Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts

Oct 10, 2024

Austrian Advisory Board Recommended That Albertina Restitute Franz Seraph von Lenbach Richard Wagner Inv. no. 38637 to Parlagi

[unofficial translation]

In accordance with Section 3 of the Federal Law on the Restitution of Art Objects from Austrian Federal Museums and Collections (Art Restitution Act), Federal Law Gazette, BGBl. I No. 181/1998 as amended by BGBl. I No. 117/2009, at its meeting on 30 March 2022, the Art Restitution Advisory Board unanimously adopted the following


It is recommended to the Federal Minister of Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport that the chalk drawing listed in the Commission for Provenance Research dossier “Adalbert Parlagi” (03/2022)

Franz Seraph von Lenbach

Richard Wagner

Inv. no. 38637
be transferred from the Albertina to the legal successors 
causa mortis of Adalbert Parlagi.

Oct 5, 2022

If artworks could speak they would tell you what Nazis did to these art collectors

"Dr Lillie has explained the Kafkaesque system for the confiscation of goods, which usually worked like this. When a Jew applied to emigrate, in theory only 25% of his goods went to the State. An inventory was submitted and the Zentralstelle für Denkmalschutz decided which works of art were of national importance and these were “made secure”, ie; confiscated. It was rare, however, for what was left to be reunited with the owner, who had usually already fled to an unknown destination. Instead, it sat in Nazi-owned warehouses, which sold the goods to pay the “storage charges” that the owner obviously could not cover." 

A portrait, person by person, item by item, of a society wiped out

Anna Somers Cocks, 1 July 2004 The Art Newspaper, Book review of Sophie Lillie's Was Einmal War

Sophie Lillie, Was einmal war: Handbuch der enteigneten, Kunstsammlungen Wiens (Czernin Verlag, Vienna, 2003) 1,440 pp, 354 b/w ills, €69 (hb), ISBN 3707600491

"This important book gives a full documentation for the Jewish art collectors of Vienna whose goods and lives were targeted by the Nazis"

Austrian Jewish art collectors who were dispossessed by the Nazis 

 Leon and Marianne Abramowicz,

 Bernhard Altmann,

 Hans and Helene Amon,

 Otto and Clara Anninger,

 Gustav Arens,

 Fritz and Anna Unger, 

Felix and Lise Haas,

 Carl and Rosa Askonas,

 Stefan Auspitz,

 Theodor and Angela Auspitz-Artenegg,

 Elisabeth Bachofen-Echt,

 Richard and Paula Beer-Hofmann,

 Ernst and Irma Benedikt,

 Ludwig Bettelheim-Gabillon,

 Rudolf and Martha Bittmann,

 Josef and Gusti Blauhorn, 

Hugo and Malvine Blitz,

 Wilhelm and Gertrude Blitz,

 Ferdinand and Adele Bloch-Bauer,

 Victor and Alice Blum, 

Oscar Bondy (fled to Switzerland, died in NY in 1944)

