Showing posts with label museum ethics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label museum ethics. Show all posts

Oct 18, 2022

Unnecessary mysteries

Signs that provenance research has gone off the rails include:

  • extremely long texts that leave the reader so confused that he/she concludes that there is no such thing as knowledge
  • massive use of words indicating uncertainty or unknowability
  • omission of crucial information that is available and which provides important context
  • mention of names which are known to be either persecuted Jewish collectors, Red Flag dealers of Nazi looted art, or associates with forgers WITHOUT mentioning that that's who they are
  • excessive speculation
  • false information

In this series of posts, we will examine a few remarkable examples of needlessly confusing provenance texts published by major museums. 


Jan 31, 2020

RKD Provenances that mention the Dallas Museum of Art

It is difficult to find the provenance of European artwork on the website of the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA). However by searching the excellent RKD site, one can find the ownership history of at least a few artworks connected in some way to the city of Dallas. 

One notes the frequent mention (in 24 artworks) of the art dealer Sidney Janis.

These provenances are presented below in an easy-to-download CSV file for art historians.  

Provenances of some artworks in the Dallas Museum of Art collection published on RKD

File format: CSV

Jan 25, 2020

RKD provenances that mention the Rhode Island School of Design

It is difficult to find the provenance of European artwork on the website of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). However by searching the excellent RKD site one can find the ownership history of at least a few artworks.

Provenances of some artworks in the RISD collection published on RKD

Source UrlArtistTitleProvenance PaelinckPortrait of King Willem I (1772-1843)private collection Henry H. Howorth (Sir), London;- 1923;art dealer Appleby Bros., London;- 1956;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 56 090A;1956 -;Veiling(en);Christie, Manson & Woods (London (England)) 1923-12-14, lotnr. 38 PaelinckPortrait of Wilhelmina of Prussia (1774-1837), Queen of the Netherlandsprivate collection Henry H. Howorth (Sir), London;- 1923 auctioned at Christie's London 14-12-1923;art dealer Appleby Bros., London;- 1956;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 56 090 B;1956 -;Veiling(en);Christie, Manson & Woods (London (England)) 1923-12-14, lotnr. 38 FlessiersPortrait of Eva Vliegen (1575-1626)Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island) MostaertPortrait of een vrouw (op de achterzijde: wapenschild met helm en helmteken)art dealer;Londen (Engeland), als trant van Joos van Cleve/Jan Gossaert;1934 - gesignaleerd;E. and A. Silberman Galleries, New York City;1945-12 - door M.J. Friedländer gesignaleerd;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island) Mostaertart dealer;Londen (Engeland), als trant van Joos van Cleve/Jan Gossaert;1934 - gesignaleerd;E. and A. Silberman Galleries, New York City;1945 - gesignaleerd;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island) van RuisdaelWaterfall in a mountainous landscape with a wooden bridgeart dealer or private collection Alexis Joseph Febvre, Paris;- 1882-04-17 geveild op 17-20 april 1882;private collection August de Ridder, Schönberg (Kronberg im Taunus);- 1911;art dealer F. Kleinberger, Paris/New York;1911 - ca. 1911;private collection Carl von Hollitscher, Berlin;private collection Adolphe Schloss, Paris;Inc. Schaeffer Galleries, New York City/Berlin;vóór 1948;private collection Manton B. en Rowe Metcalf, United States;- 1948;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island);schenking van Manton B. Metcalf en Rowe Metcalf in 1948;1948 -;Veiling(en);Exp.: George, Le Roy, Mannheim C. P.: Lechat, Chevallier (Paris) 1882-04-17 - 1882-04-20, lotnr. 82;Inbrenger Alexis Joseph Febure, voor deze veiling in prent gebracht door Gustave Greux HélionBalanceMuseum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island) DujardinShepherd washing his feet, cattle in a meadowart dealer Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Le Brun, Paris;ca. 1777 -;private collection Charles René Dominique Sochet Destouches, Paris;ca. 1792 - 1794;private collection Koucheleff-Besborodko, Sint Petersburg (Rusland);- 1800;private collection S.S. Joseph, London;ca. 1900 -;M. Knoedler & Co., New York City (United States)/London (England)/Paris (France);Londen, inv. nr. 5008;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 20.230;Virginia W. Hoppin;1920 -;Veiling(en);Julliot, C.F. (Paris) 1777-02-27 - 1777-03-25, lotnr. 149;Inbrenger Randon de Boisset;Naam koper: Donjeu, 4410 ffr, verkocht samen met pendant, cat. nr. 66 (Kilian 2005);Lebrun (jr) (Paris) 1794-03-21, lotnr. 128;Inbrenger Destouches;Naam koper: Vauttier, 800 ffr, verkocht samen met pendant, cat. nr. 62 (Kilian 2005);Exp.: Durand-Ruel, C. P.: Boussaton, Pillet (Paris) 1869-06-05, lotnr. 17;Inbrenger Koucheleff-Besborodko;Naam koper: Buisseret, 19000 ffr;Le Roy (Brussels) 1891-04-29 - 1891-04-30, lotnr. 56;Inbrenger Buisseret;Naam koper: Colnaghi, 24500 BEF van der WerffThe banishment of Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis 21:16-21)Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 59.063;Helen M. Danforth Acquisition Fund MirouPortrait of a painter in front of his landscape paintingMuseum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 39.046;as by Paul Bril, Self-Portrait;1939 -;Veiling(en);Muller, Frederik (Amsterdam) 1938-11-15, afb. zwart-witreproductie, lotnr. 14, as by Paul Bril BoschMonstersMuseum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 51.069 del CampoThe flagellation of ChristMuseum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 56.037;Museum Works of Art Fund de GelderEster and Mordecai write the second Purim-letter (Esther 9:29-32)Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 17.138;1917 - van der WeydenPortrait of a man with his hands foldedGalerie Dr. Schäffer, Berlin;volgens eigenhandige aantekening M.J. Friedländer op achterzijde foto in het foto-archief M.J. Friedländer: 'Tietje / holl. Privatbes. / durch Schäffer / VII.36';private collection Tietje, Amsterdam;volgens eigenhandige aantekening M.J. Friedländer op achterzijde foto in het foto-archief M.J. Friedländer: 'Tietje / holl. Privatbes. / durch Schäffer / VII.36';1936 - door M.J. Friedländer gesignaleerd: 1936-07;art dealer or private collection Lippmann;volgens eigenhandige aantekening M.J. Friedländer op achterzijde foto in het foto-archief M.J. Friedländer: 'Tietje / [...? moeilijk leesbaar handschrift] Lippmann / [Wulfl? moeilijk leesbaar handschrift];Private collection;New York City, volgens opgave De Tolnay 1944 (zie bij literatuur);1944 - gesignaleerd;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island);volgens eigenhandige aantekening M.J. Friedländer op achterzijde foto in het foto-archief M.J. Friedländer: 'Providence / School of Design.;1945 -;Veiling(en);Frederik Muller & Co., Amsterdam, 1925-06-17, lotnr. 247, afb. zwart-witreproductie;7700;geannoteerd exemplaar veilingcatalogus op het RKD, als Rogier van der Weyden of diens school GoltziusChrist sitting on the cold stone between two angelsprivate collection Jacob Matham, Haarlem;1603;private collection Simon VI zur Lippe, Detmold;mentioned by K. van Mander 1604: in the possession of the Count of Lippe (one of the agents in buying paintings for Rudolf II) or the emperor in Prague: it now seems as if the Emperor bought the painting from Simon's heirs in 1621 (Nichols 2013);1603 - 1621;Rudolf II of Habsburg - Holy Roman Emperor, Prague;mentioned by K. van Mander 1604: in the possession of the Count of Lippe or the emperor in Prague;1621-12-06 - Nichols 2013;private collection Matthias von Habsburg (emperor), Vienna/Prague;in the inventory of the Prague Treasure Room (Sch, 1621-12-06;1621-12-06 -;private collection Allaert van Everdingen, Amsterdam;see Moes OH 7 (1889) p. 119 ev;1671 - c. 1671;art dealer;Dresden;1891-05 -;art dealer Samuel Hartveld, Antwerp/New York City;In the sale catalogue 1928, no. 25, ill.;private collection D. Splitter, Antwerp;1933 - till after 1935 (Nichols 2013);Arcade Gallery, London;1960 - 1961;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 61.006;1961 -;Veiling(en);Christie's, Londen (Engeland), 1960-06-10, lotnr. 21;Inbrenger;Spitzer;Naam koper: buying for Arcade Gallery Wengraf, 250;Rubenianum, Antwerp;Christie, Manson & Woods (London (England)) 1956-11-23, afb. zwart-witreproductie, lotnr. 144;Naam koper: Spitzer, 105 GBP;annotation auction cat. RKD of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 61.080 Jordaens (I)private collection M.G. Scheppers de Bergstein, Belgium;Museum of Art - Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (Rhode Island), inv./ 60.094;1960 - voor uitgebreide herkomst: 1993

image: Mountain Landscape with River, Gift of Manton B. Metcalf, Jr. and Rowe Metcalf, to RISD, accession number of 48.453. copyright RISD

Jan 24, 2020

Dashboard and Metrics Needed for Nazi-Era Provenance Research: Some Suggestions

Arrivals board, Heathrow T5, April 16 2010, crop

Are we there yet? What is the Estimated Time of Arrival? 

Dashboards with objective measurements provide clarity and transparency in project management.  Below are some suggested indicators for monitoring the progress of Nazi-era provenance research projects in various collections both institutional and private:

  • Total Artworks in Collection

  • Total Artworks Online

  • Total European artworks created before 1945 and acquired after 1933

  • Total NEPIP (or artworks listed in Nazi Era Provenance Research Projects) items

  • Total Provenances published online for NEPIP (or artworks listed in Nazi Era Provenance Research Projects) items

  • Total Provenances published online for European artworks

  • Completion Date for publication online of provenances

  • Project Manager

  • Provenance Transparency Index Score

Question for the community: What other indicators would be helpful? 


author: OAD
published by: Open Art Data
Date of Publication: 01/24/2020

Jan 18, 2020

UPCOMING RELEASES in HOLOCAUST ART HISTORY: Wiener Kunsthandel 1938–1945: Geschädigte und Profiteure

Gabriele Anderl, author of NS-Kunstraub in Österreich und die Folgen, has a new book coming out about the art market in Vienna from 1938-1945:

 Wiener Kunsthandel 1938–1945: Geschädigte und Profiteure

Book Product Information
600 pages
Publisher: Studien Verlag
Publication Date: 30. April 2020
Language: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 370655223X

ISBN-13: 978-3706552233

Order on

The German version will be released in April 2020.
We hope to see an English translation soon.


Jan 15, 2020

Art Museums in Switzerland

Switzerland has many excellent art museums

How are Swiss art museums doing on provenance? Which museums do -- and which museums do not -- publish online provenance texts for their art collections? Have all issues regarding Nazi-era provenance been resolved as 2020 begins? What work remains to be done? Who is doing it? With what resources, goals and deadlines?

In a new series of posts, OAD will look at the situation in Switzerland regarding the provenance of artworks.

Jan 14, 2020

Dec 30, 2019

DATASET: Provenance Texts Kimbell Art Museum

DATASET: Provenance information gathered from the Kimbell Art Museum online collections website.

Version: 1

Date : DEC 2019

Format: CSV

Google Sheet:

URL to download:

Publisher: OAD


Description: This dataset contains publicly available information originally published online by the Kimbell Art Museum which has been formatted as a CSV file for easy download and analysis with digital tools. It aims to facilitate digital analysis for provenance researchers, Holocaust historians and families. 
This dataset contains only a small selection of the artworks in the collection of the Kimbell Art Museum..
For more recent updates or additional information concerning the artworks, please contact the Kimbell Art Museum.

Original Source: Kimbell Art Museum Website:

