Country | 1946 OSS ALIU LIST OF RED FLAG NAMES | Contains |
GERMANY | Brunner, Dr. Member of Kunstschutz, Brussels. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Bunjes, Dr Hermann. Fell, near Trier. Served during the occupation of France as Referent fur Kunstschutz und Kultur under the German military command in Paris, and was Director of the Deutsche Kunsthistorische Forschungsstaette (German Fine Arts Institute), Paris. Goering’s first personal art agent in France during the occupation. Closely connected with the activities of the ERR and author of the official German Government paper of 18 August 1942 replying to the official French protests against the ‘safeguarding ‘ of ownerless Jewish art properties in occupied France. Extradition requested by French Government. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Busley, Dr Josef. Member of Kunstschutz, responsible for Angers and Bordeaux areas. Worked with Zimmermann and Metternich. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Degenhart, Dr Bernard. Member of ERR Central Department and in April 1945 of the Kunstschutz in Italy, where he worked with Dr Ringler and Professor Bruhns. Also worked in Holland with Dienststelle Muehlmann. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Evers, (Major) Prof Hans Gerhard. Professor in Munich. Member of Kunstschutz. Worked briefly for the ERR in Paris, 1941. Became head of Kunstschutz in Rome in 1943, succeeding von Tieschowitz. In Allied custody (Italy), May 1945. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Feldhusen, Lt. Member of Kunstschutz, Italy. Reported to have taken two Cranachs from Olivete, which he gave to Langsdorff. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Frodl, Dr Walter. Kunstschutz official, Italy. Reported to have sent confiscated property from Trieste to Klagenfurt Museum. Worked with Frau Erika Hanfstaengl. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Greiner, General. Member of Kunstschutz, Italy. Reported responsible for removal of several art deposits in Italy. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Hampe, Dr. Member, Kunstschutz for Crete and Salonika. Worked with Dr Jansen. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Hanfstaengl, Frau Dr Erika. Munich or Berlin. Member of Kunstschutz for Italy. In charge of operations at Udine and Venezia Giulia. In touch with Himmler, Dr Frodl and Maria Dietrich. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Hoermann, Dr. Member of Kunstschutz, France. Responsible for St Germain area. Worked with Dr Kuetgens and Metternich. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Kalnein, Prof Count. Member of Kunstschutz in France. Worked with Dr Kuetgens. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Kirsten, Dr (alias Alt). Member of Kunstschutz, Athens, 1941-44. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Koehn, Lt Dr Heinz. Assistant to Rosemann in Kunstschutz, Brussels. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Kraiker, Major Dr W. Head of Kunstschutz, Athens. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Kroenig, Dr Wolfgang. Member of Kunstschutz, Belgium. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Krueger, Oberst. Commander of 71st Infantry Regiment and member of German Kunstschutz in Italy. Reported responsible for return of Oliveto deposit to Florence and connected with attempted theft of the Cranach Adam and Eve. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Kuetgens, Dr Felix. Aachen, Heinrichsallee 18. Member of Kunstschutz, Paris. Mentioned as also in charge of Kunstschutz in Serbia and Greece. Assisted by Wuester in art purchases in Paris. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Lang, Dr Gottfried. Reported archival adviser to Kunstschutz in Italy after January 1944. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Langsdorff, Dr Alexander Dietrich. German archaeologist and one of the heads of Kunstschutz in Italy, 1043-44. Reported responsible for the removal of Florentine collections to German territory against the wishes of Italian authorities. In Allied custody, Italy, June 1945. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Merveldt, Count. German painter, reported to have been active in Kunstschutz, Rome. Not known to be involved in any looting. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Metternich, Prof Count Franz Wolff. Bonn, Blucherstrasse 2. Appointed in May 1940 by the German High Command as Director of Kunstschutz for France. In 1942, placed in charge of all Kunstschutz activities in France, the Netherlands, the Balkans and Italy. Universally regarded as having acted at all times with complete integrity, and as having shown the greatest sense of responsibility for the preservation of works of art. Opposed vigorously all German efforts to confiscate art of the occupied countries. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Moebius, Prof Dr Hans. Member of Prehistory and Archaeological Section of Kunstschutz, Paris (1940-41), with rank of Oberleutnant. Reported captured in Normandy, June 1944. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Moltke, Lt Dr Count J Wolfgang. Reported to have been Referent fur Kunstschutz for Belgium. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Neuffer, Dr Edward. Archaeologist from Bonn; reported head of Prehistory and Archaeological Section, Kunstschutz, Paris (1940-41). | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Pfitzner, Dr Carl Heinz. Bonn, Koblenzstr 36 (1936). Member of Kunstschutz, Paris, 1940-41. Reported to have been connected with the seizure of the Wildenstein collection. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Pohl, Max. Assistant to Prof Karl Schmidt of Kunstschutz in NE France, stationed at Lille (1940-44). | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Reidemeister, Prof (Lt Col). Deputy Director of Kunstschutz, Italy. Responsible for the removal to German territory of Florentine art collections. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Rosemann, Prof Dr Heinz Rudolf. German art historian in charge of Kunstschutz in Belgium. Concerned with protection of Michelangelo’s Virgin and Child, but reported not involved in its removal. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Schleiermacher, Dr Wilhelm. Archaeologist, member of the Kunstschutz organisation for France (Prehistoric and Archaeological Section), 1940-41. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Schmidt, Dr Karl. Tubingen, Waldhauserstrasse 43. Director of Kunstschutz in Northern France and Pas de Calais area (1940-44). Reported to have sent members of the ERR to the museum at Lille in 1942 to remove works of art. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Schnath, Dr Georg. Archivist on Kunstschutz staff in Paris until 1944. Reported to have returned to Berlin archives removed to Paris by Napoleon. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | von Schoenebeck, Dr Hans Ulrich. German specialist on classical art. Reported Director of Kunstschutz for Greece (1941-43). Reported in Paris with rank of Major (1944). | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Schroeder, Prof Dr Hans Friedrich. Lubeck, St Anne Museum Lubeck, Schwartaner Allee 7. Reported Director of the Kunstschutz organisation for Russia. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Stange, Dr Alfred. Bonn University. 1935, member of Board of Directors of German Institute for History of Art in Paris. Assisted by Prof Hamann on the Photographic Commission. Member of Kunstschutz for France. Worked with Dr Hannema and Dr C Roell. Reported to have acquired tapestries for Goering, and to have been in touch with Rosenberg and Bunjes. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | von Tieschowitz, Baron Bernhard. Griefswald, Georgenstrasse 6. Deputy chief of Kunstschutz under Metternich, and succeeded as director in Italy 1943. Pre-war record as founder of the Marburg History of Art Institute. Lecturer on scientific photography and not a Nazi. With Metternich, opposed vigorously organised confiscation proceedings in France and Italy and was consistently conscientious in his efforts to protect the art treasures of the occupied countries from destruction and looting. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Tintelnot. Reported assistant to Prof Dagobert Frey in Kunstschutz, Cracow. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Turner, Dr Harold. Used the Kunstschutz organisation, Paris, for early confiscation of Jewish property, in collaboration with Goering. But Hofer, Angerer, and Fritz Schmidt in touch with repositories where Jewish collections were stored. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Unger, Dr. Reported connected with ERR and to have been assisted by the Kunstschutz in Italy. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Vollmer, Dr Bernhard. Dusseldorf. Director of State archives, DŸsseldorf. Archivist of Kunstschutz, Brussels. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Werner, Joachim. Prehistorian. Professor of Archaeology, Strasbourg University (1943). Also active with Kunstschutz in Belgium. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Wirth, Dr Hans Ulrich. Fuesson, Bavaria. Art historian and photographer. Member of Kunstschutz and later ERR, Paris. Worked with Stange, Hamann and Schiedlausky. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Zimmermann, Dr Ernst Heinrich. Nuremberg. Director, Germanic National Museum, Nuremberg. Reported in charge of Dijon and Bordeaux areas for Kunstschutz, France, 1940-43. | Kunstschutz |
GERMANY | Zobel. Administrative officer in the Kunstschutz, Italy, reported to have taken two Cranachs, Adam and Eve, from Oliveto to Verona, where they were delivered to the Director of the Pitti Gallery. Reported also responsible for the transfer of the Gordon Craig Theatrical Archives from Verona to Alt Aussee, 1944. | Kunstschutz |
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ALIU Red Flag List on
see also: Some works mentioning Kunstschutz on
Title | Description | Date | Http |
[PDF] 1 Consignor Catalogue Details Place of Sale A... - | Busley [ident. mit Dr. Josef. Busley (1888-1969),. Heeresverwaltung für den. Kunstschutz im besetzten. Frankreich?] Katalog 33: Altes Kunstgewerbe, alte Möbel,... | | |
[PDF] 18, 2019 International Conference of the HERA Project | May 17, 2019 · Christian Fuhrmeister: Introduction. Martina Visentin: Friuli–Julian March: The Role of Austro-German “Kunstschutz” during the. First World War. | May 17, 2019 | |
[PDF] Bericht über die Arbeit der Taskforce Schwabinger Kunstfund 2,1 MB | Jan 14, 2016 · Circumstances of loss. (seized, sold, exchanged, etc.) Evidence. (records, stock books, ERR,. 'Kunstschutz', export licence,... | Jan 14, 2016 | |
[PDF] Bibliography looted art1 - | Haase, Günter: Kunstraub und Kunstschutz, eine Dokumentation, Hamburg 1991. Haedrich, Martina: Rückgewinnung und Zugänglichmachung kriegsbedingt... | | |
[PDF] Download complete ALIU index - Looted Art | Kuetgens, Dr. Felix. 49. CIR 2;DIR 13. Kugel, M. Jacques. 167. Kuhne. 49. Kulig. 50. Kunstfond. 41. Kunstschutz. 14, 51. Kuntze, Dr. Friedrich. Franz. 4, 16, 17,. | | |
[PDF] Francesca Coccolo, Rodolfo Siviero between Fascism... - Looted Art | Apr 20, 2017 · 4 Like those sent from the office of the SS Reichsführer Himmler to the various Kunstschutz personnell in Italy, via the local SS Kommando... | Apr 20, 2017 | |
[PDF] handbook on judaica provenance research - Looted Art | unitcalled the Kunstschutz or Art Protection Unit. The Kunstschutz was a re-creation of the World War. I era art and monument protection office.88 Its head was... | | |
[PDF] Handreichung zur Umsetzung der „Erklärung der... - Looted Art | tärischen Kunstschutz für Militärverwaltung Osten). • Gerhard Utikal (Reichshauptstellenleiter ERR Frankreich,. Leiter der „Zentralstelle zur Erfassung und... | | |
[PDF] Historisches Lexikon Bayerns - Looted Art | Jun 11, 2012 · 1945-1949 - Kunstschutz, Restitution und Wissenschaft, in: Iris Lauterbach (Hg.),. Kunstgeschichte in München 1947. Institutionen und... | Jun 11, 2012 | // |
