Showing posts with label Tracking looted art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tracking looted art. Show all posts

Apr 30, 2022

Tracking Nazi-looted art dealers: Restitutions as data

What can we learn by analyzing the provenances of artworks which have been restituted to the heirs of Jewish art collectors persecuted by the Nazis?

Patterns. Repetition. Familiar faces. 

Those art dealers who just keep "popping up".

In this post we see what we can learn from the provenance published by auctions houses which have been authorized to sell previously looted art AFTER it has been restituted to the families.

Apr 27, 2022

Gurlitt Status: source German Lost Art Foundation website April 27 2022

What are the results of a decade of provenance research into the origins of the stash of artworks found in the home of Cornelius Gurlitt, the son of Hitler's art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt? 

The German Lost Art Foundation publishes online a selection color coded Green, Yellow or Red from the "Provenienzrecherche Gurlitt".

At present, only four are coded RED. A whopping 615 are coded YELLOW. And 28 have received the GREEN code. As for the artworks that have not been coded, there is a note:

After the research reports on works originally suspected of Nazi looting have successfully undergone an expert review, they are approved by the board of the project sponsor. The final note summarizes the key data and research findings on the work and completes the Object Record Excpert (ORE). Then the investigated artwork is assigned to one of the categories of the agreement. Works that are classified as so-called "Degenerate Art" with a clearly unencumbered origin and the family collection* do not undergo a review and therefore do not receive a final note.

*The family holdings are works that are attributed to the Gurlitt family because they were either created after 1945, were created by family members, or can be directly attributed because of personal dedications

Translated with (free version)

Below are the  artworks in each color category:

Apr 8, 2022

Did the Musée de l'Orangerie make a spelling error in the name of a Holocaust victim in the provenance of this Cézanne?

Max Silberberg was a Jewish art collector in Breslau murdered by the Nazis.

Is he the same person as "Silbergerg" in the provenance text of "Fruits, serviette et boîte à lait" by Paul Cézanne? 

Mar 30, 2022

Biographies of people involved in the Nazi-looted art trade formerly published on Lostart whose urls no longer seem to work.

 The German Lost Art Foundation published online the biographies of "Beteiligte Privatpersonen und Körperschaftern am NS-Kulturegutraub" which translates to "Private individuals and corporate bodies involved in the NS cultural property theft". 

The  content below has since disappeared from the internet. A few entries can now be found in the internet archive or, in modified form, on Proveana. Others appear to be lost.

Jan 7, 2022

Property looted from Jews in Vienna: Unser Wien MAP

Behind every orange dot, property looted from Jews after the Nazi Anschluss of 1938

Map by Tactical Space, based on the inventory of stolen property under the Nazis, in the study by Stephan Templ, Unser Wien.accessed January 7, 2022

Unser Wien Map

Unser Wien (Our Vienna) is a book co-authored by Stephan Templ and Tina Walzer that details how hundreds of Jewish businesses in Vienna were seized by the Nazis and never given back.

Continue to the map

Stephan Templ is an Austrian citizen, author, and journalist who has been jailed by Austria because of a restitution claim he made on behalf of his mother for Nazi-looted property.

This project is a translation of the addresses listed in the book as a digital map. This map is part of the Open Maps project. Credit for location entry and translation goes to Melanie Lyn. Technical implementation by Josh Harle.

Dec 19, 2021

Art collectors and the Holocaust: itineraries from birth to death

Henri Rieger, born in Sered, died in Theresienstadt

Henri Hinrichsen, born in Hamburg, died in Auschwitz

Rosa Oppenheimer, born in Berlin, died in Auschwitz

Ernst Pollack, born in Vienna, died in Theresienstadt concentration camp

Margarete Mauthner, born in Berlin, escaped Nazi Germany to die thousands of miles away in Johannesburg South Africa

Maria Altmann, born in Vienna, escaped Nazi Austria and died thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, California. 

Click on the Play Arrow


How was this interactive data visualization created?

Note: this map only shows birth and death places, not the many other places these art collectors lived.