Source UrlTitleArtistDateAccession NumberProvenance Bodhisattva MaitreyaSoutheast AsianLate 8th century A.D.AP 1965.01(Ellsworth & Goldie, Ltd., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1965. on the PierEdvard Munchc. 1904 or 1933-35AP 1966.06Ake Bratt, Oslo.;Hans Grether [-1975], Basel by 1966;(Richard N. Tetlie, Washington D.C.);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1966. with a PipePablo Picasso1911AP 1966.08Private collection, Paris;(M. Knoedler && Co., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1966. EnthronedSoutheast Asianc. 1180–1220AP 1966.09(Ellsworth & Goldie, Ltd., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1966. MatthewJusepe de Ribera1632AP 1966.10(M. Sano, Paris);purchased by Ivor Bertie Guest, 1st baron Wimborne [1835-1914], Canford Manor, Wimborne, Dorset, England, 1867, as “A Male Portrait” by Ribera;by descent to his son, Ivor Churchill Guest, 2nd baron and 1st viscount Wimborne [1873-1939], Canford Manor, Wimborne, Dorset;(his sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 9 March 1923, no. 50, as “St. Matthew”);purchased for £99-15 by (Max Rothschild, London).;(Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris, by 1925, as “St. Paul”).;Jean Deschamps, Paris.;(Newhouse Galleries Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1966. and ScyllaJoseph Mallord William Turner1841AP 1966.11Purchased by Benjamin Godfrey Windus, Tottenham, at the Royal Academy exhibition, 1841, no. 542;(his sale, Christie’s, London, 20 June 1853, no. 40, bought in for £735);(Windus and Others sale, Christie’s, London, 26 March 1859, no. 50, bought in for £294);(sale, Christie’s, London, 19 July 1862, no. 58);purchased by [Thomas?] Bought for £294.;Louis Huth, Esq., London, until 1872;(sale, Christie’s, London, 2 March 1872, no. 73);purchased by (Arthur Tooth and Sons, London) for £535.;José de Murrieta, Marquis de Santurce, until 1883;(his sale, Christie’s, London, 7 April 1883, no. 171, bought in).;Sir Horatio Davies, Lord Mayor of London, England, until 1901;(Charles Sedelmeyer [1837-1925], Sedelmeyer Gallery), Paris, by 1902;John Jaffé [-1933] and his wife Anna Jaffé [-1942], Nice, 1902/3-1942;(sale ‘Vente Collections John Jaffé,’ ordered by the Commissariat aux questions juives de l’Etat Français, Nice, H"tel Savoy, 12-13 July 1943, no. 121) for Frs. 28,000.;Emile Leitz, Paris, until 1956;purchased by (Agnew’s, London);Howard Young Galleries, New York, 1957.;Mrs. Chamberlain, U. S.A., until 1966;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1966.;Restituted to the heirs of Anna Jaffé in 2006;(their sale, Christie’s, New York, 19 April 2007, no. 122);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth. of the Matador Pedro RomeroFrancisco de Goyac. 1795–98AP 1966.12Possibly Xavier Goya [1784-], son of the artist, Madrid, in 1812.;Viuda de Vera, Seville.;Henri Rochefort [1831-1913], Paris.;Léon Lafitte, Madrid.;Rodolphe Kann [1844/45-1905], Paris, after 1901 and by 1903 for Fr. 10.000;by descent to executors of the Kann estate;(Duveen Brothers, Paris, London, and New York, 1907).;Sir William Neville Abdy [1844-1910], 2nd Baronet, London, before 1910;(Wildenstein & Co., New York, 1920);Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sachs [he: 1880-1975], New York and subsequently Paris, by 1924;Arthur Sachs, Cannes;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1966. BuddhaIndianc. 2nd–3rd century A.D.AP 1967.01(Nasli Heeramaneck Galleries, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967.'AirAristide MaillolDesigned in 1938, cast in 1962AP 1967.06(Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967. BlessingGiovanni Bellinic. 1500AP 1967.07William Coningham [1815-1884];(his sale, Christie and Manson, London, 9 June 1849, no. 37, as Cima de Conegliano, “The Man of Sorrows,” sold for £ 37-16).;Richard Fisher [d.1890], Hill Top, Midhurst, England, by 1865;by descent to Gunhilda Fisher;(sale, Sotheby's, London, 2 July 1958, no. 29, as Marco Basaiti);purchased for £11,500 by Patch.;Josef H. Dasser, Zurich, probably in 1958, as Bellini;purchased through (Hallsborough Gallery, London) by the Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967. Korinc. 1705AP 1967.08Hosomi collection, Japan, by 1962;(Ellsworth & Goldie, Ltd., New York), by 1967;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967. AphroditeRoman, based on a Greek original of c. 3rd–2nd century B.C.c. 50 B.C.–A.D. 140AP 1967.09(Charles Lipson, Boston);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967. of MeleagerAfter Skopas50 B.C.–A.D. 100AP 1967.10(Auction, Münzen und Medaillen, Basel,) 6 May 1967, no. 201;(Charles Lipson, Boston);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967. of Emperor Marcus AureliusRomanc. A.D. 210–225AP 1967.11(Auction, Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, 6 May 1967, no. 208);(Charles Lipson, Boston);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1967. Female DeityIndian10th or 11th centuryAP 1968.01(Peter Marks, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. Deer at a StreamGustave Courbet1868AP 1968.02Vicomte François de Curel [1854-1928], Paris;(sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 3 May 1918).;Hans Duensing, Boizenburg, Germany, by 1929;given to his daughter, Alice von Guggenberger [1911-2001], Lugano;purchased from (Alice von Guggenberger, Lugano) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. PondJean-Honoré Fragonardc. 1761–65AP 1968.03François Leroy de Sennéville, Paris, to 1780;(his sale, Paillet, Paris, 5 April 1780, no. 49, as “Paysage touffu d’Arbres,” bought in);(his sale, Paillet, Paris, 26 April 1784, no. 28);(purchased by Quenet, Paris for 144 livres).;(Possible sale, Paris, 2 May 1870, no. 13).;(Possible sale, Paris, 27 April 1872, no. 6).;François Hippolyte Walferdin [1795-1880], Paris, to 1880;(his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 3 April 1880, no. 15, as “La mare”);(purchased by Hector Brame for 1050 francs).;Alexis Joseph Febvre, Paris;(his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 17-20 April 1882, no. 10, as “Étang dans un Bois,” sold for 750 francs).;Private American collection by 1925;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. StretchingEdgar Degasc. 1882–85AP 1968.04Sold for Fr. 12,200 (Degas sale II, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 11-15 December 1918, no. 175);bought back at that sale by René de Gas (the artist’s younger brother), Paris, until his estate sale, 10 November 1927;by inheritance to Roland Nepveu de Gas (son-in-law of René de Gas) from 1927 until at least 1943.;Hal B. Wallis, [1898-1986] Los Angeles, by 1958;L. A. Nicholls, England, until 1959;(sale, Sotheby’s London, 25 November 1959, lot 54);purchased for £8,400 by (M. Knoedler and Co., New York);purchased by John D. Rockefeller III [1906-1978], 27 October 1960;John D. Rockefeller III collection until 1968;purchased by (Hirschl and Adler Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. Pointe de la Hève at Low TideClaude Monet1865AP 1968.07Alfred Cadart [1828-1875], Paris, for ff 300.;(Rousselle sale, 24 July 1922);purchased by (Bernheim-Jeune, Paris);purchased 28 September 1922 through (Bernheim-Jeune, Paris, stock no. 23.096) by (Georges Bernheim);(Georges Bernheim) until 1924.;Jacques Saint-Albin, Paris, possibly until 1967.;Rémond collection, Geneva.;(Wildenstein & Co., New York) by 1968;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. VaseChinesefirst half of the 14th centuryAP 1968.08(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. BowlJapanese17th centuryAP 1968.09(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. with Floral DesignJapanese17th centuryAP 1968.10(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. FlaskChineseearly 15th centuryAP 1968.11The von Pflugk family, Castle of Strehla, near Dresden, Germany, from about 1683 to sometime after 1938.;Collection of Sir Percival (1892-1964) and Lady David, London, possibly from about 1942 to 1968;(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. DishJapaneseearly 18th centuryAP 1968.12(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1968. Bourdelle1909AP 1969.03Acquired by Gaston Baheux [died, Paris, 1968], possibly directly from the artist,1];sold by (André Pacitti) on behalf of Baheux’s heirs to (Pintura Establishment, Vaduz, Liechtenstein);purchased through (Pintura Establishment, Vaduz, Liechtenstein) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. Barnabas AltarpieceSouthwestern French or Northern Spanish (?)c. 1275–1350AP 1969.06 a,b,cM. Hochon, Paris, to 1903;sale (Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, June 11, 1903, no. 14, as Triptyque, École Française).;Philippe Gangnat, Paris.;Maurice Clément de Coppet, Geneva, by 1962;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. Study of a YouthThéodore Géricaultc. 1818–20AP 1969.07A. M. Leclerc by 1867.;Pierre Olivier Dubaut [1886-1968] by 1963;private collection(?);purchased through (Pintura Establishment, Vaduz, Liechtenstein) from (Galerie Aubry, Paris) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. JarJapanesec. 1600AP 1969.08Purchased by (Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Paris) sometime between 1929 and 1947, until 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. with Bamboo Leaf DesignOgata Kenzanearly 18th centuryAP 1969.09(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Paris) sometime between 1929 and 1947, until 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969., Poppies, and BambooKano Shigenobuearly 17th centuryAP 1969.10(Mayuyama & Co., Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. Okyo1766AP 1969.11 a,bBunzo Nakanishi, Kyoto;(Mayuyama & Co., Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. 12th or early 13th centuryAP 1969.12(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. centuryAP 1969.13(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. LandscapeJapanesec. 1540AP 1969.15Baron Koyata Iwasaki, Tokyo;S. Kumita, Tokyo;Baron Fukuoka Kotei;(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. VaseChinese7th or 8th century A.D.AP 1969.16(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York), by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. of the Imperial CultRomanA.D. 170–180AP 1969.18(Mathias Komor, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. Man, Possibly HuehueteotlAncient Americanc. 1500AP 1969.19Jacques Ullmann, Paris;(Judith Small Galleries, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. River SceneCharles-François Daubigny1871AP 1969.20Edith Malvina Keteltas Wetmore [1851-1927], Newport, RI, by about 1920 (?);descended to Maude A. K. Wetmore [1873-1951], Newport, RI;(sale, Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, 17 September 1969, no. 571);purchased by (H. Terry-Engell Gallery, London) for $5,300;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. Molo, VeniceCanaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canale)c. 1735AP 1969.22Albert Edward Harry Meyer Archibald Primrose, 6th earl of Rosebery [1882-1974], Mentmore, Buckinghamshire, England, to 1955.;Sir Maurice Arthur Brian Jenks [b. 1933], (later 3rd baronet), Astbury Hall, Shropshire, England, 1955 to at least 1962.;(Galerie Les Tourettes S.A., Basel, Switzerland);purchased through (Otto Wertheimer, Paris) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1969. with a RulerAncient AmericanA.D. 692AP 1970.02New York art market by 1969.;(John A. Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. with Melon DesignChineseearly 15th centuryAP 1970.03(Spink and Son, Ltd., London) by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. ObaAfricanlate 18th centuryAP 1970.04Liverpool Museum by 1897;purchased by the General Pitt Rivers Museum, Farnham, Dorset, England, by 1900;purchased by (Ben Heller, Inc., New York) by 1970;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. MaskEgyptianc. A.D. 160AP 1970.05(Ben Heller, Inc. New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. with Fish and Foliate Scroll DesignChinese14th centuryAP 1970.06(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York), by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. of DarumaAttributed to Soga Dasoku (calligraphy attr. to Ikkyu Sojun)15th centuryAP 1970.07Viscount Matsudaira;Baron Kuki;Mr. Kinta Muto Hyogo;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York) by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. Jar with CoverChinese11th–12th centuryAP 1970.08 a,bWarren E. Cox, by 1944 to at least 1952;Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dickes, by 1966;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York), by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. with Wave DesignChinese12th or 13th centuryAP 1970.09Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dickes, New York, by 1966;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York), by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. in a ProcessionBaioken Eishunc. 1720–30AP 1970.10Baron Seikai Kuki, Hyogo prefecture, Tokyo;by descent to Ryuichi Kuki, Tokyo, by 1932;(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York), by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. or 13th centuryAP 1970.11(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York) by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. Cup and StandKorean12th centuryAP 1970.12 a,b(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York) by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. Khasarpana LokeshvaraIndianc. 11th–12th centuryAP 1970.13(Ben Heller, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. BowlChineseXuande period and reign mark (1426–35)AP 1970.14(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Paris), sometime between 1929 and 1947, until 1970;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. FountainHubert Robertc. 1775–78AP 1970.15Colonel Jacques Balsan [1868-1956] and his wife Mrs. Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan, duchess of Marlborough [1877-1964], Paris, before 1928;by inheritance to a member of the Marlborough Spencer-Churchill family, New York;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. from the Bacino di San MarcoFrancesco Guardic. 