 Julius and Paula Breuer, 

Otto and Lilly Brill,

 Julius and Margarethe Buchstab,

 Paul and Mary Cahn-Speyer,

 Edwin and Caroline Czeczowiczka,

 Arthur and Irma Czeczowiczka, 

Georg Duschinsky, 

Ernst and Fanny Egger, 

Lothar and Eveline Egger-Möllwald, 

Alfred and Valerie Eisler,

 Hermann and Hortense Eissler,

 Berta Morelli,

 Hans and Lucie Engel,

 Viktor and Emilie Ephrussi,Charlotte Epstein,

 Rudolf Ernst,

 Gertrud Felsöványi,

 Adele Fischel,

 Josef Freund,

 Wilhelm Freund,

 Hugo and Hilde Friedmann,

 Hermann and Elsa Gall,

 Paul and Martha Gerngross,

 Robert and Frida Gerngross,

 Emil Geyer,

 David and Lilly Goldmann,

 Philipp, Cornelia and Marie Gomperz,

 Fritz and Lilly Grünbaum,

 Karl and Stephanie Grünwald,

 Rudolf and Marianne Gutmann,

 Leo and Helene Hecht,

 Valerie Heissfeld,

 Wilhelm and Daisy Hellmann,

 Franz and Marie Louise Herzberg,

 Fritz and Gertrud Hirsch,

 Ernst and Martha Hirsch,

 Adolf and Hilda Hochstim, 

Franz Josef and Vally Honig,

 Josef Franz and Hermin Hupka,

 Bruno Jellinek,

 Otto and Fanny Kallir-Nirenstein,

 Siegfried and Irma Kantor,

 Emil and Helene Karpeles-Schenker,

 Irma Ketschendorf,

 Benedikt and Emilie Klapholz,

 Norbert and Serafine Klinger,

 Isidor and Camilla Kohn,

 Nettie Königstein,

 Felix Kornfeld

Gottlieb and Mathilde Kraus

Wilhelm Viktor and Marianne Krausz,

 Hans Krüger,

 Moriz and Elsa Kuffner,

 Stephan Kuffner,

 Wilhelm and Camilla Kuffner,

 Adele Kulka,

 Wally Kulka,

 Oscar L. Ladner,

 Richard and Anna Lanyi,

 Georg and Hermine Lasus,

 August and Serena Lederer,

 Rosa Lemberger,

 Mathilde Lieben,

 Leon and Antonie Lilienfeld,

 Markus and Melanie Lindenbaum

, Fritz and Helene Löhner

, Arthur and Marianne Lourié,

 Wilhelm and Fanny Löw,

 Oscar and Irma Löwenstein,

 Alma Mahler-Werfel,

 Fritz Mandl,

 Stephan and Else Mautner,

 Edmund and Adele Mendelsohn,

 Franz Mendelsohn,

 Alice Meyszner,

 Max and Hertha Morgenstern,

 Aranka Munk,

 Oskar and Therese Neumann,

 Richard and Alice Neumann,

 Gabriele Oppenheimer,

 Ignatz and Gisela Pick,

 Moric and Irma Pick,

 Otto and Katharina Pick,

 Ernst and Gisela Pollack,

 Albert Pollak,

 Robert and Adele Pollak,

 Leopold Popper-Podhragy,

 Ernst and Ilse Popper-Podhragy, 

Arthur and Agnes Prager,

 Julius and Camilla Priester,

 Leo Prister,

 Alfred Quittner,

 Amalie Redlich,

 Anton and Marie Redlich,

 Paul and Therese Regenstreif,

 Oskar and Malvine Reichel,

 Arnim and Rosa Reichmann,

 Heinrich Reif,

 Andreas and Luise Reisinger,

 Franz and Anna Riedl,

 Heinrich and Berta Rieger, (Heinrich died in Theresienstadt camp in 1942)

Max Roden and Sascha Kronburg,

 Heinrich and Ella Rothberger,

 Moriz Rothberger,

 Alphonse and Clarice Rothschild,

 Louis Rothschild,

 Franz Rothschild,

 Franz Ruhmann,

 Emma Schiff-Suvero,

 Gustav and Louise Schoenberg,

 Ludwig and Gertrude Schüller,

 Eduard and Gisela Schweinburg,

 Arnold and Margit Löffler,

 Elkan and Abraham Silberman,

 Josef and Louise Simon,

 Marianne Singer, 

Alfred and Irmgard Sonnenfeld,

 Valentine Springer,

 Jenny Steiner,

 Klara Steiner,

 Paul and Nora Stiasny

, Georg Terramare and Erni Terrel,

 Alfons and Marie Thorsch,

 Siegfried and Antonia Trebitsch,

 Alexander and Irma Weiner,

 Leopold Weinstein

,Josefine Winter,

 Paul Wittgenstein,

 Fritz and Annie Wolff-Knize,

 Frank and Mary Wooster,

 Alexander and Luise Zemlinsky,

 Paul Zsolnay,

 Fritz and Trude Zuckerkandl

May 1, 2021

Names of persecuted Austrian Jewish collectors

How to verify the provenance texts of artworks for names that might indicate a history of Nazi looting or persecution?

There are many potential sources and lists.

In this post, we look an official Austrian report from 2008 that contains names of Austrian Jewish collectors whose art collections were plundered by the Nazis.

Mar 8, 2021

Heinrich Rieger v. The City of Cologne German Advisory Commission

Advisory Commission
on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property
Office: Seydelstr. 18, 10117 Berlin

Recommendation of the Advisory Commission in the case of the heirs of Heinrich Rieger v. The City of Cologne

Apr 23, 2020

The Holocaust and the art market: What does it mean to find Kieslinger in a provenance?