1) Gather the birth and death places of the selected art collectors and dealers, along with coordinates, latitude and longitude. (Wikidata Query)

#Places of Death or Birth (with coordinates long and lat) for Art historians dealers collectors museum directors restorers 
SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?placeLabel ?coord ?lat ?long
  {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1792450} UNION {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q173950} UNION {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q10732476} UNION {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q674426} UNION {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q22132694} UNION {?item wdt:P106 wd:Q2145981} 
?item (wdt:P20|wdt:P19) ?place.
   ?place wdt:P625 ?coord.
   ?place p:P625 ?statement.
   ?statement psv:P625 ?coordinate_node .
  ?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat .
  ?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?long .

  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } # Helps get the label in your language, if not, then en language

Download the result of the query. This will provide the location data file for Flourish.

2) Gather the names, descriptions, birth and death places and dates (as well as additional information) about the art collectors. 

Link to Wikidata query used in this data visualisation with birth and death places

3) Select a data visualization template in Flourish 

Selected template 
Connections globe4.0.0

4) Upload two data files into Flourish, a file with the geographical names and locations, and a file with the birth and death places of the art collectors and dealers selected

5) Format (still in progress) and publish

Nov 29, 2021

Swiss Art Dealers Association connections

Art Historians and Provenance Researchers might find the history of the famed Swiss Art Trading Association to be an interesting source of study

1. The OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit had this to say about Dr. Willi Raeber in 1946 when they placed him on the Red Flag List of Names.

"Raeber, Dr Willi. Basle, St Albans Anlage 68. Prominent art dealer. Vice president of the Swiss syndicate of art dealers and its most active member. Involved in various looted art transactions. Possessed certain paintings on the Allied List. Contact of Hofer and Wuester."

The ALIU also specified that Raeber was involved in trafficking Courbet's  Woman Asleep At Table which the Nazi looting organisation known as the E.R.R. had seized from the Paul Rosenberg collection:

Truessel, Dr Fritz.  Bern, Beautusstrasse 32.  Was offered the Matisse Open Window confiscated by the ERR from the Paul Rosenberg Collection, by Martin. Purchased the Courbet, Woman Asleep At Table confiscated from the Paul Rosenberg collection by the ERR.  This painting was imported into Switzerland in April 1942 by German diplomatic bag, given by Wendland to Fischer for sale, then passed into the hands of Willi Raeber and finally to Truessel,  Max Stoecklin was also involved. 

2. Gottfried Tanner was also put on the ALIU Red Flag list. The investigators described his activities as follows:

Tanner. Zurich, Bahnhofstrasse 39. President of the Federation of Swiss Art Dealers. Involved in the traffic of looted works of art having sold a Renoir, Girl with a Fishing Net, confiscated by the ERR from the Paul Rosenberg Collection. The painting was received by Tanner from Neupert of Zurich. May have other looted objects. Possibly involved in the disposal in Switzerland of the two paintings by Corot confiscated by the Germans from the Bennheim firm in Paris in 1940, and most recently held by Frau Veraguth of Zurich.


3. Peter Nathan, who was born only in 1925, was not on the ALIU Red Flag list, unlike his father, and business partner, Fritz Nathan, about whom the ALIU wrote:

Nathan, Dr Fritz. St Gallen, Rorschacherstrasse 25. German refugee art dealer in Switzerland since 1935. Adviser to Buehrle, and intermediary between Fischer, Hofer and Buehrle. Has denied knowledge that paintings and drawings acquired by Buehrle from Fischer were looted; all evidence to the contrary.

(Fritz Nathan has been a frequent topic here because of the simply unbelievable number of misspellings, mistranscriptions, miscodings, data errors, odd redirects and other improbable shannanigans surrounding his digital records, especially where Emil Bührle is concerned).