1780AP 1970.19John Ingram [1767-1841], Venice, Rome, and London;probably given to his daughter Margaret Ingram;probably by inheritance to her nephew Ingram Fuller Godfrey [1827-1916], Brook Street House, Ash, Kent, England;by inheritance to his nephew Albert Hamilton Godfrey [1864-1930], Brook Street House, Ash, Kent, England;(purchased from his sister Lilian Godfrey [d. 1954], by Robert Langton Douglas, London, 1929).;(probably Leggatt Brothers, London);purchased by Captain H. E. Rimington-Wilson, Broomhead Hall, Bolsterstone, Sheffield, about 1929 or by 1931;purchased through (Tooth & Sons, Ltd., London) by David Wolfson, Esq., London, about 1963;purchased through (Peter Matthews Ltd., London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. Emerging from the UnderworldSalvator Rosa1662AP 1970.22Purchased by Don Antonio Ruffo, principe della Scaletta [1610-78], Messina, Sicily, with its pendant, Pythagoras and the Fishermen, 1664;by descent, with the pendant, to his son, Don Placido Ruffo, principe della Scaletta [d. 1710], Messina, Sicily;by descent, with its pendant, to Don Antonio Ruffo II, principe della Scaletta [d. 1739], Messina, Sicily;by descent, with its pendant, to Don Calogero Ruffo, principe della Scaletta [d. 1743], Messina, Sicily;by descent, with its pendant, to Don Giovanni Ruffo e la Rocca [d. 1755], Messina, Sicily, to after 1750.;Acquired, with its pendant, by (Gavin Hamilton, Rome and London);(purchased, with its pendant, by Noël Joseph Desenfans, London, before 1791);(purchased, with its pendant, by Thomas Moore Slade, London, about 1791-93).;(Michael Bryan, London, by 1798);(his sale, Coxe, Burlington & Co., London, 18 May 1798, no. 47, sold for £446.5, possibly bought in).;Sir Simon Haughton Clarke, 9th baronet Clarke, Oakhill, Hertfordshire, or George Hibbert [1757-1837], London;(their sale, Christie’s, London, 15 May 1802, no. 69);purchased for £483 by Charles Hanbury-Tracy, later 1st baron Sudeley [1777-1858], Toddington Manor, Gloucestershire, England;by descent to his son, Thomas Charles Hanbury-Tracy, 2nd baron Sudeley [1801-63], Toddington Manor, Gloucestershire, England;by descent to his son, Sudeley Charles George Leigh Hanbury-Tracy, 3rd baron Sudeley [1837-77], Toddington Manor, Gloucestershire, England;by descent to his brother, Charles Douglas Richard Hanbury-Tracy, 4th baron Sudeley [1840-1922], Toddington Manor, Gloucestershire, England, probably until about 1893-95.;(Possibly Durlacher Brothers, London, by 1926).;Roche family, United States;George Roche, Jr., Louisville, Kentucky;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York, by 1970);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1970. FigureAncient Americanc. 1200–900 B.C.AP 1971.02(John Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. ManAncient Americanc. 1600–1200 B.C.AP 1971.03(John Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. WomanAncient Americanc. 1500–1200 B.C.AP 1971.04(John Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. FaceAncient Americanc. A.D. 700–900AP 1971.05(John A. Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. Madonna and ChildGiovanni Bellinic. 1465AP 1971.06Private collection, Bergamo, Italy;Otto Mündler [1811-1870], Paris, by 1866.;Private collection, Zurich;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. of Captives to a Maya RulerAncient Americanc. A.D. 785AP 1971.07New York art market by March 1970.;(John A. Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. with Pampas Grass DesignOgata Kenzanearly 18th centuryAP 1971.10(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Paris), possibly sometime between 1929 and 1947;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. Exiled Emperor on OkinoshimaJapanesec. 1600AP 1971.11Kawakatwu collection, Yokohama, by 1942 or 1949;(Jean-Pierre Dubosc (1904-1988), Paris and Tokyo) by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. 17th centuryAP 1971.12(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Paris) possibly sometime between 1929 and 1947;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. FigurineJapanesec. 1000–200 B.C.AP 1971.15Okura Collection, Tokyo;(Kochukyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo);(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. with Lotus DesignChinese12th or 13th centuryAP 1971.16(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York) by 1970;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. Sydenham HillCamille Pissarro1871AP 1971.21Given by the artist to his wife, Julie Pissarro, June 14, 1871;sold to (Bernheim-Jeune, Paris), December 1913;purchased by (Paul Cassirer, Berlin), 1918;purchased by (Dr. Hans Wendland, Berlin), 1918.;Paula de Koenigsberg, Buenos Aires, by 1945;Paula de Koenigsberg estate sale, 1968;purchased by Henry Pearlman (1895-1974), New York, 1968;purchased by (Marianne Breslauer-Feilchenfeldt, Zurich),1969;purchased by (Paul Rosenberg and Co., New York), 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1971. Seated ManJapanesec. A.D. 500AP 1972.02Hisashi Okura, Tokyo, before 1958;(Mayuyama and Co., Ltd., Tokyo;The Honorable Jean Daridan, Paris, before 1966;(N.V. Hammer, Inc. New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Female AttendantGreekc. 340–330 B.C.AP 1972.03(Elie Borowski [1913-2003], Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Male HeadCypriotc. 500–475 B.C.AP 1972.05(Elie Borowski [1913-2003], Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. from a VisitZhu Derunc. mid-14th centuryAP 1972.06Manchu Household Collection, presumably by the 18th century.;Zen-ichiro Takeuchi, Tokyo, by 1968;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Confiding the Infant Bacchus to the Nymphs of NysaFrançois Boucher1769AP 1972.07Painted for Jean-François Bergeret de Frouville [d.1783], hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, Paris, 1769;by inheritance, with Hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his daughter, Marie-Charlotte, Paris;by inheritance with Hôtel Bergeret de Frouville to her second husband, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Hervé d’Arbonne, Paris France;purchased in 1811, with Hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, by Gabriel-Louis-François Périer [d. 1815], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his son, Amédée-Gabriel Périer [d. 1838], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, later hôtel Marcilly, to his cousin, Pierre-Louis Raffard, comte de Marcilly, Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Marcilly, to his widow, Eugénie-Zoé, comtesse de Marcilly, Paris;M. Johnson, c. 1882.;Baron Edmond James de Rothschild [1845-1934], hôtel de Pontalba, rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, probably 1882 and before 1891;presumably by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to his widow, Adelheid [1853-1935], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to her son, Maurice de Rothschild [1881-1957], Paris;confiscated by German occupation forces, c. 1940;restituted to Rothschild family, Paris, c. 1945-46;baron Edmond Alphonse Maurice Jules Jacques de Rothschild [1926-1997], Paris and Geneva;(Allwa Handelsgesellschaft, Zurich);purchased through (Hallborough Gallery, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Asking Aeolus to Release the WindsFrançois Boucher1769AP 1972.08Painted for Jean-François Bergeret de Frouville [d.1783], hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, Paris, 1769;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his daughter, Marie-Charlotte, Paris;by inheritance with Hôtel Bergeret de Frouville to her second husband, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Hervé d’Arbonne, Paris France;purchased in 1811, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, by Gabriel-Louis-François Périer [d. 1815], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his son, Amédée-Gabriel Périer [d. 1838], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, later hôtel Marcilly, to his cousin, Pierre-Louis Raffard, comte de Marcilly, Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Marcilly, to his widow, Eugénie-Zoé, comtesse de Marcilly, Paris;M. Johnson, c. 1882.;Baron Edmond James de Rothschild [1845-1934], hôtel de Pontalba, rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, probably 1882 and before 1891;presumably by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to his widow, Adelheid [1853-1935], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to her son, Maurice de Rothschild [1881-1957], Paris;confiscated by German occupation forces, c. 1940;restituted to Rothschild family, Paris, c. 1945-46;baron Edmond Alphonse Maurice Jules Jacques de Rothschild [1926-1997], Paris and Geneva;(Allwa Handelsgesellschaft, Zurich);purchased through (Hallborough Gallery, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. at Vulcan's ForgeFrançois Boucher1769AP 1972.09Painted for Jean-François Bergeret de Frouville [d.1783], hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, Paris, 1769;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his daughter, Marie-Charlotte, Paris;by inheritance with Hôtel Bergeret de Frouville to her second husband, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Hervé d’Arbonne, Paris France;purchased in 1811, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, by Gabriel-Louis-François Périer [d. 1815], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his son, Amédée-Gabriel Périer [d. 1838], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, later hôtel Marcilly, to his cousin, Pierre-Louis Raffard, comte de Marcilly, Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Marcilly, to his widow, Eugénie-Zoé, comtesse de Marcilly, Paris;M. Johnson, c. 1882.;Baron Edmond James de Rothschild [1845-1934], hôtel de Pontalba, rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, probably 1882 and before 1891;presumably by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to his widow, Adelheid [1853-1935], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to her son, Maurice de Rothschild [1881-1957], Paris;confiscated by German occupation forces, c. 1940;restituted to Rothschild family, Paris, c. 1945-46;baron Edmond Alphonse Maurice Jules Jacques de Rothschild [1926-1997], Paris and Geneva;(Allwa Handelsgesellschaft, Zurich);purchased through (Hallborough Gallery, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Abducting OreithyiaFrançois Boucher1769AP 1972.10Painted for Jean-François Bergeret de Frouville [d.1783], hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, Paris, 1769;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his daughter, Marie-Charlotte, Paris;by inheritance with Hôtel Bergeret de Frouville to her second husband, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Hervé d’Arbonne, Paris France;purchased in 1811, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, by Gabriel-Louis-François Périer [d. 1815], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, to his son, Amédée-Gabriel Périer [d. 1838], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Bergeret de Frouville, later hôtel Marcilly, to his cousin, Pierre-Louis Raffard, comte de Marcilly, Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel Marcilly, to his widow, Eugénie-Zoé, comtesse de Marcilly, Paris;M. Johnson, c. 1882.;Baron Edmond James de Rothschild [1845-1934], hôtel de Pontalba, rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, probably 1882 and before 1891;presumably by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to his widow, Adelheid [1853-1935], Paris;by inheritance, with hôtel de Pontalba, to her son, Maurice de Rothschild [1881-1957], Paris;confiscated by German occupation forces, c. 1940;restituted to Rothschild family, Paris, c. 1945-46;baron Edmond Alphonse Maurice Jules Jacques de Rothschild [1926-1997], Paris and Geneva;(Allwa Handelsgesellschaft, Zurich);purchased through (Hallborough Gallery, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. JarJapanese17th centuryAP 1972.12(N.V. Hammer, Inc., New York) by 1969;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Jar (Mizusashi) with CoverJapaneseearly 17th centuryAP 1972.13 a,bMrs. Marion Ariowitsch, New York, by 1963;(Marion Hammer, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. or 13th centuryAP 1972.14 a,bDr. and Mrs. Robert Dickes, New York, by 1968;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York) by 1970;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. BoxKorean12th or 13th centuryAP 1972.15 a,b(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Paris and Tokyo), by 1970;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Priest or GodAncient Americanc. A.D. 400–600AP 1972.16In New York by 1964 or 1965;(John Stokes, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth,1972. A.D. 450–62AP 1972.17(Peter Marks, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. and a FlowerSyrianc. A.D. 400AP 1972.18(Elie Borowski (1913-2003), Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. ManSyrianc. A.D. 400AP 1972.19(Elie Borowski [1913-2003] Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. A.D. 400AP 1972.20(Elie Borowski (1913-2003), Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. A.D. 400AP 1972.21(Elie Borowski [1913-2003], Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. with Two Strands of IvySyrianc. A.D. 400AP 1972.22(Elie Borowski (1913-2003), Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. A.D. 400AP 1972.23(Elie Borowski [1913-2003], Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1972. Bird, Possibly a CraneSyrianc. A.D. 400AP 1972.24(Elie Borowski [1913-2003], Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth,1972. Jar (Mizusashi)Japaneselate 16th centuryAP 1973.01Nezu collection, Tokyo, by 1952;(Jean-Pierre Dubosc (1904-1988), Paris) by 1970;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1973. with Courtiers, Carts, and BlossomsJapanesemid-18th centuryAP 1976.01(Spink & Son, Zurich, Ltd., Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1976. Cabinet with Gourd DesignJapaneseearly 17th centuryAP 1976.02(Spink & Son, Zurich, Ltd., Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1976. Portrait of the Duke of BuckinghamPeter Paul Rubens1625AP 1976.08Claude-Maurice-Henri Roxard de la Salle [1837-1882], Nancy, France;(his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 28 March 1881, no. 29, as an equestrian portrait of “l’Infant Don Ferdinand d’Autriche”);purchased for 13,000 francs by Louis Stern;his widow, Mme Louis Stern, née Ernesta de Hierschel [1854-1926], Paris;by descent to her granddaughter, Madame Sylvie de Langlade, Paris;purchased by (Somerville and Simpson, Ltd., London), 1974;purchased by a private collector, London, 1974;purchased through (Somerville and Simpson, Ltd., London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1976. of a Young JewRembrandt van Rijn1663AP 1977.04Possibly Cardinal Antonio Despuig y Dameto, [1745-1813], Rome and Raxa, Palma de Mallorca, Spain;possibly his heirs, the Despuig counts of Montenegro, Raxa, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.;Cotoner family, possibly Fernando Cotoner, Marqués de la Cenia [1810-1888], Palma de Mallorca, Spain;presumably by descent to Nicolas Cotoner y Allendesalazar, 2nd Marqués de la Cenia [1847-97], Palma de Mallorca, Spain.;Rodolphe Kann [1844/45-1905], Paris, by 1900;by descent to the executors of the Kann estate;(Duveen Brothers, Paris, London, and New York, 1907).;Possibly (M. Knoedler & Co., New York, London, and Paris, 1912).;Sir William Cornelius Van Horne [1843-1915], Montreal, by 1912, possibly by 1909;Estate of the late William Van Horne, to 1945;by descent to Mrs. W. C. (Margaret) Van Horne, Montreal;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1977. of Dr. Francisco de PisaEl Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)c. 1610–14AP 1977.05Probably Las Benitas de la Purisima Concepción, Toledo, Spain, from 1616.;Javier de Quinto, conde de Quinto [1810-1860], Madrid and Paris;his widow, condesa de Quinto;(her sale, Paris, 1862, no. 66, identified as Diego de Covarrubias).;Alphonse Oudry [1819-1869], Paris and Naples;(his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 16-17 April 1869, no. 138, as “Portrait de Cavorrubias”);purchased for 430 francs by Félix Bamberg [b. 1820], Messina, 1869;purchased by King Carol I of Romania [1839-1914], Pelesh Castle, Sinaia, Romania, probably in 1879;by descent to his nephew, King Ferdinand [1865-1927], Pelesh Castle, Sinaia, Romania;by descent to his son King Carol II of Romania [1893-1953];his heirs;(Wildenstein && Co., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1977. Girl Holding a BasketAncient AmericanA.D. 600–750AP 1978.01(Alphonse Jax, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1978. IlungaAfricanmid-19th centuryAP 1978.05Fred Abecassis, probably Angola, before 1900;private collection from 1940;(sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, Ltd., London, 13 June 1978, no. 254);(Walter Randel, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1978. Buddha ShakyamuniNepalese7th centuryAP 1979.01(Ben Heller, Inc., New York) by 1967;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. Ancestor FigureAfrican19th centuryAP 1979.03Frank D. Lambrecht, Congo and Brussels.;(Armando Scamperle, Rome and Paris).;(Jacques Kerchache [born 1942], Paris) to the mid-1970s);purchased by (Ben Heller, Inc., New York) possibly from (Jacques Kerchache) by 1975;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. Jar with Oak Leaf and FishItalianc. 