What does it mean to find the name Franz Kieslinger in a provenance? 
(above "Acquired from Dr. Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, for 40 Reichsmarks in 1939"

Franz Kieslinger was, first and foremost, a Nazi art looter.
His name in a provenance is a screaming Red Flag. 
This does not mean, of course, that every artwork he touched was looted from Jewish collectors, but his name indicates a high probability of a serious problem.  

In which art collections does his name appear today, in 2020?

1. Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria.

The National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism lists six artworks at the Albertina Museum that passed through the hands of Nazi art looter Franz Kieslinger, all of which were acquired in 1939.

Gentleman in blue high-necked coat with golden cordingAnonymous, attributed to 'German artist'28378Acquired from Dr. Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, together with inventory numbers 28377, 28379, 28380 for 360 Reichsmarks in 1939
Katharina Fröhlich, Grillparzer's eternal bride (1800-1879), in dark dress with...Attributed to Theer, Robert (1808 - 1863)28380Acquired from Dr. Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, together with inventory numbers 28377 to 28379 for 360 Reichsmarks in 1939
Lady in red dress with shoulder-length collar and white lace frillKrafft, Joseph (1787 - 1828)28377Acquired from Dr. Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, together with inventory numbers 28378 to 28380 for 360 Reichsmarks in 1939
Officer in blue uniform with red collar and cannon crossAttributed to Grahl, August (1791 - 1868)28379Acquired from Dr. Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, together with inventory numbers 8377, 28378, 28380 for 360 Reichsmarks in 1939
Triumphal gate in InnsbruckHagenauer, Karl (1898 - 1956)28207Acquired from Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, for 30 Reichsmarks in 1939
Underdrawing for 'Aus dem Leben eines Wüstlings' (From the Life of a Libertine)Genelli, Bonaventura (1798 - 1868)28323Acquired from Dr. Franz Kieslinger, expert at the Dorotheum, Vienna, for 40 Reichsmarks in 1939


Comments: First of all, it should be noted that the provenance for the Genelli featured above is pubished NOT on the Albertina Museum website but rather on the separate website of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism. 

Below is a screenshot from 23 April 2020 of the artwork as it appears on the Albertina Museum website. There is no provenance listed at all. This means that any search - even an Advanced Search - on the Albertina website will not pick up the artwork if one searches "Provenienz" for Kieslinger.

Secondly one notes that none of the artworks listed as having Kieslinger in the provenance are from what the Nazis labeled "degenerate" artists like Schiele. This is rather surprising as Kieslinger was known to have been involved in the expropriation of at least one Jewish collector of these artworks. 

This suggests that the listings, not only of the Albertina Museum but also possibly of even the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism might be incomplete.

Who can verify this and if necessary add the information?

Jan 18, 2020

UPCOMING RELEASES in HOLOCAUST ART HISTORY: Wiener Kunsthandel 1938–1945: Geschädigte und Profiteure

Gabriele Anderl, author of NS-Kunstraub in Österreich und die Folgen, has a new book coming out about the art market in Vienna from 1938-1945:

 Wiener Kunsthandel 1938–1945: Geschädigte und Profiteure

Book Product Information
600 pages
Publisher: Studien Verlag
Publication Date: 30. April 2020
Language: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 370655223X

ISBN-13: 978-3706552233

Order on

The German version will be released in April 2020.
We hope to see an English translation soon.


Dec 9, 2019

Nazi-era Provenance Research and Restitution Status, Albertina Museum Vienna

The Kunstdatenbank provides information about Nazi-era provenance research projects in Austria.

Below is a summary of the status of provenance research for the Albertina Museum, based on the information provided in the Kunstdatenbank in December 2019:

ArtistOwners or their legal successors are sought (2705 Objects)Questionable nature to be resolved (6353 Objects)Restitution to owners or their legal successor has occurred (95 Objects)
Hörmann, Theodor von (1840 - 1895)94
Gauermann, Friedrich (1807 - 1862)77
Danhauser, Josef (1805 - 1845)47
Boeckl, Herbert (1894-1966)42
Schultz, Johann Karl (1801-1873)38
Blau, Tina (1845 - 1916)34
Goebel, Carl (1824 - 1899)30
Alt, Franz (1821-1914)27
Berger, Julius Victor (1850 - 1902)19
Meid, Hans (1883-1957)18
Stöhr, Ernst (1865 - 1917)17
Engerth, Eduard von (1818 - 1897)14
Unger, William (1837-1932)11
Kubin, Alfred (1877 - 1959)10
Windhager, Franz (1879 - 1959)9
Klaus, Johann (1847-1893)9
Eisenmenger, August (1830 - 1907)9
Alt, Rudolf von (1812 - 1905)71
Schwind, Moritz von (1804-1871)16
Schönn, Alois (1826 - 1897)7
Schnug, Leo (1878 - 1933)7
Stuck, Franz von (1863 - 1928)6
Schraudolph, Johann von (1808-1879)6
Geiger, Johann Peter Nepomuk (1805 - 1880)6
Fronius, Hans (1903 - 1988)6
Fischer, Hans Ludwig (1891-?)6
Zorn, Anders (1860-1920)5
Liebenwein, Maximilian (1869 - 1926)5
Lefler, Heinrich (1863 - 1919)5
Kriehuber, Josef (1800 - 1876)5
Gareis, Franz (1775 - 1803)5
Sterrer, Karl (1885-1972)4
Schiele, Egon (1890 - 1918)4
Pettenkofen, August Xaver Karl von (1822-1889)13
Klimt, Gustav (1862 - 1918)4
Klemm, Walther (1883-1957)4
Genelli, Bonaventura (1798-1868)4
Füger, Heinrich Friedrich (1751 - 1818)4
Fortner, Georg4
Eissenhardt, Johannes Kaspar (1824-1896)4
Anonymous, attributed to German artist4
Zille, Heinrich (1858 - 1929)3
Wawra, Josef (1893 -1935)3
Thoma, Hans (1839-1924)3
Steinhart, Anton (1889 - 1964)3
Schiele, Egon (1890-1918)3
Rops, Félicien (1833-1898)3
Romako, Anton (1832 - 1889)3
Neureuther, Eugen Napoleon (1806 - 1882)3
Krauskopf, Wilhelm3
Klieber, Joseph (1773 - 1850)3
Haanen, Cecil van (1844 - 1914)3
Fischer, Karl3
Eckert, Walter (1913 - 2001)3
Blechen, Karl (1798-1840)3
Bayros, (Marquis) Franz von (1866 - 1924)3
Anonymous, attributed to 'French artist'3
Zampis, Anton (1820 - 1883)2
Wigand, Balthasar (1770 - 1846)2
Voltz, Ludwig Gustav (1825-1911)2
Valckenborch, Lucas van (1530 - 1597)2
Steinle, Edward Jakob von (1810-1886)11
Steinhausen, Wilhelm August Theodor (1846 - 1924)2
Slevogt, Max (1868-1932)2
Schwind, Moritz von (1804 - 1871)2
Schubert, Ferdinand (1824 - 1853)2
Schlittgen, Hermann (1859 - 1930)2
Schleich the Elder, Eduard (1812 - 1874)2
Schindler, Carl (1821 - 1842)2
Schindler, Albert (1805 - 1861)2
Schilcher, Friedrich (1811-1881)2
Sattler, Josef (1867 - 1931)2
Raffaelli, Jean Francois (1850-1924)2
Pipal, Viktor (1887 - 1981)2
Peter, Emanuel Thomas (1799 - 1873)2
Pessler, Ernst (1838 - 1900)2
Peisker, Anton2
Neder, Johann Michael (1807 - 1882)11
Müller, Karl2
Menzel, Adolf Friedrich Erdmann (1815-1905)11
Makart, Hans (1840 - 1884)2
Laske, Oskar (1874 - 1951)2
Lafite, Karl (1830 - 1900)2
Koller, Emil2
Forberg, Carl Ernst (1844-1915)2
Fohn, Emanuel (1881-1966)2
Enhuber, Karl von (1811-1867)2
Engelhart, Josef (1864 - 1941)2
Dobrowsky, Josef (1889 - 1964)2
Delacroix, Eugène (1798 - 1863)2
Czeschka, Carl Otto (1878 - 1960)2
Bormann, Emma (1887-1974)2
Bol, Hans (1534 - 1593)2
Bloemaert, Abraham (1566 - 1651)2
Attributed to Engleheart, George (c.1750-1829)2
Anonymous, attributed to 'Japanese artist'2
Anonymous, attributed to 'German artist'2
Alt, Rudolf von (1812-1905)2
Zumsande, Josef (1806 - 1865)1
Ziegler, Johann (1749 - c. 1812)1
Zais, Giuseppe (1709 - 1784)1
Wörnle, Wilhelm (1849-1922)1
Winck, Christian (1738 - 1797)1
Wiegele, Franz (1887 - 1944)1
Whistler, James Abbott MacNeil (1834-1903)1
Weser, Ernst Christian (1783 - 1860)1
Welti, Albert (1862-1912)1
Weixlbaum, Johann (1752-1840)1
Waldmüller, Ferdinand Georg (1793 - 1865)1
Vieth (von Golssenau), Friedrich Ludwig (1768-1848)1