4. As for Eberhard Kornfeld, neither he nor his partner Klipstein were mentioned by the ALIU.  However....

Kornfeld is probably best known these days as  the dealer whose cash payment to Cornelius Gurlitt (son of Hitler's dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt) was discovered on a train between Switzerland and Germany, setting off the investigation that led to the (still ongoing) Gurlitt scandal. 
Kornfeld also has attracted media attention for his role in several claims concerning demands for restitution of Nazi-looted art 

"Kornfeld told Swiss Public Television, SRF, that he paid Gurlitt in cash or by cheque for the artworks he sold."

"he travelled to Zurich every four to six weeks and fetched his €9,000 to pay his living costs. He had no job. He lived off the sales of works in this collection." 

"It was during one of those trips that the elderly recluse first drew the attention of the German customs authorities. In a fast train from Zurich to Munich on Sept. 22, 2010, they searched him to find €9,000 in cash – below the limit of €10,000, but enough to arouse suspicion."

Kornfeld served as president of the Swiss Art Trading Association for 37 years (1959-1996) (with Peter Nathan as vice-president).

4. Walter Feilchenfeldt, also known as Walter Feichenfeldt Jr to distinguish him from his father, the art dealer of the same name, took over from 1997 until 2007 with Doris Ammann as vice-president .


Oct 9, 2021

Persecuted Jewish art collectors in LOSTART for Looted Art Detector Key Indicator Counts

The Looted Art Detector automatically counts any word or phrase included in the Key Indicator file and adds information about the number of times it appears in the provenance of each artwork.

One kind of name to flag and count is that of Jewish art collectors known to have been either robbed or forced to sell their art collections due to Nazi persecution. There are many different sources, including claims files, lawsuits, news article, restitution committee report and various databases. 

Below is a list of Persecuted Jewish Art Collectors, published by the German Lost Art Foundation. 

The appearance of any of these names in the provenance of an artwork raises the possibility of a problematic provenance. For this reason it makes sense to include them in the Looted Art Detector Key Indicator file.

(for more on the use of custom indicators in the Looted Art Detector, please see: )

Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) LOSTARTurl
Abramowicz, Leon,%20Leon.html
Adelsberger, Abraham,%20Abraham.html
Alexander, Dr. Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Alliance Israélite Universelle, Paris
Altmann, Bernhard,%20Bernhard.html
Amon, Hans,%20Hans.html
Anninger, Otto,%20Otto.html
Arens, Dr. Gustav (Nachlass),%20Dr.%20Gustav%20(Nachlass).html
Arnhold, Eduard (Nachlass),%20Eduard%20(Nachlass).html
Arnhold, Hans,%20Hans.html
Arnhold, Lisa,%20Lisa.html
Askonas, Carl,%20Carl.html
Auspitz-Artenegg, Theodor,%20Theodor.html
Auspitz, Stefan,%20Stefan.html
Bachofen-Echt (geb. Lederer), Elisabeth,%20Elisabeth.html
Ball, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Bamberger, Gustav,%20Gustav.html
Bamberger, Ludwig,%20Ludwig.html
Barach, Claire,%20Claire.html
Beer-Hofmann, Richard,%20Richard.html
Bendel, Leo,%20Leo.html
Benedikt, Kurt (Curt),%20(Curt)%20Kurt.html
Benedikt, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Bermann Fischer, Dr. med. Gottfried,%20Dr.%20Gottfried.html
Bernheim-Jeune, Gaston,%20Gaston.html
Bernheim-Jeune, Josse,%20Josse.html
Bernheim, Léonce,%20L%C3%A9once.html
Bernheimer, Otto,%20Otto.html
Berolzheimer,Dr. Michael,%20Michael.html
Bettelheim-Gabillon, Ludwig,%20Ludwig.html
Bittmann, Rudolf,%20Rudolf.html
Blauhorn, Josef,%20Josef.html
Bleichröder, Familie (Baron) v.,%20Familie%20v..html
Blitz, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Blitz, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Bloch-Bauer, Ferdinand,%20Ferdinand.html
Bloch, Dr. Hans,%20Dr.%20Hans.html
Bloch, Felix (Nachlass),%20Felix%20(Nachlass).html
Bloch, Sidonie,%20Sidonie.html
Bloch, Viktor,%20Viktor.html
Blum, Léon,%20L%C3%A9on.html
Blum, Victor G.,%20Victor%20G..html
Bondy, Oscar,%20Oscar.html
Breuer, Julius,%20Julius.html
Brill, Otto,%20Otto.html
Buchstab, Julius,%20Julius.html
Budge (geb. Lazarus), Emma,%20Emma.html
Cahn-Speyer, Paul,%20Paul.html
Cassel, Baron van Doorn,%20Baron%20van%20Doorn.html
Cassirer, Bruno,%20Bruno.html
Cleef, van,%20van.html
Czeczowiczka, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Czeczowiczka, Edwin,%20Edwin.html
Darmstaedter, Ludwig (Nachlass),%20Ludwig%20(Nachlass).html
David-Weill, David,%20David.html
David-Weill, Pierre,%20Pierre.html
Dosquet, Dr. Wilhelm,%20Dr.%20Wilhelm.html
Drey, Siegfried (Kunsthandlung A.S. Drey),%20Siegfried.html
Dreyfus, Gaston,%20Gaston.html
Dreyfus, Henri,%20Henri.html
Dreyfus, Maurice,%20Maurice.html
Duschnitz, Willibald,%20Willibald.html
van Diemen, Galerie
École Rabbinique Paris
Egger-Möllwald, Lothar,%20Lothar.html
Egger, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Eisler, Alfred (Nachlass),%20Alfred%20(Nachlass).html
Eissler, Dr. Hermann,%20Dr.%20Hermann.html
Emden, Max James,%20Max%20James.html
Engel, Hans,%20Hans.html
Ephrussi, Ritter von Viktor,%20Ritter%20von%20Viktor.html
Epstein (geb. Wiedmann), Charlotte,%20Charlotte.html
Erlanger, Dr.,%20Dr..html
Ernst, Rudolf,%20Rudolf.html
Fédération des Sociétés Juives de France
Fürst, Leo,%20Leo.html
Fürstenberg, Hans (Jean),%20Hans.html
Federer, Oskar,%20Oskar.html
Feist-Wollheim, Hans,%20Hans.html
Feist, Hermine (geb. Wollheim),%20Hermine.html
Feldberg, Dr. Siegbert,%20Dr.%20Siegbert.html
Feldmann, Dr. Arthur,%20Dr.%20Arthur.html
Felsöványi (geb. Loew), Gertrud,%20Gertrud.html
Fischel (geb. Mandl), Adele,%20Adele.html