1425–50AP 1979.06Unknown Private Collection, Florence;(Luigi Grassi, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. Jar with Oak Leaf and Lily MotifsItalianc. 1425–50AP 1979.07Unknown Private Collection, Florence;(Luigi Grassi, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth,1979. Jar with Gothic Leaf MotifItalianc. 1450–75AP 1979.08(Luigi Grassi, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth,1979. with Pine Cone MotifItalianc. 1500AP 1979.09(Luigi Grassi, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. with Scrolling Gothic Leaf MotifItalianc. 1450–1500AP 1979.10(Luigi Grassi, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. Twin WarriorsAncient Americanc. 700–1200AP 1979.23Private collection, Florida, by 1957;Mr. Henry Weinstock, New York, 1957 to 1979;Malcolm G. Delacorte, New York, 1979;Dr. Nadine B. Castro, New York, 1979;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. Two Deer HeadsAncient Americanc. 700–1200AP 1979.24Private collection, Florida, by 1957;Mr. Henry Weinstock, New York, 1957 to 1979;Malcolm G. Delacorte, New York, 1979;Dr. Nadine B. Castro, New York, 1979;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. ArmFrenchc. 1150–1200 (crystal possibly added in the 15th century)AP 1979.25Probably from a church treasury in the province of Liège.;Collection of the Baron de Decker, Brussels in the 19th century.;acquired on the art market in New York in 1937.;(Ernest Brummer [1891-1964], Paris, New York, and Zurich), to 1979;Mrs. Ernest Brummer, to 1979;(Brummer sale, Galerie Koller AG, Zurich, 17 October 1979, no. 202), see above note;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. CasketFrenchc. 1200–1220AP 1979.26(Stephan and Gaspard Bourgeois, Cologne);(their sale, J. M. Heberle, Cologne, 19-27 October 1904, no. 363).;(Henri Daguerre), Paris.;Otto H. Kahn [1867-1934], Paris and New York;purchased by (Joseph Brummer) [1883-1947], New York and Paris, 5];(his sale, by Orders of the Executors, Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, 11-14 May 1949;no. 728);purchased for $2000 by (Ernest Brummer [1891-1964]);(Ernest Brummer, Paris, New York, and Zurich), to 1964;Mrs. Ernest Brummer, 1964-79;(Brummer sale, Galerie Koller AG, Zurich, 17 October 1979, no. 225);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. CasketFrenchc. 1250–1300AP 1979.27(Ernest Brummer [1891-1964], Paris, New York, and Zurich), to 1964;Mrs. Ernest Brummer to 1979;(Brummer sale, Galerie Koller AG, Zurich, 17 October 1979, no. 237);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. of Hendrik III, Count of Nassau-BredaJan Gossart, called Mabusec. 1516–17AP 1979.30Baron Alfred Charles de Rothschild [1842-1918], Seamore Place, London and Halton House, Buckinghamshire, England;by bequest to his daughter, Almina Victoria Marie Alexandra Carnarvon, Countess of Carnarvon [1877-1969], London, 1918;(her sale, Christie’s, London, 22 May 1925, no. 71);purchased by (Thomas Agnew & Sons, Ltd., London) for £4,620.;(Sir Joseph Duveen, 1st Baron Duveen of Milbank [1869-1939], London and New York, before 1927);Ernst Rosenfeld, New York, by 1930.;Mr. Charles V. [1890-1979 and Mrs. Catherine Barker Hickox [1896-1970], New York and Chicago, by 1939;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. Mother and ChildAfricanlate 19th centuryAP 1979.37Pitt Rivers collection, England.;Armand P. Arman (born 1928), Paris and New York, to c. 1977;purchased by (Ben Heller, Inc., New York), 1977;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. of a EweSumerianc. 3200 B.C.AP 1979.38(Elie Borowski [1913-2003], Basel, Switzerland);(Ben Heller, Inc., New York), by 1979;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. TotecAncient Americanc. 900–1200AP 1979.39(Ben Heller, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979.’s MaskAfricanearly 20th centuryAP 1979.42(Ralph Nash, London) by c. 1962;(Jacques Kerchache [born 1942], Paris) to c. 1962;Morris J. Pinto, Paris, since 1962;Armand P. Arman (born 1928), Paris and New York, to c. 1977;purchased by (Ben Heller, Inc., New York), 1977;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1979. in the Style of Dong YuanWen Jia1577AP 1980.01Etablissement des Beaux-Arts du Monde, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, since 1979;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York) as agent for the Etablissement des Beaux-Arts du Monde, Vaduz, Liechtenstein;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1980. Mountains and Silent WatersDong Qichang1632AP 1980.02He Xianggang (Ho Hsiang-kang), Guangdong;Weng Songnian (Weng Sung-nien, 1647-1728);Pan Zhengwei (P’an Cheng-wei, 1791-1850);Gu Wenbin (Ku Wen-pin, 1811-1888);Ho Kwan-wu, Hong Kong (d. about 1974);Zhou Huaimin (Chou Huai-min);Zhang Daqian (Chang Ta-chien, 1899-1983);Etablissement des Beaux-Arts du Monde, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, since 1979;(N. V. Hammer, Inc., New York) as agent for the Etablissement des Beaux-Arts du Monde, Vaduz, Liechtenstein;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1980. Anger of AchillesJacques-Louis David1819AP 1980.07Acquired from the artist c. 1 November 1819 by André Parmentier, Enghien, Belgium;sold 21 October 1824 due to Parmentier’s bankruptcy to Carion Delmotte for f. 8,300, Mons, Belgium;J. Naigeon, curator of the Galerie du Luxembourg, Paris, until 1830.;With Mme Noël des Vergers by 1880 until 1940.;Swiss private collection.;American art market in 1977.;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1980. Butcher's ShopAnnibale Carracciearly 1580sAP 1980.08John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, 7th Earl and 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, and Earl of Haddo [1847-1934], Haddo House, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland;by descent to his grandson, Maj. David George Ian Alexander Gordon, 4th Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair [1908-74], Haddo House, Aberdeenshire, England, by 1961;(sold on behalf of The Haddo House Endowment by The National Trust for Scotland, Christie’s, London, 7 July 1978, no. 138);(Thomas Agnew and Son, Ltd., London, to 1980);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth,1980. with Two Gods before a MountainAncient Americanc. A.D. 700–800AP 1980.10(Alphonse Jax, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1980. of Georges ClemenceauÉdouard Manet1879–80AP 1981.01Gift to Georges Clémenceau [1841-1929] by the widow of the artist, Suzanne Manet, on 11 July 1883;Ambroise Vollard [1867-1939] through (Mary Cassatt) for Frs. 1,000, by 1905.;Marczell von Nemes [1866-1930] by 1912;(his sale, Galerie Manzi-Joyant, Paris, 18 June, 1913, no. 109);purchased by Durand-Ruel for Frs. 5,000.;Rothenstein;(sequestered sale of Richard Goetz, Wendland, and Siegfried Hertz, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 23-24 February 1922, no. 182, for Frs. 5000);purchased by Georges Bernheim for Frs. 5,800.;(Walther Halvorsen), Oslo, by 1929;(Thannhauser Galerie), Berlin, by 1932;(Dr. Justin K. Thannhauser [1892-1976]), New York.;Private collection, Switzerland, by 1968;purchased through (Galerie Rosengart, Lucerne) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Scaevola Confronting King PorsennaBernardo Cavallinoc. 1650AP 1981.02Private collection, Madrid;(sale, Fernando Duran, Madrid, 14 March 1978, no. 76, as “Escena biblica” by Andrea Vaccaro);(Somerville & Simpson, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Grosvenor's Arabian Stallion with a GroomGeorge Stubbsc. 1765AP 1981.03Painted for Richard Grosvenor, 7th baronet, and 1st earl Grosvenor [1731-1802], Eaton Hall, Cheshire, and London;by descent to his son, Robert Grosvenor, 2nd earl Grosvenor (later 1st marquess of Westminster) [1767-1845], Eaton Hall, Cheshire, and Grosvenor House, London;(his sale, Peter Coxe, London, 2 July 1812, no. 24, sold for £37.16).;Mr. James Brady, New Jersey, until c. 1970.;Private collection, United States;purchased through (Leggatt Brothers, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. of Winged DeitiesAssyrianc. 874-860 B.C.AP 1981.04 a,bExcavated by A. Henry Layard after 1845;private collection, Novar House, Kirkcaldy, Scotland;(Bruce and Ingrid McAlpine Ancient Art, London), 1980;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. age! Age d'or (Happy Age! Golden Age)Jean-Antoine Watteauc. 1716–20AP 1981.05Jeanne-Baptiste d’Albert de Luynes, Comtesse de Verrue [1670-1736], Paris;(her sale, Paris, 27 March 1737, no. 83, one of "deux petits tableaux," sold for 531 livres).;Possibly English market.;Possibly (Claussin, et. al. sale, Durand, Paris, 9 ff. June 1824, no. 9).;Alfred Charles de Rothschild [1842–1918], Hamilton Place, London and Halton, Buckinghamshire, by 1884 until at least 1889.;(Charles Wertheimer, London and Paris);purchased for 10,585 francs by (Sedelmeyer Gallery, Paris), 1893;purchased for 15,000 francs by Maurice Kann [d. 1906], Paris, 1894;his estate;(possibly Duveen Bros., Paris, by at least 1909);David David-Weill [1871-1952], Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, by at least 1922.;Charles E. Dunlap [c. 1890-1966], New York, c. 1950;his widow, Mrs. Charles E. Dunlap, New York;(her sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 3-6 December 1975, no. 359).;(Eugene Thaw, New York);(David Carritt, Ltd., Artemis Group, London, by 1978);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Cheat with the Ace of ClubsGeorges de La Tourc. 1630-34AP 1981.06Probably acquired by Count Isaac IV Pictet [1746-1823], Le Reposoir, Pregny, Switzerland;by inheritance to his son, Louis II Pictet [1778-1852], Le Reposoir, Pregny;by inheritance to his second cousin once removed, Richard I Pictet [1817-1884], Le Reposoir, Pregny;by inheritance to his son, Louis V Pictet [1854-1930], Le Reposoir, Pregny;by inheritance to his daughter, Mme Andrée Morier, née Pictet [1891-1986], Geneva, to 1981;(Andrée Stassart, Belgium);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. FigureAncient Americanc. 900–400 B.C.AP 1981.07(Alphonse Jax, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Scene with Europa and the BullClaude Lorrain1634AP 1981.08Painted for Charles de Blanchefort, maréchal de Créquy and duc de Lesdiguières, [1573-1638], France.;St. George Usher St. George, 1st baron St. George of Hatley St. George [c. 1715-1775], Headford, Galway, Ireland, around 1763-70;by inheritance to his daughter, Emilia Olivia St. George and her husband, William Robert FitzGerald, 2nd duke of Leinster [1748/49-1804], Leinster House, Dublin, and Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland;by inheritance to his son, Augustus Frederick FitzGerald, 3rd duke of Leinster [1791-1874], Leinster House, Dublin, and Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland;by inheritance to his son, Charles William FitzGerald, 4th duke of Leinster [1819-1887], Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland;by inheritance, to his son, Gerald FitzGerald, 5th duke of Leinster [1851-1893], Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland;by inheritance, to his son, Maurice FitzGerald, 6th duke of Leinster [1887-1922], Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland;by inheritance to his brother, Edward FitzGerald, 7th duke of Leinster, [1892-1976], Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland;purchased, with Carton House, by Arthur Ronald Nall, 2nd baron Brocket [1904-1967], Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire, England, and Carton House, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland, 1949;by inheritance to his grandson, Charles Ronald George Nall-Cain, 3rd baron Brocket [b. 1952], Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire, England until 1974.;(Dr. Claus Virch with Art Associates Partnership, Bermuda, by 1975);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. in a White KimonoRekisentei Eiric. 1800AP 1981.10(David Newman, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. GaneshaIndian5th–6th century A.D.AP 1981.11(Colnaghi Oriental, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. and Unidentified Virtue, Possibly HopeBambaia (Agostino Busti)c. 1520–25AP 1981.12 a,bProbably Giovanni Battista Traversi [d. 1854], villa Traversi, Desio, Lombardy, Italy;by inheritance to Giovanni Cordara Antona Traversi [1822-1900], villa Antona Traversi, Desio;by inheritance to Bice Antona Traversi Tittoni, and her husband, Tommaso Antonio Tittoni, possibly dispersed around 1900-01.;Private collection, Switzerland;purchased through (Matthiesen Fine Art Limited, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Head of a WomanAntonio Canovac. 1817AP 1981.13Presented by the sculptor to Sir Charles Long ], 1st Baron Farnborough [1761-1838], 1818.;New York art market, 1981;(Silvano Lodi, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. of Don Pedro de BarberanaDiego Velázquezc. 1631–33AP 1981.14Painted for Don Pedro de Barberana y Aparregui [1579-1649].;Private collection, Spain, until 1950s;Georges Wildenstein [d. 1963], New York;(Wildenstein and Co., Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Canying HallLu Zhi1572AP 1981.15(Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988], Kamakura) by 1956;(James Freeman, Kyoto) as agent for Jean-Pierre Dubosc;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. FlaskJapaneselate 16th or early 17th centuryAP 1981.16(Klaus F. Naumann, Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. with a Solitary TravelerYosa Busonc. 1780AP 1981.18(Kochukyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. in the Guise of a Buddhist PriestJapanese11th centuryAP 1981.19(Setsu Gatodo Co., Ltd., Tokyo) by 1977;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. Warming ThemselvesJames Ensor1889AP 1981.20Vicomtesse de Lantsheere, Brussels, by 1932;Baron Robert Gendebien [1885-1954], Brussels, by 1945;purchased by Anne Burnett Windfohr Tandy [1900-1980], Fort Worth, by 1954;Estate of Anne Burnett Tandy;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1981. the Pont de l’EuropeGustave Caillebotte1876–77AP 1982.01Martial Caillebotte (the artist’s brother) [1853-1910] and descendants.;Extended loan, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 1964-1971.;Private collection, Paris, by 1976;(P. Borgognon & Fils SA, Geneva);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. Scroll Used for a Yuima-e Service at Tônomine TempleJapanesec. 