Vieth (von Golssenau), Friedrich Ludwig (1768 - 1848)1
Vestier, Antoine (1740 - 1824)1
Venus, August Leopold (1843-1886)1
Veit, Philipp (1793-1877)1
Varrone, Johann1
Unger, William (1837-1932) after van de Velde, Willem (the Elder) (c.1611-1689)1
Unger, William (1837-1932) after Menzel, Adolf Friedrich Erdmann (1815-1905)1
Unger, William (1837-1932) after Hals, Frans (c.1580-1666)1
Unger, William (1837-1932) after Hals, Frans (c. 1580-1666)1
Troost, Cornelis (1696 - 1750)1
Trapp, Hede von (1877 - ?)1
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864-1901)1
Today attributed to Vignon, Claude (1593-1670), formerly to Bellange, Jacques (c. 1575-1616)1
Today attributed to Shelley, Samuel (1750-1808), formerly to Hazlehurst, Thomas (1740-1821)1
Today attributed to Shelley, Samuel (1750-1808), formerly to Cosway, Richard (1742-1821)1
Today attributed to Krüger, Ferdinand Anton (1795 - 1857), formerly to Overbeck, Friedrich (1789 - 1869)1
Today attributed to Guérin, Jean Urbain (1760-1836), formerly to Sauvage, Piat J. (1744-1818)1
Today attributed to Dresely, Johann Baptist, formerly to Braun, Friedrich1
Today attributed to Bouchardon, Edme (1698 - 1762), formerly to Fragonard, Honoré (1732 - 1806)1
Today attributed to 'Dutch artist', formerly to Suttermans, Justus (1597 - 1681)1
Till, Johann1
Tichy, Hans (1861 - 1925)1
Theer, Robert (1808 - 1863)1
Suchy, Adalbert (1783 - 1849)1
Straehuber, Alexander (1814-1882)1
Stemberger, Elisabeth (1906 - ?)1
Spitzweg, Carl (1808-1885)1
Spitzweg, Carl (1808 - 1885)1
Spitzer, Thomas1
Seibertz, Engelbert (1813-1905)1
Seewald, Richard (1889-1976)1
Schweninger (the Younger), Karl (1854 - 1903)1
Scholz, Werner 1898 - 1982)1
Scholz, Werner (1898 - 1982)1
Schmögler, Theobald1
Schmitson, Teutwart (1830 - 1863)1
Schindler, Emil Jakob (1842 - 1892)1
Schilcher, Friedrich (1811-81)1
Schiestl, Rudolf (1878-1931)1
Samz, Anton1
Rumohr, Freiherr Carl Friedrich von1
Rottmann, Carl (1797-1850)1
Rosenzweig, Nanette1
Romako, Anton (1832-1889)1
Rollé, Marie (1865-1942)1
Rochard, Francois Théodore (1798-1858)1
Ridinger, Johann Elias (1695 - 1767)1
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (1841 - 1919)1
Reinicke, Emil (1859 - ?)1
Raabe, Josef (Karl Josef) (1780 - 1846)1
Pynas, Jacob Symonsz. (c.1590-c.1648)1
Preller the Elder, Ernst Christian Johann Friedrich (1804 - 1878)1
Plimer, Andrew (1763 - 1837)1
Plattenberg, Matthieu van, called Platte Montagne1
Pichler, Stefan1
Philippi, Robert (1877-1959)1
Pfeifer, Josef1
Peter, Emanuel Thomas (1799-1873)1
Périn-Salbreux, Louis Lié (1753 - 1817)1
Peche, Ernst (1885 - 1945)1
Payer-Gartegen, Robert1
Pauser, Sergius (1896 - 1970)1
Opiz, Georg Emanuel (1775 - 1841)1
Neureuther, Eugen Napoleon (1806-1882)1
Müller, Anton1
Monogrammist JH1
Moldovan, Kurt (1918 - 1977)1
Mirbel b. Rue, Lizinka Aimée Zoé de (1796 - 1849)1
Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875)1
Michalek, Ludwig (1859-1942)1
Mediz, Karl (1868 - 1945)1
Mayer-Beck, Friedrich (1907-?)1
Max, Gabriel Cornelius von (1840 - 1915)1
Manet, Edouard (1832-1883)1
Makart, Hans (1840-1884)1
Lütgendorff-Leinburg, Ferdinand Karl Theodor Christoph Peter von (1785 - 1858)1
Lindenschmidt, Wilhelm von (1829-1895)1
Leybold, Moritz1
Lenz, Maximilian (1860 - 1948)1
Lenbach, Franz Seraph von (1836-1904)1
Laurencin, Marie (1883 - 1956)1
Lasinio, Carlo (1759-1838) after del Sarto, Andrea (1486-1530)1
Lanzedelly, Karl (1806 - 1865)1
Landragin, Marie-Adélaide1
Kupelwieser, Leopold (1796 - 1862)1
Kügelgen, Wilhelm von (1802-1867)1
Krüger, Ferdinand Anton (1795-1857)1
Kriehuber, Josef (1800-76)1
Kriehuber, Josef (1800-1876)1
Kreutzinger, Josef (1757-1829)1
Kreutzberger, Karl1
Krafft, Peter (1780 - 1856)1
Krafft, Joseph (1787 - 1828)1
Krabbes, Hermann (1840-1920)1