Flavian, Salomo,%20Salomo.html
Flechtheim, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Flersheim, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Freund, Josef,%20Josef.html
Freund, Julius,%20Julius.html
Freund, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Friedmann, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Fuchs, Eduard,%20Eduard.html
Fuld,Peter Harry,%20Peter%20Harry.html
Fuld jun., Harry Sally,%20%20Harry%20Sally.html
Gall, Hermann (Nachlass),%20Hermann%20(Nachlass).html
Gallinek, Dr. Ernst,%20Dr.%20Ernst.html
Gentili di Giuseppe, Frederico,%20Frederico.html
Gerngross, Ludwig,%20Ludwig.html
Gerngross, Paul,%20Paul.html
Gerngross, Robert,%20Robert.html
Geyer, Emil,%20Emil.html
Glaser, Prof. Dr. Curt,%20Prof.%20Dr.%20Curt.html
Goldmann, David,%20David.html
Goldschmidt, Dr. Victor,%20Dr.%20Victor.html
Goldschmidt, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Goldschmidt, Jakob,%20Jakob.html
Goll, Claire & Ivan,%20Claire%20u.%20Ivan.html
Gomperz, Philipp,%20Philipp.html
Goudstikker, Jacques,%20Jacques.html
Grünbaum, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Grünwald, Karl,%20Karl.html
Graetz, Robert,%20Robert.html
Gugenheim, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Gutmann, Eugen,%20Eugen.html
Gutmann, Friedrich (Fritz),%20Friedrich%20(Fritz).html
Gutmann, Rudolf von,%20Rudolf%20von.html
Haas, Felix,%20Felix.html
Haberfeld, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Hakenbroch, Leon Wilhelm,%20Leon%20Wilhelm.html
Halphen, Emile,%20Emile.html
Halphen, George,%20George.html
Hartog, Jacob,%20Jacob.html
Hauser, Alexander,%20Alexander.html
Hecht, Leo,%20Leo.html
Heissfeld (geb. Kulka), Valerie,%20Valerie.html
Helbing, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Hellmann, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Herzberg, Franz,%20Franz.html
Herzog, Baron András,%20Baron%20Andr%C3%A1s.html
Herzog, Baron Mor Lipot,%20Baron%20Mor%20Lipot.html
Hesse, Raymond,%20Raymond.html
Hessel, Josse,%20Josse.html
Hinrichsen, Henri,%20Henri.html
Hirsch, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Hirsch, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Hirschland, Georg,%20Georg.html
Hochstim, Adolf,%20Adolf.html
Honig, (Franz) Josef (Nachlass),%20(Franz)%20Josef%20(Nachlass).html
Hupka, Josef Franz,%20Josef%20Franz.html
Jacobi, B.,%20B..html
Jacobson, Maurice-Wolf,%20Maurice-Wolf.html
Jaffé, Dr. iur. Alfons,%20Dr.%20Alfons.html
Jellinek-Mercedes, Dr. Fernand Raoul,%20Dr.%20Fernand%20Raoul.html
Jellinek, Bruno,%20Bruno.html
Königstein (geb. Rosenstraus), Natalie „Nettie“,%20Natalie%20%E2%80%9ENettie%E2%80%9C.html
Kallir-Nirenstein, Otto,%20Otto.html
Kann, Alphonse,%20Alphonse.html
Kantor, Siegfried,%20Siegfried.html
Karpeles-Schenker, Emil (Nachlass),%20Emil%20(Nachlass).html
Katz, Nathan,%20Nathan.html
Ketschendorf (geb. Gutmann), Irma,%20Irma.html
Kien, Julius,%20Julius.html
Kirstein, Berthold und Bettina,%20Berthold%20und%20Bettina.html
Kirstein, Gustav (Nachlass),%20Gustav%20(Nachlass).html
Klapholz, Benedikt,%20Benedikt.html
Klemperer, Gustav v. (Nachlass),%20Gustav%20v.%20(Nachlass).html
Klemperer, Herbert-Otto v.,%20Herbert-Otto%20v..html
Klemperer, Viktor (Victor), Edler v. Klemenau,%20Viktor%20(Victor),%20Edler%20v.%20Klemenau.html
Klinger, Norbert,%20Norbert.html
Koenigs, Franz,%20Franz.html
Kohn, Isidor (Nachlass),%20Isidor%20(Nachlass).html