1350AP 1982.02Nakamura Gakuryo, Japan, by 1964.;(Takashi Yanagi Object of Fine Arts, Kyoto);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. Leading Isaac to SacrificeDomenichino (Domenico Zampieri)1602AP 1982.03Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini [1572-1621], Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, and Palazzo Aldobrandini, Rome, by 1603;presumably by inheritance to Giorgio Aldobrandini [d. 1637], Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, and Palazzo Aldobrandini, Rome;by inheritance to his daughter, Olimpia Aldobrandini-Pamphili [1623-1681], Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, and Palazzo Aldobrandini, Rome, by 1665;by descent to her son, Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili [1653-1730], Palazzo, via del Corso, Rome, until at least 1710.;Louis, duc d’Orléans [1703-1752], Palais Royal, Paris, by 1727;by descent to his son, Louis-Philippe, duc d’Orléans [1725-1785], Paris;by descent to his son, Louis-Philippe-Joseph, duc d’Orléans [1747-1793], Paris;sold to viscount Edouard Walkuers, Brussels, 1792;sold to his cousin, François-Louis-Joseph, marquis de Laborde-Méréville [d. 1801], Paris and London, by 1792;sold to (Jeremiah Harman, London);purchased through (Michael Bryan) by a consortium consisting of Francis Egerton, 3rd duke of Bridgewater [1736-1803], Frederick Howard, 5th earl of Carlisle [1748-1825], and George Granville Leveson-Gower, earl Gower, later marquess of Stafford, and 1st duke of Sutherland [1721-1803], London, by 1798;(sale, Bryan, London, 26 December 1798, no. 91, purchased for 150 guineas by Mr. Ward, possibly bought in).;(Possibly Clarke and Hibbert sale, Christie’s, London, 14 May 1802, no. 56, bought in, £131.5).;(John Parke, London);(anonymous sale, London, 11 June 1804, no. 18).;(Philip Hill, London);(his sale, Christie’s, London, 20 June 1807, no. 78, bought in by Roberts, £210);(his sale, Philip Hill, London, 16 April-11 August 1810, no. 45);(his sale, Christie’s, London, 26 January 1811, no. 42, bought in, £210);(Hill et. al. sale, Christie’s, London, 3 July 1811, no. 93, bought in, 180 guineas).;(Possibly Bernard Pinney, London);(sale, Christie’s, London, 30 June 1820, no. 95).;Litt, London;(sale, Christie’s, London, 14 July 1828, no. 100);purchased for £152.5 by William Wilkins [1778-1839], Norwich and Cambridge, England;(his sale, Christie & Manson, London, 7 April 1838, no. 22);purchased for £204.15 by Sir Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 3rd marquess of Lansdowne, earl of Shelburne [1780-1863], Bowood,House Wiltshire, England;by descent to his son, Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 4th marquess of Lansdowne, earl of Shelburne [1816-1866], Bowood House, Wiltshire, England;by descent to his son, Henry Charles Keith Petty-FitzMaurice, 5th marquess of Lansdowne, earl of Shelburne [1845-1927], Bowood House, Wiltshire, England;by descent to his son, Henry William Edmond Petty-FitzMaurice, 6th marquess of Lansdowne, earl of Shelburne [1872-1936], Bowood House, Wiltshire, England;by descent to his son, Charles Hope Petty-FitzMaurice, 7th marquess of Lansdowne, earl of Shelburne [1917-1944], Bowood House, Wiltshire, England;by descent to his 1st cousin, George John Charles Mercer Nairne-Petty-FitzMaurice, 8th marquess of Lansdowne, earl of Shelburne [1912-1999], Bowood House, Wiltshire, England;purchased through (Thomas Agnew & Sons, London) by the Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. Statue of Pharaoh Amenhotep IIEgyptianc. 1400 B.C., recarved for Ramesses II (the Great) c. 1250 B.C.AP 1982.04Miss Margaret Benson [1865-1916];Benson descendants;sale (Christie Manson & Woods, London, 5 Dec. 1972), no. 1;bought by Ebury.;(Bruce and Ingrid McAlpine Ancient Art, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. Maria with a View of Château NoirPaul Cézannec. 1895AP 1982.05Ambroise Vollard by 1907;Marczell de Nêmes [1866-1930], Budapest, 1907-1913;(sale, Nêmes collection, Galerie Manzi-Joyant, Paris, 18 June 1913, no. 89);purchased by Jos. Hessel, Paris;Auguste Pellerin [1852-1929], Paris, by 1915;Jean-Victor Pellerin (son of Auguste), Paris.;George A. Embiricos, Jouxtens, Lausanne, by 1974;(Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. Combing Her HairPablo Picasso1906AP 1982.06Acquired directly from the artist by Ambroise Vollard [1867-1939], until at least 1932;Jacques Ulmann, Paris, 1945;Beatrice Ulmann, Paris, 1968;(Paul Rosenberg && Co., New York);Norton Simon Inc. Foundation, Pasadena to 1982;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. Student DrawingJean Siméon Chardinc. 1738AP 1982.07Purchased in Paris by Isambard Kingdom Brunel [1806-1859], London, England, 1848;thence by family descent to his great-grandson, Humphrey Brunel Noble of Ardmore, 4th baronet [1892-1968], Scotland, and Northumberland, England;by inheritance to his eldest son, Marc Brunel Noble of Ardmore, 5th baronet [1927-1991], England;(sale, Christie’s, London, 23 April 1982, no. 96).;(Possibly David Carritt, Limited, London, with Artemis Group).;(Noortman & Brod, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. and Flowers of Early SpringYin Hongc. 1500AP 1982.08(Klaus F. Naumann, Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1982. century A.D.AP 1983.01(Klaus F. Naumann Oriental Art, Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1983. and Autumn Flowers, Fruits, and GrassesJapanese18th centuryAP 1983.02 a,b(Leighton R. Longhi, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1983. Shaka BuddhaKaikeic. 1210AP 1984.01 a,b,cHara family collection, late 19th century;(Mayuyama & Co., Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. with Animals and FigureChinesec. A.D. 100AP 1984.02(London Gallery, Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. RulerAncient Americanc. A.D. 600–800AP 1984.03(Alphonse Jax, New York) by 1980;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. of H. J. van WisselinghGustave Courbet1846AP 1984.04Commissioned by Hendrik Jan van Wisselingh [11 February 1816-4 March 1884] in 1846;by inheritance to Mlle. N. van Wisselingh, Amsterdam;by inheritance to Elbert Jan van Wisselingh [11 November 1848-3 November 1912], son of Hendrik Jan van Wisselingh, Amsterdam.;Dr. Hans Alfred Wetzlar [-c.1977], Amsterdam, 1949;purchased 1 November 1949 by (Reid & Lefevre Gallery, London) from (E. J. van Wisselingh & Co., Amsterdam);purchased 8 December 1949 by Baron John Jacob Astor [20 May 1886-1971], Edenbridge, Kent, from (Reid & Lefevre Gallery, London);by inheritance to Gavin, 2nd Baron Astor of Hever [1 June 1918-1984], Edenbridge, Kent, by 1971, until 1978.;Private collection, Switzerland.;Private collection, London.;(Colnaghi, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. River Rhine Separating the WatersClodion (Claude Michel)1765AP 1984.05Possibly in the artist’s collection, Paris.;Private collection, Switzerland;(Visual Art Co., Ltd., S.A., Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Young DandyMiyagawa Choshunc. 1740AP 1984.06(David Newman, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Madonna and Child with Saint MartinaPietro da Cortonac. 1645AP 1984.07Probably Cardinal Francesco Barberini [1599-1679], Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome, by about 1645;probably his nephew, Don Maffeo Barberini, prince of Palestrina [1631-85], Palazzo Barberini alle Quattro Fontane, Rome;probably by descent to his son, Urbano Barberini, prince of Palestrina [1664-1722], Palazzo Barberini alle Quattro Fontane, Rome;probably by descent to his brother, Cardinal Francesco Barberini, prince of Palestrina [1662-1738], Palazzo Barberini alle Quattro Fontane, Rome.;Possibly acquired by Pope Alexander VIII (Pietro Vito Ottoboni) [1611-91], Rome;possibly by descent to his grand-nephew, Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni [1667-1740], Rome;(possibly sold, as one of nine paintings, 27 July 1740).;Welbore Ellis Agar, 2nd earl of Normanton [1778-1868], Somerley, Ringwood, Hampshire, England, by 1854.;Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morton Landon, Baltimore and New York, by 1940;by descent to Mrs. Harold Morton (Frederica R.) Landon, Baltimore and New York;her estate, New York;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Peak with Drifting CloudsCaspar David Friedrichc. 1835AP 1984.08Acquired from the artist by Count Friedrich von Hahn, probably Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph Graf Hahn [1804-], Schloss Basedow, Mecklenburg, Germany;by descent to his great-granddaughter;(sale, Sotheby’s, London, 25 November 1981, no. 9);purchased by Speelman and Colnaghi;(Colnaghi, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. of Heriberto CasanyJoan Miró1918AP 1984.09René Gaffé [1887-1968], Brussels, 1929.;(Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York), February 1937;Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. [1909-1988], New York, 1939;(his sale, Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 16 February 1950, no. 57);Edward A. Bragaline, New York, by November 1951;(E. V. Thaw & Co., Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Coronation of the VirginGiovanni Battista Tiepolo1754AP 1984.10Possibly the artist’s widow, Cecilia Guardi, c. 1770.;Possibly count Bernardino Algarotti Corniani, Venice.;Probably purchased in Venice by Edward Cheney [1803-1884], Venice, London, and Badger Hall, Shropshire, England, by 1856;(his sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 29 April 1885, no. 161);purchased by Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th earl of Rosebery, [1847-1929], London;by inheritance to his son, Albert Edward Harry Mayer Archibald Primrose, 6th earl of Rosebery [1882-1974], London;by inheritance to his widow, Eva Isabel Marian, countess of Rosebery [d. 1987], London;(sale, Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co., London, 24 March 1976, no. 12, as Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo);purchased for £80,000 by a private collector, England;(sale, Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co., London, 8 April 1981, no. 111, unsold, as Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo).;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Shell TrumpetAncient Americanc. A.D. 250–400AP 1984.11Peter Wray Collection, Phoenix;American Financial Corporation, Cincinnati;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. and MonkeysShibata Zeshin1872AP 1984.12(Fugendo Co., Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. no GyojaJapanesec. 1300–1375AP 1984.13(Takashi Yanagi Object of Fine Arts, Kyoto);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. ArhatChinesec. 1300–1450AP 1984.14(Takashi Yanagi, Kyoto, Japan);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. JarJapanesec. A.D. 100AP 1984.15(Michael Goedhuis, Ltd., Colnaghi Oriental, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Lekythos Showing Eros in the Role of ArcherAttributed to Brygos Painterc. 490–480 B.C.AP 1984.16(Robin Symes Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Among the CorybantesGiuseppe Maria Crespic. 1730AP 1984.17(Lynven, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Figures on a StepBartolomé Esteban Murilloc. 1655–60AP 1984.18Charles Berners Plestow [1798–1849], Watlington Hall, Norfolk, England, before 1830;Mr. Richard Abraham, London, by 1830;(his sale, Phillips, London, 28 June 1831, no. 52);purchased for £126 by Sir Charles Henry Coote, 9th baronet [1792–1864], Ballyfin House, County Laois, Ireland;by descent to his son, Sir Charles Henry Coote, 10th Baronet [1815–1895], Ballyfin House, Ireland, by 1838;by descent to his brother, Rev. Sir Algernon Coote, 11th baronet [1817–1899], Ballyfin House, County Laois;by descent to his son, Sir Algernon Charles Plumptre Coote, 12th baronet [1847–1920], Ballyfin House, County Laois;by descent to his son, Sir Ralph Algernon Coote, 13th baronet [1874–1941], Ballyfin House, County Laois, and London;(his sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 7 May 1923, no. 284);purchased by Kendal for £ 71–8.;Arthur L. Nicholson, London, by 1924.;(Ehrich Galleries, New York), by 1925.;(Malmedé & Geissend"rfer, Cologne, Germany), by 1930.;(Dr. Siegfried F. Aram, New York), by 1938.;Erik Bergmann, Monroe, Michigan, by 1959.;Charles Russell Feldman, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1968;his heirs, Greenwich, Connecticut;purchased through (Richard L. Feigen & Co., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. and White LotusChinese14th centuryAP 1984.19(Alice Boney, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984., Rock, and NarcissusChen Jiayen1652AP 1984.20Asada Juzaburo, Nagasaki, Japan;(Howard Rogers, Kamakura, Japan);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. of Charles Carpeaux, the Sculptor's BrotherJean-Baptiste Carpeaux1874AP 1984.21(Hôtel des ventes, Paris, salle 2, 14 November 1917);purchased by Paul Helleu [1859-1927];(vente Helleu, Hôtel des ventes, Paris, salle 9-10, 29 March 1928, no. 39);purchased by M. Blanchard de Lyon;purchased from Mlle. Blanchard by (Fabius Frères Antiquaires, Paris) in 1959;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Interior with an Old Flute PlayerLouis (or Antoine?) Le Nainc. 1642AP 1984.22John Rushout, 2nd baron Northwick [1769/70-1859], Northwick Park, Worcestershire (now Gloucestershire), and Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, England, by 1846;(his sale at Thirlestane House, Phillips, London, 26 July–30 August 1859, no. 155);purchased on 27 July 1859 for 91 guineas by William Gibbs [1790-1875], Tyntesfield House, Wraxall, Somerset, England;by descent to his son, Antony Gibbs [1841-1907], Tyntesfield House, Wraxall, Somerset;by descent to his son, George Abraham Gibbs, 1st baron Wraxall [1873-1931], Tyntesfield House, Wraxall, Somerset;by descent to his son, George Richard Lawley Gibbs, 2nd baron Wraxall [1928-2001], Tyntesfield House, Wraxall, Somerset;(sale, Christie, Manson and Woods, London, 11 December 1981, no. 127, bought in);purchased through (E. V. Thaw & Co., Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. Playing the SamisenIsoda Koryusaic. 1785AP 1984.23(David Newman, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1984. and AdonisNicolas Poussinc. 1628–29AP 1985.01Possibly in the Dal Pozzo collection, Rome, to after 1740.;Hugh A. J. Munro [1797-1864], Novar, Scotland, by 1854;by inheritance to his sister, Mrs. Butler Johnstone, London, 1864;(Novar sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 1 June 1878, no. 77, purchased by Dyer for £53.11).;Sir Frederick Lucas Cook, 2nd Baronet [1844-1920],, Doughty House, Richmond, England, before 1914 to 1964;trustees of the Cook 1939 Settlement, on loan to Manchester City Art Gallery, 1964–82;(sale, Christie’s, London, 6 July 1984, no. 111);(Richard L. Feigen && Co., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Statue of Senenmut, Chief Steward of Queen HatshepsutEgyptianc. 