Kollwitz, Käthe (1867-1945)1
Kolbe, Georg (1877-1947)1
Koch, Joseph Anton (1768-1839)1
Kobell, Ferdinand (1740 - 1799)1
Klinger, Max (1857 - 1920)1
Klengel, Johann Christian (1751-1824)1
Kitt, Ferdinand 1887 - 1961)1
Kirchner, Albert Emil (1813-1885)1
Kiesewetter, Wilhelm1
Khnopff, Fernand (1858 - 1921)1
Karger, Karl (1848 - 1913)1
Kaltner, Joseph (c. 1758 - after 1824)1
Jungnickel, Ludwig Heinrich (1881 - 1965)1
Isabey, Jean-Baptiste (1767 - 1855)1
Hoffmann, Josef (1870 - 1956)1
Hofer, Franz (1885 - 1915)1
Höchle, Johann Nepomuk (1790 - 1835)1
Hessell, Leonhard Heinrich (1757 - 1830)1
Hausknecht, Rudolf1
Hauck, Reinhold1
Hagenauer, Karl (1898 - 1956)1
Haanen, Remigius Adrianus van (1812 - 1894)1
Guys, Constantin (1802 - 1892)1
Guibal, Nicolas (1725-1784)1
Guérin, Jean Urbain (1760 - 1836)1
Grünbaum, Laurent1
Granet, François-Marius (1775 - 1849)1
Graeb, Carl Georg Anton (1816-84)1
Girodet De Roussy-Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824)1
Genelli, Bonaventura (1798 - 1868)1
Gauermann, Jakob (1773 - 1843)1
Gauermann, Friedrich (1807-1862)1
Führich, Josef von (1800 - 1876)1
Füger, Heinrich Friedrich (1751-1818)1
Freydanck, Carl Daniel (1811-1887)1
Frey, Max (1902 - 1955)1
Forgery after Schiele, Egon (1890 -1918)1
Fischer, Leopold (1814-1864)1
Fest, Wilhelm1
Fendi, Peter (1796 - 1842)1
Engerth, Eduard von (1818-1897), after: Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz. (before 1559-1606)1
Eissenhardt, Johannes Kaspar (1824-1896) after Ruisdael, Jacob van (1828/29-1682)1
Eckl, Vilma (1892 - 1982)1
Dunker, Balthasar Anton (1746-1807)1
Dumont, Francois (1688 - 1726)1
Dreber, Heinrich (1822-1875)1
Dobrowsky, Josef (1889-1964)1
Dillis, Maximilian Johann Georg von (1759-1841)1
Daffinger, Moritz Michael (1790-1849)1
Daffinger, Moritz Michael (1790 - 1849)1
Cosway, Richard (1742-1821)1
Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963)1
Chéret, Jules (1836 - 1932)1
Castello, Giovanni Battista, called il Bergamasco (1547 - 1637)1
Caspar, Carl1
Burne-Jones, Edward (1833 - 1898)1
Brozík, Václav (1851 - 1901)1
Bril, Paul (1556 - 1626)1
Bresslern-Roth, Norbertine von (1891-1978)1
Bracht, Eugen Felix Prosper (1842 - 1921)1
Bossi, Domenico (1765-1853)1
Boeckl, Herbert (1894 - 1966)1
Bloemaert, Abraham (1566-1651)1
Blaas, Carl von (1815 - 1894)1
Bertl, Otto1
Bergmüller, Johann Georg (1688-1762)1
Benedetti, Tommaso (1796/97 - 1863)1
Becker, Alexander1
Bartsch, Adam Johann (1757-1821)1
Balbi, Lorenzo Gasparo (1732 - 1782)1
Baisch, Hermann (1846 - 1894)1
Attributed to Zincke, Christian Friedrich (1685 - 1767)1
Attributed to Wolf, Franz (?)1
Attributed to Vincent, Francois André (1746 - 1816)1
Attributed to Theer, Robert (1808-1863)1
Attributed to Theer, Robert (1808 - 1863)1
Attributed to Smart, John (the Elder)1
Attributed to Nilson, Johannes Esaias (1721-1788)1
Attributed to Lanino, Bernardino (c. 1512-1583)1
Attributed to Hoskins, John (the Elder)1
Attributed to Grahl, August (1791 - 1868)1
Attributed to Fraisinger, Caspar (1560 - 1599)1
Attributed to Fendi, Peter (1796-1842)1
Attributed to Fendi, Peter (1796 - 1842)1
Attributed to Blesendorf, Constantin Friedrich (1674 - 1744)1
Archduchess Marie Christine of Habsburg-Lorraine (1742 - 1798)1
Antonio, Juan1
Anreiter, Aloys von (1803 - 1882)1
Anonymous, English, formerly attributed to Cosway, Richard1
Anonymous, copy after Clouet, François (c. 1505/10-1572)1
Anonymous, attributed to Ranftl, Johann Mathias (1804 - 1854)1
Anonymous, attributed to northern school1
Anonymous, attributed to Florentine artist1
Anonymous, attributed to Flemish artist1
Alt, Jakob (1789-1872)1
Agricola, Karl (1779 - 1852)1
After Olivier the Elder, Isaac (c. 1565 - 1617)1
Adamek, Johann (1774 - 1840)1
Abel, Joseph (1764 - 1818)1
Grand Total593537