[PDF] Kunst voor das reich het wedervaren van schilderijen in... - Looted Art | Kunst uit de nazitijd De Tweede Wereldoorlog bracht zoveel gruwel met zich mee dat het bijna infaam is om over kunst te spreken. En toch heeft zich in die... | | |
[PDF] Kunstschutz, Kunstraub, Restitution. Neue Forschungen... - Looted Art | Dec 13, 2012 · Christian Welzbacher: Kunstschutz, Kunstraub, Restitution. Neue. Forschungen zur Geschichte und Nachgeschichte des Nationalsozia- lismus... | Dec 13, 2012 | |
[PDF] Museumsblätter 35 - Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg | Jan 1, 2020 · Museumsleiters Huth mit Verweis auf das Kunstschutz- gesetz von 1953 von der Tresorverwaltung des Ministe- riums der Finanzen der DDR... | Jan 1, 2020 | |
[PDF] NATIONAL ARCHIVES, LONDON (KEW) Record... - Looted Art | Fine Arts and Archives branch of Control Commission for Germany (British. Element), February 1945 [Kunstschutz]. T209/27: Miscellaneous Lists of Looted Art... | | |
[PDF] Nazi-Confiscated Art Issues - Florida Center for Instructional... | Nov 5, 1998 · 14 For the figure of 250,000, see Haase, Kunstraub und Kunstschutz, 243. For the figure of millions, see Lynn Nicholas, "World War II and the... | Nov 5, 1998 | |
[PDF] OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit Reports, 1945... - National Archives | its members to Italy to interrogate leading members of the German Kunstschutz (The German. Commission for the Protection of Works of Art in the Occupied... | | |
[PDF] Plundered, But By Whom? - Looted Art | 200 items · Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945, Wien - Köln - Weimar, Böhlau,. 2012. 2. See the detailed report by Norman Newton, in NARA... | 200 items | // |
[PDF] Raub & Handel. Der französische Kunstmarkt unter... - Looted Art | Nov 30, 2017 · Rein Wolfs, Intendant der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, eröffnet die Tagung als Gastgeber und begrüßt alle... | Nov 30, 2017 | |
[PDF] reconstructing the record of nazi cultural plunder - Looted Art | R 2C: Correspondence with the Art Protection Office (Kunstschutz), 1940-1944. R 4 and R 15: Files regarding negotiations with German authorities for exchange... | // | |
[PDF] Records of the American Commission for the... - National Archives | German Kunstschutz in Italy, 1943–1945. 72. [AMG-153] 19th Monthly Report: MTO: Lazio, Umbria, Marche, Toscana,. Emilia, Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia,... | | |
[PDF] Shapiro ix Prelims FINAL - Looted Art | 19 MEAE, RA, Box, Folder 'Bunjes Kunstschutz (A)': Wolfgang Boetticher, letter to Chef des Militärverwaltungsbezirks regarding the Sonderstab Musik... | | |
[PDF] Spoils of War - Harvard Law School | Jun 5, 1998 · see Haase, Kunstraub und Kunstschutz, 86-153, and Kurz, Kunstraub in Europa, 78-90, 158-173, 339-. 342. See also the documents in the... | Jun 5, 1998 | |
[PDF] Spoils of War - Lost Art | Aug 4, 1997 · raub und Kunstschutz. Eine Dokumentation (Hildesheim 1991);and Lynn Nicholas has relied heavily upon them in her award winning The... | Aug 4, 1997 | |
[PDF] the Pincherle Family in Trieste - Looted Art | Deutscher militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945, Hrsg. von C. Fuhrmeister, J. Griebel, S. Klingen und R. Peters, Wien 2012, pp. 153-171. | | |
Activity of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in France: C.I.R.... | Count METTERNICH, head of the Kunstschutz, the German military organisation for the protection of works of art, condemned von BEHR publicly whenever... | | |
Books and Publications - Looted Art | Iris Lauterbach, Central Collecting Point und Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte 1945-1949 - Kunstschutz, Restitution und Wissenschaft, in: Iris Lauterbach (Hg.),... | | |
Books and Publications - Looted Art | kon- zentriert sich auf seine ambivalente Arbeit als Kunstschutzoffizier zwischen Kunstschutz, illegaler Aneignung und Museumsalltag in Russland. | | |