1473-1458 B.C.AP 1985.02Eli Massey, Geneva, Switzerland, 1960–1963;private collection, Switzerland and New York, 1963–1976.;(Artinba AG, Basel, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Simplicité (Simplicity)Jean-Baptiste Greuze1759AP 1985.03Painted for Jeanne Antoinette Poisson d’Etiolles, marquise de Pompadour [1721-1764], Versailles and Paris, 1759;by inheritance, with its pendant, The Young Shepherd Holding a Flower, to her brother, Abel François Poisson de Vandières, marquis de Marigny and Menars [1727-1781], Paris;(his sale, Paris, 18 March-6 April 1782, no. 43);purchased, with its pendant, for 2399 livres 19 sols by François-Antoine Robit [c.1752-1815] for Louis XVI, King of France [1754-1793].;Comte Hyacinthe-François-Joseph d'Espinoy [1764-1848], Paris;(his sale, Paris, 14-19 January and 4-9 Feburary 1850, no. 934);purchased, with its pendant, no. 935, for 615 francs by Ward.;Baron Edmond Adolph Maurice Jules Jacques de Rothschild [1926-1997], Château de Prégny, Geneva, Switzerland;purchased through (French & Company, Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. and the ContinentsGiovanni Battista Tiepoloc. 1739AP 1985.04Eugène Piot [1812-1890], Paris, from 1873;(his sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 21-24 May 1890, no. 579, as Tiepolo, “Esquisse de plafond”);purchased for 3300ƒ by Camille Groult, [1837-1908], Paris;by inheritance to his son, Jean Groult [1868-1951], Paris;(sale, Galerie Charpentier, Paris, 21 March 1952, no. 95, purchased by Treuchfelder (?), Switzerland).;Alfred Hausammann, Zurich, probably by 1953;purchased through (E.V. Thaw & Co., Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Three Stars of Happiness, Wealth, and LongevityWang Zhaoc. 1500AP 1985.06(Howard Rogers, Kamakura);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. JarJapanesec. A.D. 100AP 1985.07(London Gallery, Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. of a WomanSebastiano del Piombo (Sebastiano Luciani)early 1530sAP 1985.08John Home-Cust (later Egerton), viscount Alford [1812-1851], Ashridge Park, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England, 1849, as Andrea del Sarto;given to Anne Florence de Grey Cowper, countess Cowper and baroness Lucas of Crudwell [1806-1880], Panshanger, Hertfordshire, and Wrest Park, Bedfordshire, England, 1850;possibly by descent to her daughter, Lady Adine Eliza Anne Cowper Fane [d. 1868];by descent to her daughter, Lady Ethel Anne Priscilla Fane Grenfell, baroness Desborough [1867-1952], Panshanger, Hertfordshire, and Taplow Court, Buckinghamshire, England;by descent to her daughter, Lady Monica Margaret Grenfell Salmond [1893-1978], Henfield, England;(sale, Christie’s, London, 8 December 1972, no. 77, as Sebastiano del Piombo);purchased for $138,600 by (Edward Speelman, Ltd.);possibly (Artemis Group, David Carritt Ltd., London);(Colnaghi, New York, by 1982);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. in the Form of Cociyo, God of Lightning and RainAncient Americanc. A.D. 400–500AP 1985.09(Edward H. Merrin Gallery, Inc., New York) prior to 1968;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. of the Ik’ DancerAncient Americanc. A.D. 750AP 1985.10Purchased by Robert Hubler, Fort Worth, from Enrique Rodas, Guatemala, in 1980;(Fort Worth Gallery, Fort Worth);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Légerc. 1920AP 1985.11Given by the artist to Blaise Cendrars [1887-1961] in 1920;by descent in Blaise Cendrars’s family until 1981;Ellen Melas Kyriazi Collection, Switzerland (acquired directly from the Cendrars family);purchased from (Ellen Melas Kyriazi, Lausanne) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Xianc. 1650AP 1985.12(Howard Rogers, Kamakura, Japan);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Life with Oranges, Jars, and Boxes of SweetsLuis Meléndezc. 1760–65AP 1985.13Private collection, Switzerland;(Harari & Johns Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Nyoirin KannonJapanesec. 1230–50AP 1985.15(Harry Packard, Kyoto);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. JarChinesec. 2200 B.C.AP 1985.16(Eskenazi, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1985. Martyrdom of Saint Ursula and the Eleven Thousand MaidensPeter Paul Rubensc. 1615–20AP 1986.01(Sale, Christie’s, London, 5 June 1886, no. 64, withdrawn from sale by the owner);thence by descent to R. E. Boulton, Stanmore, London, by 1940;by family descent;(sale, Sotheby’s, London, 3 April 1985, no. 37);purchased by (Agnew & Sons, Ltd., London);purchased through (E. V. Thaw & Company, Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. Apostle Saint James the Greater Freeing the Magician HermogenesFra Angelico (Fra Giovanni da Fiesole)c. 1426–29AP 1986.03Probably Ignazio Enrico Hugford [1703-78], Florence;possibly his heirs;possibly Jean-Alexis-François Artaud de Montor [1772-1849], Paris and Rome, by about 1808.;Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino [d. 1840], Paris and Rome;(his sale, Buchanan, London, 6 February 1815, no. 61, unsold);(his sale, Stanley, London, 14-16 May 1816, no. 96, sold for £24.3, possibly bought in).;James-Alexandre, comte de Pourtalès-Gorgier [1776-1855], Paris, before 1841;(his sale, Paris, 27 March 1865, no. 15);purchased for 7000 francs by Etienne Edmond, comte Lafond, Paris;by descent to his daughter, Marie Thérèse Lafond, duchesse des Cars [1852-1912], Paris;by descent to her son, François Marie Edmond, marquis and later duc des Cars [1875-1941], Paris;by descent to his son, Louis Charles Marie, marquis and later duc des Cars [1909-1961], Paris, in 1933;ceded to a member of the maternal family of his wife, the de Meeüs, Belgium, about 1942.;Private collection, Switzerland, by 1947;purchased through (Wildenstein & Co., Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth 1986. and ZuleikaEugène Delacroix1857AP 1986.04Gift to landlord, Hurel, Paris, March 1858 to 1889.;(E. Le Roy et Cie., Paris) to 11 May 1913;purchased by (Knoedler and Co., Paris);sold to Mme Soucaret through (Knoedler and Co., Paris), June 1913.;Mme Dhainaut, Paris, to 19 May 1924;(sale Mme Dhainaut, Paris, 19 May 1924 no. 6);purchased by Marchal Diehl for Frs. 70,500.;Private collection, Switzerland from 1980;(Lentes Trading S. A., Zug, Switzerland);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. and BrutusErcole de’ Robertic. 1486–90AP 1986.05Probably painted for Eleonora of Aragon, duchess of Ferrara [1450-1493].;John Hope Barton [1833-1876], Stapleton Park, Yorkshire, England, by 1868, as “Vanity Rebuked,” by an unknown artist.;Sir Herbert Frederick Cook, 3rd baronet [1868-1939], Doughty House, Richmond, Surrey, England, 1920;by descent to his eldest son, Sir Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook, 4th baronet [1907-1978], Doughty House, Richmond, Surrey;by descent to his widow, Dowager Lady Bridget Brenda Cook, St. Aubin, Jersey, England;purchased through (Sommerville & Simpson Ltd., London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. Buddha with Two AttendantsIndianA.D. 82AP 1986.06Helen Schulz-Piroth, Germany, about 1958 to1978;purchased by (Mansur Galleries, Ltd., London), 1978-80;purchased by Michael Phillips, Beverly Hills, California, 1980-86;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. Madonna and Child with a Female Saint and the Infant Saint John the BaptistTitian (Tiziano Vecellio)1530sAP 1986.07Possibly Mr. V. Joseph, London.;(Anonymous sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 29 May 1952, no. 129, as Titian);purchased for £78-15 by (Francesco Pospisil, Venice).;Private collection, Bologna, by 1969.;(Sale, Sotheby's, London, 9 April 1986, no. 85, as “Studio of Titian”);purchased by (Piero Corsini, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. of Doge Pietro LoredanTintoretto (Jacopo Robusti)1567–70AP 1986.08John Ross Delafield [1874-1964], New York;estate of John Ross Delafield, New York.;private collection;(Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. of the Buurkerk, UtrechtPieter Jansz. Saenredam1645AP 1986.09Mrs. Whatman, England;(sale, Christie’s, London, 16 June 1900, no. 63).;Miss L. E. Whatman, Maidstone, Kent, England, 1937;by inheritance in 1951 to Alexander James Trousdell, Meopham, Kent.;(Edward Speelman, Ltd., London);Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith, Arlington, VA, since 1976;(Otto Naumann, Ltd., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. in Eastern KyotoJapanesec. 1600AP 1986.10By purchase, Spencer family, India and Britain, by 1880s;by inheritance to G. C. R. M. Spencer, Langton Hall, Leicestershire, England;(David Newman, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. Bodhisattvas Descending from HeavenJapanesec. 1300AP 1986.11 a,b(London Gallery, Ltd., Tokyo);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1986. TorsoChinesec. 775–800AP 1987.01Patiño Collection, Bolivia, possibly by 1948;(sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 3 December 1986, no. 280;purchased by (Eskenazi, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987. with the Superscription and Angel with the Crown of ThornsGian Lorenzo Bernini1668AP 1987.02 a,b(Alexander von Frey, Europe and New York);his widow, Erika von Frey [d. 1987], New York and Bremen, Germany, 1951;purchased by (Rosenberg and Stiebel, New York), 1954;purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Davis, Wayzata, Minnesota, and London, 1954;purchased by (Wildenstein and Co., Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987. Taming the DragonChineseEarly 14th centuryAP 1987.03(Leighton R. Longhi, New York), by 1986;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987. Madonna and Child with Saints Joseph, Elizabeth, and John the BaptistAndrea Mantegnac. 1485–88AP 1987.04In Italy, mid-19th century.;Private collection, Marseille, France, by 1909;by family descent, Marseille, France;(sale, Sotheby’s, Monaco, 21 June 1986, no. 17);private collection, Europe;purchased through (Newhouse Galleries, Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987. on a LionChinesec. 1150–1300AP 1987.05 a,bKuraishi Collection, Kyushu, Japan, since the 1930s;purchased by (R. H. Ellsworth, Ltd., New York), by 1987;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987 CardsharpsCaravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi)c. 1595AP 1987.06Cardinal Francesco Maria Bourbon del Monte [1549-1626], Palazzo Madama, Rome;by inheritance to his nephew, Alessandro del Monte, Bishop of Gubbio [d. 1628];purchased in 1628 by Cardinal Antonio Barberini [1607-1671], Palazzo Barberini alle Quattro Fontane, and Palazzo ai Giubbonari, Rome;by descent to his nephew, Don Maffeo Barberini, Prince of Palestrina [1631-1685], Palazzo Barberini, Rome;by descent to his son, Don Urbano Barberini, Prince of Palestrina [1664-1722], Palazzo Barberini, Rome;by descent to his brother, Cardinal Francesco Barberini, Prince of Palestrina [1662-1738], Palazzo Barberini, Rome;by inheritance to his niece, Donna Cornelia Costanza Barberini [d. 1797] and her husband, Don Giulio Cesare Colonna di Sciarra [1705-1787], Palazzo Barberini, Rome;allocated in 1812 to their grandson, Don Maffeo Barberini Colonna di Sciarra, 7th Prince of Carbognano [1796-1849], Palazzo Sciarra, Rome;by descent to his son, Don Maffeo Barberini Colonna di Sciarra, 8th Prince of Carbognano [1850-1925], Palazzo Sciarra, Rome, and Paris, to about 1895.;Private collection, Europe;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987. Ensnaring a Demon in a Spider WebSoga Shohaku18th centuryAP 1987.07(Harry Packard, Kyoto);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1987. Asianc. 675–700AP 1988.01Douglas A. J. Latchford, Bangkok, Thailand, since 1968;purchased by (L & R Entwistle & Co., Ltd., London),1987;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1988. in a Black KimonoTorii Kiyonobuc. 1710–20AP 1988.02Collection of Jack Hillier [1912-1995], London;(David Newman, London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1988. Sea at a JettyJacob van Ruisdael1650sAP 1989.01(Hoogeveen et. al. sale, van de Linden and de Winter, Amsterdam, 5 June 1765, no. 36);purchased for 214 Dutch florins by (Pierre Fouquet, Amsterdam) for Gerrit Braamcamp [1699-1771], Amsterdam;(his sale, de Bosch, Amsterdam, 4 June 1766, no. 6, as by Dubbels);bought in, 160 Dutch florins, for Braamcamp;(his sale, van de Schley, Amsterdam, 31 July 1771, no. 198);purchased by (Pierre Fouquet) for 264 Dutch florins.;(Paillet and Coclers, Paris);(their sale, Paris, 26-27 August 1801, no. 17);sold to (or bought in by) Louis-François-Jacques Boileau for 1460 francs.;(Jaufret, et al. sale, Paillet and Delaroche, Paris, 18-25 April 1803, no. 199);purchased for 1601 francs by Sigismund Ehrenreich, Graf von Redern [1761-1841].;Marquês de Marialva, probably Pedro José Joaquim Vito de Menezes, 6th marquês de Marialva and 8th count of Cantanhede [1765-1823], Portugal;his heirs, Portugal;purchased for 9000 francs (£360) by (John Smith, London), 1824;purchased for £500 by Robert Bankes Jenkinson, 2nd earl of Liverpool [1770-1828], 1826;(his sale, Christie’s, London, 25 March 1829, no. 76);purchased for £530.5 for Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 3rd marquess of Lansdowne [1780-1863], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire;by descent to his son, Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 4th marquess of Lansdowne [1816-66], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire;by descent to his son, Henry Charles Keith Petty-FitzMaurice, 5th marquess of Lansdowne, and 9th lord Nairne [1845-1927], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire;by descent to his son, Henry William Edmond Petty-FitzMaurice, 6th marquess of Lansdowne, and 10th lord Nairne [1872-1936], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire;by descent to his son, Charles Hope Petty-FitzMaurice, 7th marquess of Lansdowne, 11th lord Nairne [1917-1944], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire.;Probably his sister, Katherine Evelyn Constance Petty-FitzMaurice Bigham, Lady Nairne [1912-1995], Bignor Park, Pulborough, Sussex.;(Possibly Thomas Agnew and Sons, London, c. 1950-55).;Possibly private collection, England.;(Thomas Agnew and Sons, London, by 1977);Charles C. Cunningham [1910-1979], Boston, 1977;probably his heirs;purchased by (Artemis, London), 1988;(French and Company, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, 1989. with a CrossGeorges Braque1911AP 1989.02(Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler [25 June 1884-11 January 1979], Paris).;Rolf de Maré [1888-1964], Paris and Stockholm, by 1923 until 1947;(César Mange de Hauke, Paris and New York) [8 March 1900-1965] by 1947.;Mrs. Edith K. Bralove, Washington D. C., by 1959 until 1972;(sale, Sotheby Parke-Bernet, New York, 25 October 1972, no. 66);purchased for $270,000 by George P. Livanos [1925/26-1997], St. Moritz and London;(Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth 1989. Ancestor FigureOceanicc. 