
Steiner (geb. Pulitzer), Eugenie „Jenny“,%20Eugenie%20%E2%80%9EJenny%E2%80%9C.html
Steinthal, Max,%20Max.html
Stern, Dr. Max,%20Dr.%20Max.html
Stern, Jaques,%20Jaques.html
Stiasny, Paul,%20Paul.html
Strauß, Ottmar,%20Ottmar.html
Tannenbaum, Herbert (1892-1958),%20Galerie%20(Mannheim).html
Terramare, Georg,%20Georg.html
Thorsch, Alfons,%20Alfons.html
Tietz, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Tietz, Martin und Georg,%20Martin%20und%20Georg.html
Toepfer, Dr. Ludwig,%20Dr.%20Ludwig.html
Trebitsch, Siegfried,%20Siegfried.html
Turgenjew-Bibliothek Paris
Unger, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Wassermann, Dr. Melville,%20Dr.%20Melville.html
Wassermann, Oscar,%20Oscar.html
Weil-Picard, Arthur
Weil, Prosper-Emile,%20Prosper-Emile.html
Weinberg, Carl von,%20Carl%20von.html
Weiner, Alexander,%20Alexander.html
Weinstein, Leopold,%20Leopold.html
Weiss, Luise,%20Luise.html
Wertheim, Georg,%20Georg.html
Wertheimer, Pierre (Paul?),%20Pierre.html
Westfeld, Walter,%20Walter.html
Westheim, Paul,%20Paul.html
Wildenstein, Georges,%20Georges.html
Winter (geb. Auspitz), Josefine,%20Josefine.html
Wittgenstein, Paul,%20Paul.html
Wolff-Knize, Friedrich „Fritz“,%20Friedrich.html
Wooster, Frank,%20Frank.html
Zemlinsky, Alexander,%20Alexander.html
Zsolnay, Paul,%20Paul.html
Zuylen, Helene de,%20Helene%20de.html
Zwillenberg, Dr. Hugo,%20Dr.%20Hugo.html