source of information analysed in this table:

Kunstdatenbank for Albertina
Albertina, Albertinaplatz 1;1010 Vienna

Additional information provided about the provenance research project at the Albertina Museum by the Kunstdatenbank on its website:

Provenance researcher: Mag.a Julia Eßl

In the Albertina, Maren Gröning carried out provenance research for the period 1938–1960 actively between 1998 and 2000 and as required between 2000 and 2009. During this time, 49 reports regarding 317 works were submitted to the Commission for Provenance Research. Of these, 163 objects were restituted, in addition to a collection of around 3,500 posters (as at October 2009) and the restitution of a further 34 objects was recommended by the Advisory Board pursuant to the Art Restitution Law, Federal Law Gazette 1998/181.
Mag. Julia Eßl and Dr. Pia Schölnberger (until August 2017) have been working as provenance researchers at the Albertina since spring 2011, on behalf of the Commission for Provenance Research. Their task is to build on the research already carried out at an intensified level, by examining all objects which came into the collection between 1933 and the present for their origins and previous owners. In dubious or contentious cases, dossiers are compiled which are subsequently submitted to the Art Restitution Advisory Board, whose task is to advise the Federal Minister of Education, the Arts and Culture on a possible restitution.
Due to the extension of the period to be investigated, the provenance researchers of the Albertina will carry out investigations into the purchases from the German art trade between 1933 and 1938, into all purchases after 1960 and into acquisitions of the library, and a general object autopsy in order to look for indications of provenance on the originals as well as a systematic revision of the entire holdings of the works of Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt.
(source: Kunstsdatenbank)