1800–1840AP 1989.04(Sotheby’s, London, 30 October 1987, no. 107);purchased by (Wayne Heathcote Gallery, Belgium);purchased by Morris J. Pinto;(Ron Nasser, Inc., New York), 1987;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1989. with a Ball Game SceneAncient Americanc. A.D. 700–800AP 1989.05Private collection, United States 1980s;(Fort Worth Gallery, Fort Worth);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1989. Geography Lesson (Portrait of Monsieur Gaudry and His Daughter)Louis-Léopold Boilly1812AP 1990.01Gaudry, Paris.;Acquired by Julien Bessonneau [1842-1916], Angers;(Vente Bessonneau, Galerie Charpentier, 15 June 1954, no. 63).;(Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1990. of Aymard-Jean de Nicolay, Premier Président de la Chambre des ComptesJean-Antoine Houdon1779AP 1991.01Sculpted for Aymard-Jean de Nicolay, marquis de Goussainville [1709-85], Paris, 1779;by descent to Aymard, comte and marquis de Nicolay [b. 1832], Paris;his daughter, comtesse de Contades, née Marie de Nicolay [1873-1944], and her husband, comte Gaston de Contades [1866-1953], Paris and Cannes;their son, comte André Marie Arthur Aymard de Contades [1900-58], Paris;his heirs;(Moatti S. A., Paris);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1991. Road by a HouseGoffredo (Gottfried) Wals1620sAP 1991.02(Rafael Valls Limited, London);purchased through (Richard L. Feigen & Co., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1991. of Jacob ObrechtQuinten Metsys1496AP 1993.02Grati Baroni de Piqueras [b. 1925], Paris;(sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 15 January 1993, no. 139);purchased through (Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1993. Dish with Pommel ScrollsChinese15th–16th centuryAP 1993.03Jean-Pierre Dubosc [1904-1988] Collection, Kamakura and Japan;(sale, Eskenazi, Ltd., London, 8-12 December 1992, no. 15);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1993. Sebastian Tended by IreneAttributed to Georges de La Tourearly 1630sAP 1993.04Reportedly from a convent, region of Marseille, France, before 1918.;(Unidentified dealer, Marseille, France);purchased by Mme. Renée Berdot de Backer, Paris, after 1918;on consignment to (Pieter de Boer, Amsterdam), 1949;purchased by the Nelson Gallery of Art and Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, now the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, through (Hanns Schaeffer Galleries, Inc., New York), 1954;(sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 15 January 1993, no. 14, as circle of La Tour);purchased through (Wheelock, Whitney & Co., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1993. Flight into EgyptAdam Elsheimerc. 1605AP 1994.01Possibly Chevalier de Quérelles, Paris;possibly (his sale, Martin, Paris, 6 November 1820, no. 94).;Gustave Rothan, [1822-1890], Paris, by 1883;(his sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 29-31 May 1890, no. 246);purchased for 160 francs by Eugène Féral [1832-1901], Paris;Jules Féral [possible d. 1949], Paris, to about 1920.;Mme. Paule Andral [1879-1956], Paris;thence by family descent;(sale, Sotheby's, Monte Carlo, 22 February 1986, no. 249);purchased by (Bob P. Haboldt && Co., New York);purchased by Peter Jay Sharp [1930-1992], New York;(his sale, Sotheby’s, London, 13 January 1994, no. 67);purchased by (Bob P. Haboldt && Co., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. VesselAncient Americanc. A.D. 300–900AP 1994.02Purchased by John Williams III, Dallas, Texas, beginning to mid-1970s;(Ancient Art of the New World, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. BowlAncient Americanc. A.D. 300–900AP 1994.03Purchased by John Williams III, Dallas, Texas, beginning to mid-1970s;(Ancient Art of the New World, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994., possibly a KingAfrican12th–14th centuryAP 1994.04Private collection, Switzerland;purchased by (L & R Entwistle & Co., Ltd., New York and London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. Mondrian1939–42AP 1994.05(Valentine Gallery), New York, 1942;purchased by Mr. and Mrs. H. Gates Lloyd;(sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 11 May 1994, lot 31);(Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. in the Shape of a StupaChineseLate 6th or early 7th centuryAP 1994.06 a,b,c(Oriental Art Gallery, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. and RiderChinese2nd–1st century B.C.AP 1994.07(The Oriental Art Gallery, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. StonecuttersJean-Baptiste-Camille Corotc. 1872–74AP 1994.08Acquired by Dr. Cambay at (exhibition, l’École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1875, no. 68);(Knoedler, Paris), c. 1897.;John T. Martin;(his sale, American Art Association, New York, 16 April 1909, no. 106);purchased by C. K. G. Billings for $30,000;(his sale, American Art Association, New York, 8 January 1926, no. 18).;purchased by O. W. Peabody;Eli B. Springs [1852-1933];(his sale, American Art Association, New York, 23 November 1934, no. 55);purchased by W. Seaman;by descent to W. Seaman’s grandchild;(sale, Sotheby’s New York, 12 October 1994, no. 12);(Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1994. DogChinesec. 1st century A.D.AP 1995.01(Haworth & Chen, Ltd., Hong Kong);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. Jar with Cloud-Scroll DesignChineseLate 2nd or early 1st century B.C.AP 1995.02(Haworth & Chen, Ltd., Hong Kong);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. BellChinesec. 10th century B.C.AP 1995.03(J. J. Lally && Co., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. the Bath, Woman Drying Her HairEdgar Degasc. 1895AP 1995.04(Degas sale I, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 6-8 May 1918, no. 327);purchased by Dr. Georges Viau [1855-1939];(Viau sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 15 May 1930, no. 11);purchased by Paul Rosenberg [1881-1959];by descent to Alexandre Rosenberg [-1987];by descent to Alexandre Rosenberg’s widow, Elaine, and her sister;(Paul Rosenberg && Co., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. Door Panel with Design of Imperial Eagle, Plum Tree, and CamelliaJapaneseFirst half of 17th centuryAP 1995.05(R-L Sneider Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. and DeerKoreanLate 17th centuryAP 1995.06(R-L Sneider Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. Carved with Design of Boys Among PeoniesChinese12th centuryAP 1995.07(Luen Chai Curios Store, Hong Kong);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. with Ribbed DecorationChinese4th century B.C.AP 1995.08(P. C. Lu Works of Art, Ltd., Hong Kong);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. Madonna and ChildParmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)c. 1527–30AP 1995.09Marchese Arnaldi, Florence;purchased through (William Kent) for Nathaniel Curzon, 5th baronet (later 1st baron Scarsdale) [1726-1804], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire, England, 1758;by inheritance to his son, Nathaniel Curzon, 2nd baron Scarsdale [1751-1837], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire;by inheritance to his son, Nathaniel Curzon, 3rd baron Scarsdale [1781-1856], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire;by inheritance to his nephew, Rev. Alfred Nathaniel Holden Curzon, 4th baron Scarsdale [1831-1916], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire;by inheritance to his son, George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st viscount Scarsdale, and earl, baron, and marquess Curzon of Kedleston [1859-1925], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire;by inheritance to his nephew, Richard Nathaniel Curzon, 2nd viscount Scarsdale [1898-1977], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire;by inheritance to his cousin, Francis John Nathaniel Curzon, 3rd viscount Scarsdale [1924-2000], Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire, to 1987;trustees of the Kedleston Estate Trusts, England;(sale, Christie’s, London, 7 July 1995, no. 118);purchased through (Simon Dickinson Ltd., London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1995. Addressing the Public: Project for a MonumentJoan Miró1980–81AP 1996.01(Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York) by March 1984;estate of Pierre Matisse until late 1980s;private collection, Japan;(Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1996. WillowClaude Monet1918–19AP 1996.02Purchased by 1924, possibly directly from the artist, by Baron Kojiro Matsukata [1865-1950];sequestered by the French government in 1944;(Matsukata sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 21 November 1947, salle no. 6, no. 16).;(Sam Salz [c. 1894-1981] Inc., New York).;Purchased by Mr. David Rockefeller [1915-2017], New York, by 1960;purchased from Mr. David Rockefeller through (Acquavella Contemporary Art, Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1996. FigureAfricanc. 195 B.C.–A.D. 205AP 1996.03Private collection, Europe;purchased by (L & R Entwistle & Co., Ltd., New York and London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1996. 285 B.C.–A.D. 515AP 1996.04Private collection, Europe;purchased by (L & R Entwistle & Co., Ltd., New York and London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1996. Ceremonial StandKorean5th–6th centuryAP 1996.05(R-L Sneider Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1996. with Stamped DecorationChinese7th–4th century B.C.AP 1996.06(Kaikodo, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1996. Vessel with LidAncient Americanc. A.D. 400–500AP 1997.01Herbert L. Lucas, Los Angeles, since the early 1970s;(Ancient Art of the New World, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1997. of a Franciscan FriarJacopo Bassano (Jacopo dal Ponte)c. 1540–42AP 1997.02Cristoforo Orsetti [1608-1664], Venice, as Pordenone;by inheritance to his sons, Giovanni Battista, Giovanni, and Salvatore Orsetti, Venice;Giovanni Battista Orsetti, Venice, 1681;by descent to Salvatore Orsetti [born c. 1744], Venice, to 1803, as Giacomo Bassano.;Charles Francis Greville [1749–1809], London;(his sale, Christie’s, London, 31 March 1810, no. 69, as Sebastiano del Piombo);purchased for £75.12 through (Angelo Bonelli) by Henry Petty (later Petty-FitzMaurice) 3rd marquess of Lansdowne [1780-1863], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England;by inheritance to his son, Henry Petty-FitzMaurice, 4th marquess of Lansdowne [1816-1866], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England;by inheritance to his son, Henry Charles Keith Petty-FitzMaurice, 5th marquess of Lansdowne [1845-1927], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England, as Sebastiano del Piombo;by inheritance to his son, Henry William Edmond Petty-FitzMaurice, 6th marquess of Lansdowne [1872-1936], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England, as Giovanni Cariani;by inheritance to his son, Charles Hope Petty-FitzMaurice, 7th marquess of Lansdowne [1917-1944], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England;by inheritance to his 1st cousin, George John Charles Mercer Nairne Petty-Fitz Maurice [1912-1999], 8th marquess of Lansdowne, Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England, as Cariani;by descent to his son, Charles Maurice Petty-FitzMaurice, earl of Shelburne (later 9th marquess of Lansdowne) [b. 1941], Bowood House, Calne, Wiltshire, England, by 1980, as Jacopo Bassano;purchased through (Simon Dickinson Ltd., London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1997. Gauguin1885AP 1997.03With Mette Gauguin, Copenhagen;Georges-Daniel de Monfreid [1856-1929], Paris;gift to Georges-Daniel de Monfreid’s daughter, Mrs. Agnès Huc de Monfreid, Béziers, until 1948.;Dr. Walter Feilchenfeldt [-1953], Zürich.;Acquired by Dr. Jacques Koerfer, Bern, by 1953;estate of Dr. Jacques Koerfer, Bern;(sale, Christie’s, New York, 14 May 1997, no. 14);(Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1997. BodhisattvaIndian2nd–3rd century A.D.AP 1997.04Private collection, Switzerland;(Eskenazi, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1997. John the BaptistItalian (Florentine)c. 1590AP 1999.01(Jean-Georges Rueff), until 1995;purchased by a private collection, Switzerland, through (European dealer), 1995;purchased through (European dealer) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1999. Mandalas of the Vajravali SeriesTibetanc. 1429–56AP 2000.01The Zimmerman Family Collection, New York;purchased through (Sotheby’s, New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2000. Cup Showing the Death of Pentheus (exterior) and a Maenad (interior)Douris (painter)c. 480 B.C.AP 2000.02(Elie Borowski [1913-2003]) by 1977;sold to a Japanese oil company, probably late 1980s;(sale, Christie’s, New York, June 12, 2000, no. 81);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2000. of an Athlete (Apoxyomenos)Hellenistic or Romanc. 2nd–1st century B.C.AP 2000.03 a,bSenator Bernardo Nani [1712-1761], Venice.;Lucien Guiraud (Hotel Drouot, Paris);sale June 14 and 15, 1956, no. 106 (as 16th century);Hans Calmann [1899-1982], London and Somerset;by descent (in Calmann family);auction, Sotheby’s, New York, June 14, 2000, no. 60;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2000. with an Enthroned Lord and Seated FigureAncient AmericanA.D. 765AP 2000.04Private trust, Edward and Vivian Merrin, New York, since mid-1960s;(The Merrin Gallery, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2000. LadyChineseFirst half of the 8th centuryAP 2001.01(Eskenazi, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2001. SpiritChineseFirst half of the 8th centuryAP 2001.02(Eskenazi, Ltd., London);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2001. Seal with Griffin, Bull and Lion and InscriptionAssyrianc. 1300–1200 B.C.AP 2001.03Private collection, Syria.;Private collection, Lebanon, acquired between 1962 and 1968;(art dealer, New Jersey) by 1981;(Ward & Company Fine Art, Inc., New York), by 2001;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2001. Seal with Winged Genius and Human-headed BullsAssyrianc. 700 B.C.AP 2001.04Private collection, Syria.;Private collection, Lebanon, acquired between 1962 and 1968;(art dealer, New Jersey) by 1981;(Ward & Company Fine Art, Inc., New York), by 2001;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2001. Seal with King Holding Two LionsPersianc. 5th century B.C. (reign of Darius)AP 2001.05Private collection, Syria.;Private collection, Lebanon, acquired between 1962 and 1968;(art dealer, New Jersey) by 1981;(Ward & Company Fine Art, Inc., New York), by 2001;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2001. by CandlelightGerrit Douc. 1660–65AP 2002.01Willem Six [1662–1733], Amsterdam;(his deceased sale, Pieter van den Berge, Amsterdam, 12 May 1734, no. 17,);purchased for Dfl. 1,005 by a member of the Six family, Amsterdam;by descent in the Six family, Amsterdam;purchased in 1803 by (Louis-Bernard Coclers.);Possibly Mme Hoffmann, Haarlem, by 1827.;Probably Johann Goll van Frankenstein [1756-1821], Amsterdam;his son Pieter Hendrik Goll van Franckenstein [1787-1832];(his deceased sale, De Vries and Roos, Amsterdam, 7 July 1833, no. 15);purchased for Dfl. 7,375 by Albertus Brondgeest for M. Six van Hillegom, Amsterdam;by descent in the Six Collection, Amsterdam;(sale, Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, 10 July 1923, no. 102);purchased for Dfl. 20,400 by (Paul Cassirer, Berlin);private collection, Middle Rhine region, Germany, since 1923/27;(sale, van Ham, Cologne, 28 June 2001, no. 1263);(Otto Nauman, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2002. and RocksAttributed to Tan Zhiruic. 