Showing posts with label Tracking looted art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tracking looted art. Show all posts

Sep 24, 2021

Pinakothek Munich: artworks with no provenance transferred from the German state

Where to find the provenance of artworks held at the Pinakothek in Bavaria, Germany?

Not, it seems, on the Pinakothek website.

Frequently, the information provided in the Origin or Herkunft field limits itself to the mention: "on loan" or "transferred from the German state".

But there is no link or reference to any further information. 

Yet we know that many looted artworks returned to Germany after the war and then distributed to museums "on loan" or as "transfers").

How to verify whether or not an artwork held at the Pinakothek is referenced in the database, the DHM Munich or Linz databases?

To find out, we will look at a selection of artworks at the Pinakothek, many of which are "on loan" or transferred from State possession.

See file here 

Download CSV here

(please note: The dataset contains only a few hundred artworks out of the more than 8000 artworks created before 1940 that contain the word "Überweisung")Überweisung#filters={"yearRange":{"min":1400,"max":1940},"onDisplay":false,"publicDomain":false}

Aug 31, 2021

Dataset: Problematic provenances of artworks in Dutch museums 31 AUG 2021

Artworks published on the Dutch site Museale Verwervingen Vanaf 1933 (Investigation into the provenance of museum collections in connection with the theft, confiscation and sale of objects under duress between 1933 and 1945.)

This dataset contains publicly available information originally published online by the Dutch authorities which has been formatted as a CSV file for easy download and analysis with digital tools. It includes 167 artworks selected by Dutch museums because they changed hands in Europe during the Nazi era (1933-1945) and have incomplete provenances. It is intended to facilitate research into Holocaust-era provenance for scholars, art historians, families, and data scientists. 

Contents: 167 artworks selected for provenance research by museums in the Netherlands

note: The objects were selected by museums in the Netherlands many of which declined to participant. The selection is not complete.

Date Retrieval: 
31 August 2021

Date Publication:  
31 August 2021

Information in the Dataset:
RetrievalDate, Source Url, Artist, Title, Year, Technique, Inventorynumber, Category, Museum, Conclusion,Explanation, Provenance, Dimensions


Jul 21, 2021

Tutorial for the Looted Art Detector: Using custom indicators

Looted Art Detector: Part 2 Using custom indicators

example with : ALIU Red Flag restorers

The user can analyse provenances for any names or words that seem interesting.

The list below contains the last names of art restorers who were investigated by the OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit for their role in the art market for Nazi-looted art.

Jun 22, 2021

Bruno Lohse Nazi Art Looter Transcription of ALIU Detailed Interrogation Report NARA RG239 DIR 6

The text below is a transcription of a document in the National Archives concerning Nazi art looting that was declassified in 1975. It concerns the notorious Nazi art looter, Bruno Lohse. This Detailed Interrogation Report was written by Monuments Man and OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit member James S. Plaut in 1945. It detailed the interrogation of Nazi art looter Bruno Lohse conducted from June 15, 1945 to August 15, 1945.

NARA : copy of transcription D. I. R. # 6 - Bruno Lohse, 1945-1946 

A photocopy of the Detailed Interrogation Report Number 6 can be downloaded here: Download PDF

The text, transcribed in a digital searchable text, is below

May 26, 2021

Nazi Art Looting Networks: Adolf Wuester

Zoom on a few of the individuals in Adolf Wuester's network (according to the Art Looting Investigation Unit in 1946)