Books and Publications - Looted Art | Kunstschutz, Kunstraub, Restitution. Neue Forschungen zur Geschichte und Nachgeschichte des Nationalsozialismus Christian Welzbacher - November 2012 | | |
Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945... | May 7, 2010 · Ankunft der zuvor nach Incisa ausgelagerten Bronzetüren des Florentiner Baptisteriums im Innenhof des Palazzo Pitti, Mai 1944, Photothek des... | May 7, 2010 | |
Gesammelt Gehandelt Geraubt - Looted Art | Kunstschutz. Bewahrung unersetzbarer Werte. Abtransport. 24. April 2017. Die Silbererwerbungen des Historischen. Museums nach dem 09. November 1938. | | |
Görings Diebestour - Göring's Thieving Spree - Looted Art | Aug 27, 2014 · Widerspruch kam vom »Kunstschutz«, der dem Oberkommando des Heeres-Generalquartiermeisters unterstand. Der Schutz von Kunstwerken... | Aug 27, 2014 | |
Guidelines: Holocaust-era provenance research in Canadian art... | Oct 20, 2017 · Kunstraub und Kunstschutz. Eine Dokumentation. Hildesheim, 1991. Hall, Ardelia R. “The Recovery of Cultural Objects Dispersed during World... | Oct 20, 2017 | |
Hitlers Kunsthändler Hildebrand Gurlitt 1895 - 1956. Die Biographie | Mar 12, 2016 · Meike Hoffmann bezeugt darüber hinaus Gurlitts große Nähe zum Deutschen Kunstschutz. Nutznießer waren seine privaten Kunden, genauso... | Mar 12, 2016 | |
Kunsthistoriker im Krieg – Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in... | Description. Nach der Landung der Alliierten auf Sizilien im Juli 1943 und der Amtsenthebung Mussolinis besetzten deutsche Truppen Italien. Gemäß der... | | |
Kunstschutz, Kunstraub, Restitution. Neue Forschungen zur... | Dec 13, 2012 · Books & Publications: 'Kunstschutz, Kunstraub, Restitution. Neue Forschungen zur Geschichte und Nachgeschichte des Nationalsozialismus'. | Dec 13, 2012 | |
memofonte - Looted Art | Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945, by C. Fuhrmeister et alii, Wien-Köln-Weimar 2012, pp. 156-158. Consulted archival sources. AGCTs. | | |
memofonte - Looted Art | G. HAASE, Kunstraub und Kunstschutz: eine Dokumentation, Berlin 1991. HAASE 2000. G. HAASE, Die Kunstsammlung des Reichsmarschalls Hermann... | | |
News - Looted Art | Jan 4, 2019 · Die Wehrmacht verfügte über eine Abteilung Kunstschutz. Als alliierte Truppen auf Florenz vorrückten, begannen Angehörige der Abteilung im... | Jan 4, 2019 | |
Official Presentations, Reports and Speeches: Archival Situation in... | the Western Office (Aktion M), the Rosenberg Task Force and the Art Protection Agency (Kunstschutz). (2) The National Archive contains archival material of... | | |
Post-War Reports: Art Looting Intelligence Unit (ALIU) Reports 1945... | Member of Kunstschutz, Brussels. Bruschwiller, Eugen. Munich, Lenbachplatz 1. Early Party member, close personal friend of Hitler and Heinrich Hoffmann. | | |
Previous - Looted Art | Deutscher Militärischer Kunstschutz in Italien 1943-1945, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich 6-8 May 2010 · Wrestling the Dead Hand of History:... | | |
Previous: Kunstgeschichte in den besetzten Gebieten (1939–1945... | Apr 29, 2012 · Strategies and Techniques to Protect Artistic Heritage: German Art Historians and the Work of the Kunstschutz in Italy in the Second World War | Apr 29, 2012 | |
Previous: Visual Documentations of Art Protection during the... | Jan 21, 2010 · A photographic campaign of the German „Kunstschutz“ in 1941-1944;Daniel Parello (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi Deutschland / Freiburg i. | Jan 21, 2010 | |
Records on Seizure and Restitution: June 2019: Digitisation of the... | Unterlagen zum "Archiv-, Bibliothek- und Kunstschutz" in den besetzten Gebieten, vor allem den besetzten Westgebieten;"Rückführung" vormals deutschen... | | |
The National Archives - Looted Art | Cooper, Assistant Director, M. F. A. and A. Branch, Control Commission for Germany, 30 June on German Kunstschutz (MFA and A Branch) in Italy 1943-1945. | |
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