1275AP 2002.02Matsudaira family collection, Japan, possibly from the 14th century;by inheritance to Lady Matsudaira;purchased by (Milne Henderson, Fine Art Limited, London), in the 1970s;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2002. and ChildSouth German1486AP 2002.03Given by Bishop Wilhelm von Reichenau [c. 1426-1496] to Eichstätt Cathedral, Eichstätt, Germany, about 1486.;Mayer Carl von Rothschild [1820-1886], Frankfurt am Main;probably by bequest to his daughter Hannah Louise von Rothschild [1850-1892], Frankfurt am Main;her sister Laura Thérèse von Rothschild [1847-1931], Paris;probably her son Henri James Nathaniel Charles de Rothschild [1872-1947], Paris;by descent in the Rothschild family;European private collection, by late 1960s;purchased by (Daniel Katz, Ltd, London), 2002;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2002. DignitaryAncient Americanc. A.D. 600–1000AP 2002.04(André Emmerich) and Alan Lapiner, by 1970;purchased by Alice M. Kaplan, 1970–1999;(sale, Sotheby's, New York, 2 June 1999, no. 17);purchased by Private Collection, United States, 1999–2002;purchased through (Sotheby’s, New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2002. Allen Brothers (Portrait of James and John Lee Allen)Henry Raeburnearly 1790sAP 2002.05Painted for the sitters’ father, John Allen [d. by 1795], Inchmartine and Errol, Scotland.;Leopold Hirsch [c. 1857-1932], London, by 1900 to after 1927;By bequest to his brother Henry Hirsch [c. 1872-1933], London;(Hirsch sale, Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 11 May 1934, no. 142);purchased for £500 by (Allinson) for John Arthur Dewar [1891-1954], London, for £11,025 (10,500 guineas);presumably his widow, Mrs. John Dewar (née Kathleen Beart) [d. 1966], London;her daughter, viscountess Ward of Witley (née Barbara Mary Colonsay McNeill) [d. 1980];thence by descent;purchased through (Simon Dickinson Ltd, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2002. for the Fountain of the MoorGian Lorenzo Bernini1653AP 2003.01Private collection, Europe;(sale, Sotheby’s, London, 9 July 2002, no. 54);purchased by (Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2003. of a Woman, Possibly Isabella d’EsteAttributed to Gian Cristoforo Romanoc. 1500AP 2004.01(Luigi Grassi, Florence), from about 1910–12, as “Lombard School”;Dr. Otto Lanz, Amsterdam [1865–1935] by 1931;his widow Anna Theresia Willi Lanz, Amsterdam and Lugano, Switzerland;sold to Adolf Hitler through Hans Posse in 1941;transferred to Kremsmünster and then Alt Aussee, Austria;recovered by Allied forces and taken to the Munich Central Collecting Point on June 28, 1945;repatriated June 3, 1946, to the Netherlands Art Property Foundation (Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit), Amsterdam;(sale, Frederik Muller & Cie, Amsterdam, March 13-19, 1951, lot no. 312);purchased by Anna Gertrud Lanz Kijzer [1895-?], Amsterdam;given to her brother, Dr. Adrian Berchtold Lanz, Glion-sur-Montreux, Switzerland;purchased by the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Lugano, Switzerland (through Marco Grassi) in 1973;purchased by (Daniel Katz, London), 2002;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2004. with a Mythological FriezeAncient Americanc. A.D. 550–950AP 2004.02Reputed to be from Belize, Jorge Castillo, Guatemala and Florida, early 1970s;purchased by John Fulling, Everglades, (imported into United States via Martin-Merrill Customs brokers, Port Everglades, Florida, in the early 1970s).;(with Stoetzer, Inc., Florida, as agent for owner), sometime prior to June, 2002.;(sale, Christie’s, Paris, 14 June 2004, no. 423, illus. p. 154–55, as “Mayan Polychrome Cylinder Vessel”);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2004. Judgment of ParisLucas Cranach the Elderc. 1512–14AP 2004.03Franz von Lenbach [1836–1904], Munich;by descent to his daughter, Gabriele von Lenbach Neven DuMont [b. 1899], Munich and Cologne;by descent to her heirs;(sale, Sotheby’s, London, 11 December 1996, no. 48);private collection, London;purchased through (Adam Williams, New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2004. Vessel with Two Scenes of Itzam Instructing Young PupilsAncient Americanc. A.D. 700–750AP 2004.04Acquired in the early 1960s;American private collection;(sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 11 November, 2004, no. 256, pp. 196–98, illus. pp. 196–98, as “A Fine Maya Codex Vessel.”;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2004. Belt OrnamentAncient Americanc. A.D. 400–500AP 2004.05Private collection, in the United States by January 1971.;European private collection;(sale, Christie’s, New York, 12 November 2004, no. 47, pp. 46–49, illus. pp, 46–47, as “An Important Mayan Jade Regal Belt Pendant”);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2004. Gibbons Reaching for the MoonIto Jakuchuc. 1770AP 2005.01Oki collection, Japan;private collection, London, 1980, 2005;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2005. Mask of the Karura TypeJapanese8th centuryAP 2005.02(Hayashi Tadamasa [1853–1906], Paris and Japan);Saburo Aoyama, Japan, 20th century;Professor Mose Depold, Paris, to 2005;David Newman, as agent for the seller, London;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2005. Statue of Ka-nefer and His FamilyEgyptianc. 2450 B.C.AP 2005.03Général Louis André [1838-1913], France.;(Anonymous sale, Sotheby’s London, 10-11 July 1989, no. 129).;(Robin Symes Ltd., London), 1995;private collection, US;(sale, Christie’s New York, 9 December 2005, no. 48);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2005. the RedeemerAttributed to Tullio Lombardoc. 1500–1520AP 2005.04(William Doyle Galleries, 29 January 1997, New York, no. 54) as Continental School, 19th century;purchased by Kemelman Trading S.A., Panama;purchased by Plato Art Investments Limited, St. Helier, Jersey, 1997;purchased by Plato Art Collection Limited, St. Helier, Jersey, 2003;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2005. and Child (The Borromeo Madonna)Attributed to Donatello (Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi)c. 1450AP 2006.01Probably a member of the Borromeo family, c. 1450;probably given to the Church of San Giovanni Battista, in Lissaro di Mestrino, by c. 1500 and until 1902.;Camillo Castiglioni [1879-1957], Vienna, possibly 1902;(his sale, Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, 17–21 November, 1925, no. 90);purchased for NLG 2,800 by (AS Drey, Munich).;Possibly O. Rathgeber, Berlin.;Acquired for NLG 12,000 by (Kunsthandel J Goudstikker NV, Amsterdam), by 1928 until May 1940 and the invasion of the Netherlands.;(Sale, Galerie Jürg Stuker, Bern, 24 November–2 December 1989, no. 4003, as a copy after Donatello);purchased by (Galerie Kn"ll, Basel).;European private collection;(sale, Sotheby’s, London, 13 December 1990, no. 34, as circle of Donatello), unsold.;(Sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 26 January 2006, no. 74, as Donatello);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, 2006. of Flowers with a CurtainJacques de Gheyn II1615AP 2008.01Probably Jacques de Gheyn III [1596-1641], Utrecht;probably bequeathed to his nephew, Johan Wttenbogaert [1608-1680], 1641.;Possibly (anonymous sale, 27 April 1774, Amsterdam, no. 70).;Possibly Jan Frans Wolschot, Antwerp;possibly (his sale, 1138 place de Meir, Antwerp, 1 September 1817 and following days, no. 174, as “on linen pasted on wood”), purchased or bought in by Martinez for 4.10 francs.;(Sale, Brussels, 10 November 1923, no. 3).;With (Jacques Goudstikker, Amsterdam), 1924.;With (Leggatt Brothers, London) by 1929;purchased by private collection, London, 1929;by descent to his son;purchased by (Charles Beddington Ltd., London, and Johnny Van Haeften Ltd., London), 2007;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, 2008. Torment of Saint AnthonyMichelangelo Buonarroti1487AP 2009.01Scorzi collection, Pisa, 1830s;from which acquired by Baron Henry de Triqueti [1803-1874], Paris, probably in 1837;his daughter, Mrs. Edward Lee Childe [1837-1886], (née Blanche de Triqueti), Paris;(her deceased sale, Catalogue de tableaux oeuvres remarquables de la renaissance...provenant de la Collection de M. le baron de Triqueti, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 4 May 1886, no. 5, bought in);her husband, Mr. Edward Lee Childe, Paris and Château de Varennes, near Montargis, Loiret [1836-1911];given to Sir Paul Harvey [1869-1948], London and Sussex, before 1905;his widow, Ethel Frances Persse Harvey, [died 1966];given to a friend, United Kingdom;(Anonymous sale (“The Property of a Lady”), Catalogue of Important Old Master Paintings, London, Sotheby & Co., 7 December 1960, no. 17, unsold (as by Michelangelo));her son, United Kingdom;(Anonymous sale (“The Property of a Gentleman”), Catalogue of Old Master Paintings, Evening Sale, London, Sotheby's, 9 July 2008, no. 69, (as Workshop of Domenico Ghirlandaio));(purchased by Adam Williams Fine Art Ltd, New York);purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2009. Grand Canal, Venice, Looking Toward the RialtoRichard Parkes Bonington1826AP 2009.02Probably sold in one of the auctions of works remaining in the artist’s studio at his death;either (Sotheby’s, London, 29–30 June 1829, no. 105), as View of the Rialto, Venice, purchased by Townshend;or the same sale, no. 216, as The Rialto, purchased by Barnet;or, most likely, (Christie’s, London, 23–24 May 1834, no. 145), as View of the Rialto at Venice, with vessels, gondolas, and figures—beautifully clear picture, purchased by Sir Henry Webb;(possibly his sale, Paris, 23–24 May 1837, lot 22).;Lady MacKintosh from 1950;(her sale, Christie’s, London, 20 November 1987, no. 61);purchased by (Richard Feigen & Co., Inc., New York);purchased by Mr. and Mrs. John Pomerantz, New York, 1987;purchased through (Richard Feigen & Co., Inc., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2009. and the Woman of SamariaGuercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)c. 1619-20AP 2010.01Private collection, Europe;purchased by (Adam Williams Fine Art, Ltd., New York), 2009;purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2010. Sacrament of Ordination (Christ Presenting the Keys to Saint Peter)Nicolas Poussinc. 1636-40AP 2011.01Commissioned by Cavaliere Cassiano dal Pozzo [1588–1657], Rome;by inheritance to his brother, Carlo Antonio dal Pozzo [d. 1689], Rome;by inheritance to his son, Gabriele dal Pozzo [d. 1695], Rome;by inheritance to his son, Cosimo Antonio dal Pozzo [died c. 1739], Rome;pledged by Pozzo to Marchese del Bufalo, Rome, as payment for debt [Bufalo offered his set of Poussin's Seven Sacraments to King Louis XV of France in 1729 when Bufalo ran into financial difficulties];returned to Cosimo Antonio dal Pozzo, Rome, when debt paid, in either February 1730 or February 1732;by inheritance to his daughter, Maria Laura dal Pozzo Boccapaduli, Rome;by inheritance to the Boccapaduli family, Rome, who attempted to sell the series to Sir Robert Walpole [d. 1745], but the export license was denied by the Pope;sold in 1785 by the Boccapaduli family through (James Byres, Rome) to Charles Manners, 4th duke of Rutland [1754–1787], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his son, John Henry Manners, 5th duke of Rutland [1778–1857], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his son, Charles Cecil John Manners, 6th duke of Rutland [1815–1888];Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his brother, John James Robert Manners, 7th duke of Rutland [1818–1906], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his son, Henry John Brinsley Manners, 8th duke of Rutland [1852–1925], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his son, John Henry Montagu Manners, 9th duke of Rutland [1886–1940], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his son, Charles John Robert Manners, 10th duke of Rutland [1919–1999], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;by inheritance to his son, David Charles Robert Manners, 11th duke of Rutland [b. 1959], Belvoir Castle, Grantham, Leicestershire;purchased from the Trustees of the 11th Duke of Rutland Poussin Settlement by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2011. Stand with the Head of the Jaguar God of the UnderworldAncient Americanc. A.D. 690-720AP 2013.01(Stendahl Galleries, Los Angeles), August 1968;purchased by a European private collection;purchased by Daniel Wolf, New York, through a private treaty sale arranged by (Sotheby’s, London), 1984 or 1985;purchased by Oceantrawl Inc., Issaquah, Washington, 1999;purchased through (Ancient Art of the New World, Inc., Miami Beach) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2013. Stand with the Head of a Supernatural Being with a Kan CrossAncient Americanc. A.D. 690-720AP 2013.02(Stendahl Galleries, Los Angeles), August 1968;purchased by a European private collection;purchased by Daniel Wolf, New York, through a private treaty sale arranged by (Sotheby’s, London), 1984 or 1985;purchased by Oceantrawl Inc., Issaquah, Washington, 1999;purchased through (Ancient Art of the New World, Inc., Miami Beach) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2013 of a Forest with a GrainfieldJacob van Ruisdaelc. 1656AP 2014.01Acquired by Reverend Treadway Russell Nash (1724–1811);bequeathed to Worcester College, Oxford, England, 1811;purchased (through Christie’s, London) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 2014. Interior of Sant' Ambrogio, MilanRichard Parkes Bonington1826AP 2015.01(Richard Parkes Bonington studio sale, Sotheby and Co., London, June 29-30, 1829, 2nd day, no. 212, “Interior of a Church, Milan”);purchased by Lord Charles Townshend [1785-1853], Rainham Hall, Norfolk, for £32 11s;(his sale, Christie & Mason, London 11 April, 1835, no. 15, as Bonnington (sic) “Interior of an ancient Italian church”);purchased though (Robert Hume) for William Beckford [1760-1844], Bath, England, for £36 15s.;D. Bennett, Ash Tree Cottage, Burwash, Sussex, England;(Christie’s, sale, London, 13 December 1946, no. 128, as David Roberts “Serving Mass,” purchased by Lesser for 15 guineas).;(Lilla Bukowskis, sale, Stockholm, 22 May 1995, no. 33, as David Roberts “Serving Mass,” sold for 9000 SE).;(Leonard Walley, Garland, Texas), by 2003;(Neal Auction Company, New Orleans, 5 April 2003, no. 87, as David Roberts “Interior of Cathedral,”) unsold;(Leonard Walley, Garland, Texas);purchased by Mac Shafer, Mineral Wells, Texas, 19 June 2004;purchased by the Kimbell Art Foundation Fort Worth, 2015. of the Art Dealer Heinrich ThannhauserLovis Corinth1918AP 2017.01Heinrich Thannhauser, Munich, until 1935;Justin Thannhauser, his son, New York, until 1972;Trude Thannhauser Beyer, daughter of Justin Thannhauser, USA;Thence by descent, until 2016;Galerie Arnoldi-Livie, Munich;Purchased by the Kimbell Art Foundation Fort Worth, 2017. at Le CannetPierre Bonnard1928AP 2018.01Henri Kapferer (1870-1958), Boulogne-Billancourt, France.;Aimé Maeght (1906-1981), Cannes and Paris, by early 1950s;by descent to his son Adrien (b. 1930) and Paule Maeght, Cannes and Paris;acquired by (Richard L. Feigen, New York, 1997);Private collection, Chicago;Private collection;(New York, Sotheby’s, November 2, 2005, lot 39);Wildenstein && Co., New York;Purchased by Kimbell Art Foundation, 2018.