Sep 2, 2023

DATASET: Latchford Wiener Hecht Sperling Klejman in provenances at Metropolitan Museum of Art

FLASH: 26 Doris Wiener provenances added 17SEP2023!

September 2, 2023

DATASET Metropolitan Museum of Art artworks with links to Douglas Latchford, Doris Wiener, Robert Hecht, Harry Sperling, John Klejman, Klaus G. Perls, Joseph Brummer 

Dataset name: Selection Latchford plus Metmuseum 2022

Description: This enhanced Provenance dataset has been constructed from information available on the public internet site of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It includes the provenance and credit line information for artworks which mention Douglas Latchford, Doris Wiener, Robert Hecht, Harry Sperling, John Klejman, Klaus G. Perls, Joseph Brummer and others.  It is intended to facilitate research into antiquities provenance for scholars, art historians and investigators. 

Format: Google Sheet


Download: CSV


  • Selection
  • Source
  • RetrievalDate
  • YEAR Acquired
  • Source Url
  • Title Date
  • Artist
  • Credit Line
  • Acc Num
  • Provenance (as published by the Metropolitan Museum on its website on March 29, 2022)
  • Description
  • Artist_Region
  • Artwork__tombstone Value

Publisher of Dataset: OAD

Date of Publication: September 2, 2023

Aug 8, 2023

Kurt Feldhäusser or Weyhe in provenance of artworks in American museums

Source UrlTitleArtistCredit LineAcc NumProvenance Woman with CrabAristide Maillol | Crouching Woman with Crab | French | The Metropolitan Museum of ArtBequest of Scofield Thayer, 19821984.433.35Mr. Bruno and Mrs. Sadie Adriani Bruno and Sadie Adriani, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif., [ Buchholz Gallery } [Buchholz Gallery, New York], E. Weyhe Gallery [E. Weyhe, New York, probably on loan to the Whitney Studio, New York, sold in March 1924 to Thayer], [probably on loan to Whitney Studio, sold in March 1924 to Thayer], Scofield Thayer (1924–d. 1982, on extended loan to the Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Mass., as part of the Dial Collection, 1936–82, his bequest to MMA), Worcester Art Museum Fisher | Harvard Art MuseumsDiego Rivera, Mexican (Guanajuato, Mexico 1886 - 1957 Mexico City)Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Meta and Paul J. Sachs1965.437Recorded Ownership History;[The E. Weyhe Gallery, New York, New York], sold, to Meta and Paul J. Sachs (L. 2091), Cambridge, Massachusetts, bequest, to Fogg Art Museum, 1965. 12E | Harvard Art MuseumsEl Lissitzky, Russian (Pochinok, Russia 1890 - 1941 Moscow, Russia)Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Association FundBR49.303Recorded Ownership History;Kurt Feldhäusser, Berlin, bequest, to Marie Luise Feldhäusser, 1945, sold, [E. Weyhe Gallery, New York], sold, to Busch-Reisinger Museum, 1949. Soldatenbad (Artillerymen)Ernst Ludwig KirchnerNOTE: Claim for Nazi-looted art and Restitutionto heirs of Alfred FlechtheimProvenance;Galerie Ludwig Schames, Frankfurt;Alfred Flechtheim, Dusseldorf (acquired from the above in 1919);Städtisches Kunstmuseum, Dusseldorf (acquired by donation in 1928-29);Alfred Flechtheim, Dusseldorf (acquired from the above by exchange in 1930 and left in the custody of his niece, Rosi Hulisch, on his departure from Germany in 1933);Kurt Feldhäusser, Berlin (acquired in 1938);Marie Luise Feldhäusser, Berlin (by inheritance from her son, above, in 1945);Erhard Weyhe Gallery, New York (acquired from the above in 1949);Mr. & Mrs. Morton D. May, St. Louis (acquired by 1952);The Museum of Modern Art, New York (a gift from the above in 1956);The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (by exchange from the above in 1988);Acquired by restitution from the above in 2018

Jul 25, 2023

British Museum Acquisitions from Spink and Sons: analysis with ChatGPT prompts

 QUESTION TO CHATGPT (code interpreter)

Spink and Sons is an art dealer involved in selling many looted artifacts. Please examine this file and tell me three ways it could be analysed to rank artworks most likely to have been looted

- Spink prov British Museum.csv

Jun 20, 2023

Picasso in Museums around the world

Twenty-five years have passed since the Washington Conference on Holocaust era assets.
Yet there is still no central database of museum artworks with their provenances. Some museums - big museums, university art museums - still publish no provenance at all.
Projects are announced, appear, disappear, each separate. There is no central tracking of Nazi era provenance gaps.  The scale is enormous. The number of artworks with unclear ownership history for the Nazi era remains extremely high.

Given the enormity of the task, this post looks at the situation in museums for a single artist: Picasso.
(update ongoing)


Collection Before 1945 Image? Provenance? Nazi-era Gaps?
MoMA 659 yes sometimes yes
NGA 258 yes yes yes
Pompidou 59 yes no yes
Musée Picasso 4000+ all dates yes no unknown
Albertina 40 yes no yes
Hermitage 36 yes no yes
Fondation Beyeler 22 yes yes yes
Museums in Denmark 133 yes yes yes
UK Collections Trust 16 no yes yes
Pinakothek (Munich) 14 no no yes
Kunstmuseum Basel 66 yes NO yes
Kunstmuseum Bern 9 -on display or Gurlitt yes yes - PDF yes
Metropolitan Museum 56 yes yes yes
MFA 29 yes yes yes
DIA 21 NO yes yes
Harvard Art Museums 20 yes yes yes-11
Yale Art 35 yes yes yes
Cleveland 19 yes yes yes
Princeton Museum 6 yes NO yes
Emil Bührle Collection 5 yes yes yes
Musée d'Orsay 1 yes yes yes
Rose Art Museum 4 yes no yes


Museum of Modern Art - MoMa (USA)

Query for Picasso (all)  1246 artworks all dates

(659 artworks is an estimation, because the query picks up some other artists as well)


MFA Boston (USA)

UK Collections Trust:

Pinakothek (Munich)

Museums in Denmark

Rose Art Museum (USA)
* no provenance information *

Jun 3, 2023

Nazi looted art restitution claims case studies: Newsletter April 2023 – N°16

To read the complete newsletter, please see:

In this post, we reproduce the case studies published in April 2023 (Number 16) by the Network of European Restitution Committees on Nazi-Looted Art (originally published by the Advisory Commission)

  • CASE STUDY Update: A German family hands over to France two paintings stolen in Brittany during the Occupation 
  • CASE STUDY Restitution to heirs of Dr. Erich Stern 
  • CASE STUDY The painter Hirschenhauser and a special work of art 
  • CASE STUDY The Fritz Illner collection. Provenance Research in the Natural History Museum Vienna 
(Searchable text with some names highlighted)