Kornfeld, Felix,%20Felix.html
Krüger, Hans,%20Hans.html
Kraus, Gottlieb,%20Gottlieb.html
Krausz, Wilhelm Viktor,%20Wilhelm%20Viktor.html
Kronfeld, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Kronig, Joseph,%20Joseph.html
Kuczynski, Jürgen,%20J%C3%BCrgen.html
Kuffner, Moriz,%20Moriz.html
Kuffner, Wilhelm (Nachlass),%20Wilhelm%20(Nachlass).html
Kulka, Adele,%20Adele.html
Kulka (geb. Manes), Valerie „Wally“,%20Valerie%20%E2%80%9EWally%E2%80%9C.html
Lämmle, Siegfried,%20Siegfried.html
Löffler, Arnold,%20Arnold.html
Löhner, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Löw, Wilhelm,%20Wilhelm.html
Löwenstein, Oscar,%20Oscar.html
Ladner, Oscar L.,%20Oscar%20L..html
Lanckoronski, Anton,%20Anton.html
Landowska, Wanda
Lanyi, Richard,%20Richard.html
Lanz, Otto,%20Otto.html
Lasch, Agathe,%20Agathe.html
Lasus, Georg (Nachlass),%20Georg%20(Nachlass).html
Lazare, Raymond,%20Raymond.html
Lederer, August (Nachlass),%20August%20(Nachlass).html
Lemberger (geb. Bettelheim), Rosa,%20Rosa.html
Levi de Benzion, Moïse,%20Mo%C3%AFse.html
Levy-Benzion (Levy de Benzion)
Levy, Mme. Roger,%20Mme.%20Roger.html
Levy, Silvain,%20Sylvain.html
Lewin, Leo,%20Leo.html
Lieben (geb. Freiin Schey von Koromla), Mathilde,%20Mathilde.html
Liebermann, Max,%20Max.html
Lilienfeld, Leon,%20Leon.html
Lindenbaum, Markus,%20Markus.html
Lindenbaum (später Lindon), Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. (LiRo)
List, Adolf (Adolph),%20Adolf%20(Adolph).html
Littmann, Dr. Ismar,%20Dr.%20Ismar.html
Lobkowitz (Lobkowicz)
Loebl, Allen,%20Allen.html
Loge Le Grand Orient de France
Loge Groß-Orient de France
Lourié, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Lugt, Frits,%20Frits.html
Magnus, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Mahler-Werfel (geb. Schindler), Alma,%20Alma.html
Mandel, Israel,%20Israel.html
Mandl, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Mannheimer, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Mautner, Stephan,%20Stephan.html
Mayer, August Liebmann,%20August%20Liebmann.html
Mayländer, Karl,%20Karl.html
Meirowsky (Meirowski), Dr. Max,%20Dr.%20Max.html
Mendelsohn, Edmund (Nachlass),%20Edmund%20(Nachlass).html
Meyszner (geb. Strauss), Alice,%20Alice.html
Milhaud, Darius
Mogrobi, Mozes,%20Mozes.html
Morelli (geb. Havlicsek), Berta,%20Berta.html
Morgenstern, Max,%20Max.html
Munk (geb. Pulitzer), Aranka,%20Aranka.html
Nathan, Henry,%20Henry.html
Nathan, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Neumann, Oskar,%20Oskar.html
Neumann, Richard,%20Richard.html
Nicolas, Etienne,%20Etienne.html
Nothmann, Berthold,%20Berthold.html
Oliven, Dr. Fritz,%20Dr.%20Fritz.html
Oppenheim, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Oppenheim, Margarethe (geb. Eisner, verw. Reichenheim),%20Margarethe.html
Oppenheimer, Jacob,%20%20Jacob.html
Oppenheimer (geb. Todesco), Gabriele,%20Gabriele.html
Perls, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Pick, Ignatz,%20Ignatz.html
Pick, Moric,%20Moric.html
Pick, Otto,%20Otto.html
Polak, Jacob,%20Jacob.html
Pollack, Albert,%20Albert.html
Pollack, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Pollak, Robert,%20Robert.html
Popper-Podhragy, Ernst,%20Ernst.html
Popper-Podhragy, Leopold,%20Leopold.html
Prager, Arthur,%20Arthur.html
Priester, Julius,%20Julius.html
Priester, Leo,%20Leo.html
