Showing posts with label NLP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NLP. Show all posts

Nov 10, 2024

Experiments in Automated Entity Extraction with Pinpoint: Toledo Museum of Art Provenance PDF

Pinpoint is a tool for investigative journalists. It performs automatic entity extraction from PDF files. Can it be useful for processing provenance texts?

In this post, we examine the results for the Provenance Research PDF file published by the Toledo Museum of Art and archived at:

Since the Toledo Museum of Art doesn't appear to publish provenance on its Website in 2024,  this older PDF file offers insights to the ownership history of artworks.

Jun 25, 2024

Graupe in provenance texts of American museums

When Meules de blé appeared for sale, Christie’s was privileged to have researched the history of this work and facilitated a settlement agreement between the Cox Collection and the heir of Max Meirowsky as well as the heirs of Alexandrine de Rothschild, illustrating the complexity of restitution cases and losses due to Nazi persecution. It was offered on 11 November 2021 pursuant a settlement agreement

The Paul Graupe auction house was a key player in sales of Jewish art collections during the Nazi-era.

In this post, we look at a selection of  88 artworks in American museums that mention "Graupe" in the provenance text.

 Some texts refer to sales prior to 1933. Some texts specify that an artwork was NOT sold at Graupe's. And some texts clearly refer to sales at Graupe's during the Nazi era. Some texts are factual while others contain speculative language.

May 29, 2024

Looted Art Detector: Custom Indicator File Art Traffickers

The list below contains the last names of antiquities trafficker who were investigated by the Manhattan DA, the FBI or other criminal investigators for their role in trafficking looted cultural heritage.

It is easy to check art provenances and references for names of known art traffickers and their networks using publicly available text analysis tools. 

Below are several lists of words that can be useful, no matter what the tool (Voyant-Tools, Rstudio, Python, ChatGPT, Lootedart Detector, etc.)

The user can analyse provenances for any names or words that seem interesting.

See also: Looted Art Detector 

and Using Custom Indicators

The list below contains the last names of antiquities trafficker who were investigated by the Manhattan DA, the FBI or other criminal investigators for their role in trafficking looted cultural heritage. To add your own words, simply copy or download the CSV and add your content and save as your own file.

wordtype of flag
C. T. LooHeritageFlag
Marion TrueHeritageFlag
add your own namesHeritageFlag
add your own namesHeritageFlag

If you want to have each name counted SEPARATELY? (not lumped together), you can a line for each name, like this:

Feb 20, 2023

Tracking Looted Art 2: Sothebys Sales of Restituted Artworks as Data

The provenances of artworks restituted to Jewish families  plundered by Nazis contain valuable information for the art historian and Holocaust scholar.

  • Which transactions occur between the seizure/sale under the Nazis and the restitution?
  • Which names appear in these transactions?
  • How often do they appear?

This post looks a a simple method for identifying the names of these buyers and sellers for further analysis. In this example, we look at the provenances of artworks sold at Sothebys after they were restituted to their original owners or their heirs.

Jan 9, 2023

How are citation networks used to uncover disinformation?

Citation networks can be used to uncover disinformation by revealing patterns of information flow within a particular domain or community. 

By analyzing the connections between different sources and the way that they reference and cite each other, it is possible to identify clusters of closely related information and to trace the origins and evolution of particular ideas or narratives

This can be helpful in detecting and debunking disinformation, as it can reveal the sources of false or misleading information and help to identify the ways in which it is being disseminated and propagated

Additionally, by analyzing the overall structure and dynamics of a citation network, it is possible to identify key influencers and gatekeepers who may be playing a role in the spread of disinformation.

- ChatGPT January 9, 2022

in answer to the question: 

How are citation networks used to uncover disinformation?

Aug 12, 2021

Detector Tool Tutorial: ranking by number of Red Flag and Restitution Case Names

This post, in the educational series on the experimental digital tool for analysing provenance texts, demonstrates Ranking by Red Flag Names (photo: Albright-Knox).

Work in progress. Feedback welcome.