Abels Brothers, HermannCologne, Komoedienstrasse 26DealersSpecialists in 16th to 19th century painting and graphic arts
Bammann, HansDusseldorf, Blumenstrasse 11Dealer, drafted into the army in 1942 and transferred to the ERR in Paris in December 1943 at the request of Lohse and WuesterBelieved to have acted as agent for art purchases in France for museums of Dusseldorf, Cologne, Aachen and Bonn
Breker, Prof ArnoStarnberg (Buchhof uber Pocha), BavariaCelebrated Nazi sculptor, often in Paris during the warTook part in arranging tour of French artists through Germany
Goepel, Dr ErhardLeipzig, Stieghtstrasse 76Official Linz agent and buyer in Holland under Posse and VossBought extensively in Holland and also travelled frequently in Belgium and France
Knothe, DrSecretary of the German Embassy, Paris and reported to have worked with Wuester on art matters for von Ribbentrop and possibly Goebbels
Kuetgens, Dr FelixAachen, Heinrichsallee 18Member of Kunstschutz, ParisMentioned as also in charge of Kunstschutz in Serbia and Greece
Loewenisch, AlbertCologne Paris, 8 ave Victor MasselPurchasing agent for the Gauleitung Dusseldorf-Koln-Aachen-Bonn, and one of the official representatives of German museums in FranceContact of Hermssen, Wuester, Weinmueller and Lange
May, Frau WismerZurich, Seefeldstrasse 90Colleague of Wuester in the art section of the German Embassy, ParisArdent Nazi and well connected in high Party circles
Mohnen, Wilhelm JacobGerman nationalCaptured in Rome, 5 February 1945, after taking refuge in the Vatican
Muthmann, DrDirector of Museum of KrefeldIn contact with Wuester, Paul Cailleux, Dr Kurt Martin and Dr Hopp
Pfannstiel, ArthurParisGerman painter and dealer, resident in Paris before the warMember of staff of ERR, Bordeaux and of GIS
Rademacher, Dr BernardBonnAssistant at the Landesmuseum, BonnAgent for art purchases in France
von WaldthausenIn charge of interior decoration of the German Embassy, Paris, 1940Assisted by Wuester, 1942
Wuester, AdolfBernau, Bavaria Bonn SchloeselPainter and amateur dealer, long-time pre-war resident of ParisChief agent in France for acquisition of works of art for Ribbentrop
BlotParisDealer, dealt with Wuester
Cailleux, PaulParis, 136 rue du Fbg St HonoreDealer in contact with Rochlitz, Wuester, Frau Dietrich, HaberstockKnew Lohse, who claims to have freed his wife from a concentration camp
Cloots, F GParis, 14 rue de l’AbbayeSmall dealer specialising in 17th century Dutch paintingIn contact with Wuester and Hofer
Gairac, GeorgesParis, 17 rue de SeineFrench art dealer who sold to Wuester and Bornheim
Gerard, Raphael Louis FelixParis, 4 ave de MessineDealt in confiscated pictures; main source of supply to Wuester and other German buyersIndicted by French Government (Seine Tribunal, Judge Frapier)
de Haucke, Cesar MongeParis, 14 rue du Cherche-MidiDealer active in Paris and New York before the warActive in Paris during the occupation; in contact with Wuester, Haberstock and Hofer; documentary evidence in Unit files
Kalebjian, IreneParis, 52 bis ave d’IenaSchenker documents indicate sales to German buyersOne of Wuester’s chief sources
Leegenhoek, M OParis, 1 rue de Rennes/230 blvd RaspailBelgian nationalProminent restorer and subsequent dealer who sold extensively to Hofer, Lohse, Wendland, Wuester, Dietrich, Haberstock, Miedl, Goepel and the great majority of important German purchasers
Mandl, VictorParis, 9 rue du BoetieGerman refugee dealer, formerly active in BerlinHighly important figure in German art purchases in Paris
Montag, CharlesSevres Meudon Val Fleury, 72 rue de ParisSwiss; naturalised FrenchArtist and dealer
Renand, GeorgesParis, 30 quai de BethuneSold to Ribbentrop through WuesterSchenker documents indicate sales to German buyers
Schmit, JeanParis, 22 rue de CharonneImportant antique dealer and decorating concernDealt with Bornheim, Angerer, Haberstock and other Germans brought to him by Wuester
Schoeller, AndreParis, 13 rue de TeheranWell known expert in French 19th century paintingPresident of the Art Editors Syndicate and appraiser for the Hotel Drouot
Toulinot (Toulino)Paris, 8 ave Victor MasselSmall dealerPartner of Loewenisch
de Trevise, DucParisPre-war sponsor and friend of Rochlitz and Wuester
Trotti, Count Rene AvogliParis, 1/88 rue de GrenelleWell known art dealer of Italian birth; in touch with many German art agents during the war, particularly Wuester, an old friendAlso did business with Haberstock
Wuester AdolfSee Germany
Raeber, Dr WilliBasle, St Albans Anlage 68Prominent art dealerVice president of the Swiss syndicate of art dealers and its most active member
Wendland, Dr HansVersoix/GenevaGerman nationalArt dealer, resident alternately in France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany since World War I

For transcription of the Art Looting Investigation Unit Final Report and the Red Flag list of Names see here.