Pringsheim, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Quittner, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Rüdenberg, Max,%20Max.html
Redlich, Anton,%20Anton.html
Redlich, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Redlich (geb. Zuckerkandl), Amalie,%20Amalie.html
Regenstreif, Friedrich (Fritz),%20Friedrich%20(Fritz).html
Regenstreif, Paul,%20Paul.html
Reichel, Oskar,%20Oskar.html
Reichenbach, B. (Bernhard?).,%20Bernhard.html
Reichmann, Arnim,%20Arnim.html
Reif, Heinrich,%20Heinrich.html
Reisinger, Andreas (Nachlass),%20Andreas%20(Nachlass).html
Richter, Prof. Dr. Elise,%20Prof.%20Dr.%20Elise.html
Rieger, Heinrich,%20Heinrich.html
Roden, Max,%20Max.html
Rosenberg, Paul,%20Paul.html
Rosenstein, Sarah,%20Sarah.html
Rothberger, Heinrich,%20Heinrich.html
Rothberger, Moriz,%20Moriz.html
Rothschild, Alphonse,%20Alphonse.html
Rothschild, Edmond, Baron de,%20Edmond,%20Baron%20de.html
Rothschild, Eduard, Baron de,%20Eduard,%20Baron%20de.html
Rothschild, Henri de,%20Henri%20de.html
Rothschild, Louis,%20Louis.html
Rothschild, Maurice de,%20Maurice%20de.html
Rothschild, Robert, Baron de,%20Robert,%20Baron%20de.html
Rouff, Jules,%20Jules.html
Ruhmann, Franz,%20Franz.html
Sachs, Carl,%20Carl.html
Saulmann, Ernst u. Agathe,%20Ernst%20+%20Agathe.html
Schüller, Ludwig (Nachlass),%20Ludwig%20(Nachlass).html
Schiff-Suvero (geb. Reitzes), Emma,%20Emma.html
Schloss, Adolphe,%20Adolphe.html
Schoenberg, Gustav,%20Gustav.html
Schwabach, Paul von (Nachlass),%20Paul%20von%20(Nachlass).html
Schweinburg, Eduard,%20Eduard.html
Seligmann, Jacques,%20%20Jacques.html
Seligmann, Jean Albert,%20%20Jean%20Albert.html
Seligmann, Jean Andre,%20%20Jean%20Andre.html
Silberberg, Max,%20Max.html
Silberman, Elkan,%20Elkan.html
Simon, Hugo,%20Hugo.html
Simon, Josef (Nachlass),%20Josef%20(Nachlass).html
Singer (geb. Schlesinger), Marianne,%20Marianne.html
Sommerguth, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Sonnenfeld, Alfred,%20Alfred.html
Springer (geb. Rothschild), Valentine,%20Valentine.html
Steiner, Klara,%20Klara.html
Steiner (geb. Pulitzer), Eugenie „Jenny“,%20Eugenie%20%E2%80%9EJenny%E2%80%9C.html
Steinthal, Max,%20Max.html
Stern, Dr. Max,%20Dr.%20Max.html
Stern, Jaques,%20Jaques.html
Stiasny, Paul,%20Paul.html
Strauß, Ottmar,%20Ottmar.html
Tannenbaum, Herbert (1892-1958),%20Galerie%20(Mannheim).html
Terramare, Georg,%20Georg.html
Thorsch, Alfons,%20Alfons.html
Tietz, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Tietz, Martin und Georg,%20Martin%20und%20Georg.html
Toepfer, Dr. Ludwig,%20Dr.%20Ludwig.html
Trebitsch, Siegfried,%20Siegfried.html
Turgenjew-Bibliothek Paris
Unger, Fritz,%20Fritz.html
Wassermann, Dr. Melville,%20Dr.%20Melville.html
Wassermann, Oscar,%20Oscar.html
Weil-Picard, Arthur
Weil, Prosper-Emile,%20Prosper-Emile.html
Weinberg, Carl von,%20Carl%20von.html
Weiner, Alexander,%20Alexander.html
Weinstein, Leopold,%20Leopold.html
Weiss, Luise,%20Luise.html
Wertheim, Georg,%20Georg.html
Wertheimer, Pierre (Paul?),%20Pierre.html
Westfeld, Walter,%20Walter.html
Westheim, Paul,%20Paul.html
Wildenstein, Georges,%20Georges.html
Winter (geb. Auspitz), Josefine,%20Josefine.html
Wittgenstein, Paul,%20Paul.html
Wolff-Knize, Friedrich „Fritz“,%20Friedrich.html
Wooster, Frank,%20Frank.html
Zemlinsky, Alexander,%20Alexander.html
Zsolnay, Paul,%20Paul.html
Zuylen, Helene de,%20Helene%20de.html
Zwillenberg, Dr. Hugo,%20Dr.%20Hugo.html