Jul 18, 2021

Looted Art Detector Tool: Swiss GLAMHACK2021

Note: 12NOV2024 The Looted Art Detector is undergoing an update on Pythonanywhere and will be back in service soon

Objective: Identify high priority artworks for provenance research

Description: Online Free Digital Tool

Approach: Automatic text analysis using frequency counts

note: The frequency counts target textual indicators of UNCERTAINTY, UNRELIABILITY,  or ANONYMITY, as well as the possible presence of RED FLAG names related to NAZI-looted art, forced sales and duress sales. 
The resulting calculations do not signify that an artwork is looted. They simply quantify observations concerning the text for further analysis.

How it works: 

Dec 27, 2019

Nazi-era Provenance Gaps and Digital Analytics: A Stunning Lack of Progress

As 2019 draws to a close, one is astonished at how little digital analysis has been published concerning artworks that changed hands during the Nazi era and still have provenance gaps today.

Powerful digital tools exist. Yet they are not used by the Nazi-era art provenance research community. 

  • There is no "dashboard".
  • No "at-a-glance" executive summary that tells us how the different museums and institutions around the world are advancing in their provenance research projects related to the persecution of the Jews during the Nazi era. 
  • No "Transparency/Opacity Index" to identify institutions that do and do not publish provenance
  • No executive management tool (with goals, tasks, resources, action items and persons responsible) for ensuring that provenance information is publicly available, much less accurate.  
  • No single database that brings together provenances that have already been published publicly. 
  • No world map that compares the pre-1932 location of Jewish-owned artworks and their current location today.
  • No digital network analysis of the art dealers, collectors, institutions, publishers, and experts who collectively managed to shift artworks once owned by Jewish collectors in Europe to other hands.
  • No database of fake provenances, (and authors of fake provenances), even though "errors" in provenance texts correlate significantly with illicit transactions that a person or persons has tried concealed
  • No attempt at pattern detection in the provenance texts, though tools for regression analysis and even AI are becoming mainstream

Here we are in the digital age, but only the tiniest fraction of the power of the digital tools available has been applied to the problem of the Nazi-era art market. 

The task is massive, as everyone knows. Each individual artwork can take years to research. Archives are missing, hidden, destroyed, manipulated. Access is hard to obtain. Partial. But even amid all these obstacles, there is plenty that can be done in using digital tools to gain insights from the research that already exists. 

Let 2020 be the watershed year in the use of advanced digital tools to track, expose and analyse Nazi-era art provenance gaps.

Perhaps the recent interest in the cultural heritage of colonial era transfers from Africa, Asia and other lands will infuse new energy  and more advanced digital methodologies into provenance research.

image credit:
Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Dec 20, 2019

ART PROVENANCE DATASET: Origins Unknown: artworks recovered from Germany after WWII and held by the Dutch state

The Netherlands, which saw more than 75% of its Jews murdered in the Holocaust*, has created a website for "what remains of the artworks recuperated from Germany after World War II and is managed by the State". 

The Nederlands Kunstbezit collection, or NK-COLLECTION, includes around 4,700 paintings (approx. 1,600), drawings, prints, ceramics, silverware, furniture, carpets and other special art objects. The artworks are currently located in a variety of places: Dutch museums, embassies and government buildings, as well as  the Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE) depot.** 

The "Origins Unknown Agency" (Bureau Herkomst Gezocht  or "BHG")  was created in 1998, however digitisation and online publication only began in 2015. (see Origins Unknown)

Several databases are public and can be consulted, item by item. However, there is not to our knowledge at present an easy way to download all the provenance files in order to analyse them with advanced digital tools outside of Holland.

This first dataset is an attempt to facilitate access to the public provenance information published online by the Dutch authorities, and to put it in a form that will facilitate digital analysis.


  Name of Dataset: 
Origins Unknown: File One Version 1

Detailed information, including provenance, of 1638 artworks selected from the artworks listed on the Origins Unknown public website.

