Showing posts with label Swiss networks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swiss networks. Show all posts

Sep 23, 2022

Historical Art Market Networks: interesting publications with useful information

WAR BUSINESS, CAPITAL AND ART HOUSE: The emergence of the Emil Bührle Collection in a historical context

excerpt: "Emil Bührle benefited not only from the opportunities before and during the war that resulted from the dissolution and expropriation of Jewish collections, but also from the reorganization of the international art market in the postwar period, which was partly a result of these persecutions. In fact, 9 of the 14 major galleries from which Bührle acquired most of his artworks in Zurich, London, Paris, and New York were owned by Jews who had fled Nazi Germany, Austria, or occupied Western Europe."

-  KRIEGSGESCHÄFTE, KAPITAL UND KUNSTHAUS: Die Entstehung der Sammlung Emil Bührle im historischen Kontext (excerpt translated from German with Deepl)

 I'd like to draw the attention of readers to two extremely interesting publications out of Switzerland.

  • From the seminar on social and economic history at the University of Zurich led by Professor Dr. Matthieu Leimgruber:

KRIEGSGESCHÄFTE, KAPITAL UND KUNSTHAUS: Die Entstehung der Sammlung Emil Bührle im historischen Kontext

Forschungsbericht zuhanden des Präsidialdepartements der Stadt Zürich und der Direktion der Justiz und des Innern des Kantons Zürich

Universität Zürich, Historisches Seminar Forschungsstelle für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Matthieu Leimgruber

Forschungsteam: Cécile Amstad (2017–2019), Dr. Lea Haller (2017–2018), Dr. Erich Keller (2018–2020)


(published in German) 


  • From the University of Lausanne, SNF SINERGIA research project «Local power structures»

Art, finance, and elite networks: The Presidents of the Zurich Art Society (Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft), 1890-2021

Stéphanie Ginalskia, Matthieu Leimgruberb, Juliette Montandona & Emilie Widmera

Lausanne & Zürich, May 2021


 Dynastic continuity versus «palace revolution»?......................................2 

A timeline of ZKG Presidents, 1890-2021 .................................................3 

1890-1922 – Welcome to the Heimplatz. 

Amateurs, artists, and notables in the early years of the ZKG....................4 

1922-1975 – The rise of the «financial praetorians». 

The ZKG as platform for financiers and art collectors................................4 

1975-2021– The «financial praetorians» and the consolidation of the 

Zurich cultural «Standort»...........................................................................5 

Biographical profiles...................................................................................6


(published in English)