  Public Data Source:  

  Artwork Provenance Version Date : 
December 20, 2019 

  File Format: 

 URL for Download

Example of some of the information included Provenance Dataset

UrlHerkomstgezocht NlTitleInventarisnummerTitleArtistFindingsReconstruction Origin History Unknown AgencyRocky landscape with waterfallNK1835Rocky landscape with waterfallAnoniemThe provenance data are inconclusive. It is not known when and from whom J.H.J. Mellaart purchased this painting.Mellaart, J.H.J. Borgharen ICN inventariskaart, Archief SNK 183, 227, 436, 866, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;Fach, J. Frankfurt am Main ICN inventariskaart, Archief SNK 183, 227, 436, 866, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;Herwig, G. Frankfurt Archief SNK nr.227;Declaration;Registration;Number Wie 4525 Naam: München (Collecting point) Unknown AgencyStill life with dead birdsNK2557Still life with dead birdsFyt, J.This painting was returned to its rightful owner in 2006.Cavens, Comte Brussel Archief SNK nr.190, 243, 861, G.A.A. 1341 nr.38, Goudstikker, Den Haag, november 1924, nr.44;Roi, Le GAA 1341 nr.38;1924-11 1940-07-13 Goudstikker, J. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.243, 861, GAA 1341 nr.38, 79,, Archief NBI nr.021080, Goudstikker, Den Haag, november 1924, nr.44;1940-07-13 Göring, H. Berlin GAA nr.113, Archief NBI nr.021080;Goudstikker/Miedl Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.190, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574, Archief NBI nr.021080;Rijkskanselarij Berlin Archief SNK nr.190, 243, 861;Führermuseum Linz Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;Declaration;Registration;Number 996 Naam: Goudstikker Unknown AgencyA camelNK1179A camelBauer, M.A.J.The provenance data are conclusive.1930-12 1943-08-10 Westendorp-Osieck, B. Amsterdam (2) Mr H.K. Westendorp, the husband of B. Westendorp-Osieck who died in 1941, had - over the course of decades - acquired a collection of Marius Bauer etchings from kunsthandel Van Wisselingh, who controlled the sale of all Bauer etchings. Payments for the purchase of Bauer etchings by Westendorp were found in Van Wisselingh's archives dating from 1893 to December 1930. Archief SNK nr.385, 910, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575, Archief Van Wisselingh nr.139, 141, 142;1943-08-10 1943-08-10 Wisselingh & Co, E.J. van Amsterdam (2) On 10 August 1943, the collection of Bauer etchings was purchased as a whole by kunsthandel Van Wisselingh from Mrs B. Westendorp-Osieck. The collection was resold to E. Göpel by Van Wisselingh on the same day. Archief SNK nr.385, 910, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575, Archief Van Wisselingh nr.112;1943-08-10 1943-08-10 Göpel, E. The Hague Archief SNK nr.385;1943-08-10 Führermuseum Linz Archief SNK nr.385, 910, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575;Declaration;Registration;Number W 99 Naam: Wisselingh Unknown AgencyHead of MadonnaNK2339Head of MadonnaLorenzo MonacoThe provenance data are conclusive. Belonged to the former O. Lanz collection.Certosa Florence Archief SNK nr.273;Brauer, G. Nice Archief SNK nr.273;1935 1941-03-11 Lanz, O. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.433, 790, 862, 963, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;1941-03-11 1941-03-11 Wickel, F.W. The Hague Archief SNK nr.433, 862, Archief Rijksmuseum nr.2456;1941-03-11 Posse, H. Linz Archief SNK nr.433, 862, Archief Rijksmuseum nr.2456;Führermuseum Linz Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;Declaration;Registration;Number L 99 Naam: Lanz Unknown AgencyStill life with Chinese bowl and high gilt cupNK2491Still life with Chinese bowl and high gilt cupKalf, W.The provenance data are inconclusive. It is not known when and from whom M.J. Schiltman purchased this painting.1930 Diemen & Co. (1), Galerie van Berlin O. ter Kuile, Seventeenth-century North Netherlandish Still Lifes, Den Haag, 1985, p.126;1930-03-15 Ploeg, H. van der Amsterdam (2) Archief kunsthandel P. de Boer;1930-03-15 1932-03-17 Boer, P. de Amsterdam (2) Archief kunsthandel P. de Boer;1932-03-17 1933-03 Hermsen, D. The Hague Archief SNK nr.184, O. ter Kuile, Seventeenth-century North Netherlandish Still Lifes, Den Haag, 1985, p.126, RKD fotodocumentatie;Schiltman (2), M.J. Amsterdam (2) This painting was sold during the war to the Museum Karlsruhe. ICN inventariskaart, Archief SNK nr.184, 435, 863, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575;Museum Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Archief SNK nr.184, 435, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575;Declaration;Registration;Number 985 Naam: De Boer Unknown AgencyThe young Mercury stealing cattle from the herd of ApolloNK2318The young Mercury stealing cattle from the herd of ApolloCampagnola, D.The provenance data are conclusive. Belonged to the former O. Lanz collection.1934 1941-03-11 Lanz, O. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.434, 863, 790, Cat. tent. Italiaansche kunst in Nederlandsch bezit, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1934, nr.63;1941-03-11 1941-03-11 Wickel, F.W. The Hague Archief SNK nr.858, 862, Archief Rijksmuseum nr.2456;1941-03-11 Posse, H. Linz Archief SNK nr.434, 863, Archief Rijksmuseum nr.2456;Hitler, A. Archief SNK nr.434, 863;Führermuseum Linz Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;Declaration;Registration;Number 9808 Naam: München (Collecting point);Number 21 Naam: Lanz Unknown AgencyThe vision of St. Anthony of Padua or St. Francis of AssisiNK2321The vision of St. Anthony of Padua or St. Francis of AssisiCarracci, L.The provenance data are conclusive. Belonged to the former O. Lanz collection.West London Archief SNK nr.433, 861, Italiaansche kunst in Nederlandsch bezit, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1934, nr.75;1934 1941-03-11 Lanz, O. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.433, 861, 790, 963, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574, Italiaansche kunst in Nederlandsch bezit, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1934, nr.75, Verzameling Lanz, Verkorte catalogus, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1940, nr.69;1941-03-11 1941-03-11 Wickel, F.W. The Hague Archief SNK nr.433, Archief Rijksmuseum nr.2456;1941-03-11 Posse, H. Linz Archief SNK nr.433, Archief Rijksmuseum nr.2456;Führermuseum Linz Archief SNK nr.433, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.574;Declaration;Registration;Number 9803 Naam: München (Collecting point) Unknown AgencyWinter landscapeNK3115Winter landscapeOstade, I. vanThe provenance data are conclusive. Belonged to the former F. Mannheimer collection.Marigny Dr. C.Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten Holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, London 1910, p.543, Der Reichskommissar für die Besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete / Dienststelle Mühlmann, Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den besetzten Niederländischen Gebieten, Wenen, ca. 1941, p.5;1782-02 1782-02 Onbekend (Amsterdam) (2) Amsterdam (2) Dr. C.Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten Holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, London 1910, p.543;1782-02 Menars, Marquis de Paris Archief SNK nr.433, 862, Dr. C.Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten Holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, London 1910, p.543, Der Reichskommissar für die Besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete / Dienststelle Mühlmann, Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den besetzten Niederländischen Gebieten, Wenen, ca. 1941, p.5;1801-02-23 Tolozan, C. Paris Archief SNK nr.433, 862, Dr. C.Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten Holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, London 1910, p.543, Der Reichskommissar für die Besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete / Dienststelle Mühlmann, Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den besetzten Niederländischen Gebieten, Wenen, ca. 1941, p.5;Winter, Van Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.433, 862, Dr. C.Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten Holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, London 1910, p.543, Der Reichskommissar für die Besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete / Dienststelle Mühlmann, Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den besetzten Niederländischen Gebieten, Wenen, ca. 1941, p.5;1920-06-29 Six, Jonkheer J.W. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.433, 862, RKD fotodocumentatie, Dr. C.Hofstede de Groot, Beschreibendes und Kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten Holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, London 1910, p.543, Der Reichskommissar für die Besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete / Dienststelle Mühlmann, Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den besetzten Niederländischen Gebieten, Wenen, ca. 1941, p.5;1920-06-29 1920-06-29 Frederik Muller Amsterdam (2) RKD fotodocumentatie;1935 1940 Mannheimer, F. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.24, 430, 433, 511, 549, 790, 862, 964, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575, RKD fotodocumentatie, O. von Falke, Katalog der Sammlung F.M., 1935-1936, nr.G6, A. Venema, Kunsthandel in Nederland 1940-1945, Amsterdam, 1986, p.601;1940 1941 Mühlmann, Dienststelle The Hague Archief SNK 433, 862, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575, A. Venema, Kunsthandel in Nederland 1940-1945, Amsterdam, 1986, p.601, Der Reichskommissar für die Besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete / Dienststelle Mühlmann, Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den besetzten Niederländischen Gebieten, Wenen, ca. 1941, p.5.;Hitler, A. Archief SNK nr.433, 862;Führermuseum Linz Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575;Declaration;Registration;Number 9606 Naam: München (Collecting point) Unknown AgencyChrist and his apostles on the Mount of OlivesNK2853Christ and his apostles on the Mount of OlivesAnoniemThe provenance data are inconclusive. It is unknown when and from whom J. Mühlmann purchased this painting.1941-03-10 Onbekend (Parijs) (3) Paris Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.57;1941-03-10 1941-03-10 Mühlmann, J. Zell am See J. Mühlmann was primarily active on the French art market. Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.57;1941-03-10 1944-02-09 Göring, H. Berlin Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.57, 72, etiket achterzijde (H-nummer);1944-02-09 1944-02-09 Hofer, W.A. Berlin Archief SNK nr.243, 439, 552, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.57, 72, etiket achterzijde (H-nummer);1944-02-09 1944-04-15 Goudstikker/Miedl Amsterdam (2) ICN inventariskaart, Archief SNK nr.439, 552, Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.57, 72, etiket achterzijde, RKD inventariskaart Goudstikker/Miedl;1944-04-15 Schramm, H. Neuss Archief SNK nr.439, 552, RKD inventariskaart Goudstikker/Miedl;Declaration;Registration;Number H 96 Naam: Hofer Unknown AgencySea battleNK2363Sea battleBellevois, J.A.The provenance data are conclusive.Onbekend (Ierland) Ierland Archief SNK nr.182;1933-11 1940-09-26 Hoogendijk & Co., D.A. Amsterdam (2) Archief SNK nr.717, 721, 867, NARA RG239 box 77, RKD fotodocumentatie, Schilderijen uit het bezit van D.A. Hoogendijk & Co., Amsterdam, oktober-november 1934, nr.3;Hofer, W.A. Berlin Archief SNK nr.717, 721, 867, NARA RG239 box 77;1940-09-26 Göring, H. Berlin Archief SNK nr.717, 721, 867, NARA RG239 box 77;Declaration;Registration;Number OS 945 Naam: Hoogendijk


This is the first of several datasets concerning the "NK Origins Unknown" artworks. All comments and feedback appreciated for improving the presentation, transparency and usability.

image source: NK1727 Bacchanalian festival. Carpioni, G.

Reconstruction origin history
1940-04-09 Beets, N.Amsterdam (2)
ICN inventariskaart; Archief SNK nr.435, 865; Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575; Italiaansche kunst in Nederlandsch bezit, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1934, nr.74
1940-04-091940-04-09 Frederik MullerAmsterdam (2)
This painting was possibly not sold during the auction.
RKD geannoteerd exemplaar Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, 9 april 1940, nr.298
1941-05-07 Esher SurreyThe Hague
ICN inventariskaart; Archief SNK nr.435, 865,790; Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575
Hitler, A.
ICN inventariskaart; Archief SNK nr.435, 865
1941-05-07 FührermuseumLinz
Bundesarchiv Koblenz B323 nr.575

* see: Beyond Anne Frank: The Dutch Tell Their Full Holocaust Story