May 27, 2021

"Dutch sources have discovered lists of over 250 items which were shipped to HERBST from Holland" - ALIU CIR 4 DR. HERBST, Dorotheum, Vienna

Question for provenance researchers: Who was Dr. Herbst?

A member of the staff of the Dorotheum, Vienna, Dr. HERBST was appointed by VOSS as an official buyer for Linz. He bought extensively in Holland and in Paris. Although VOSS includes him with GOEPEL and Hildebrandt GURLITT as his three most important buyers, and his Paris purchases have been reported in astronomical figures, much of his activity remains to be ascertained. HERBST's name does not appear in REGER's register, which is, however, incomplete for 1943-1944. Dutch sources have discovered lists of over 250 items which were shipped to HERBST from Holland. Miss BEGEER, Dutch collaborationist dealer, accompanied Dr. HERBST to Paris in the summer of 1943. HOFER states that HERBST did much business with the dealer Maurice LAGRAND, of Brussels.

HERBST is described as being fat-faced, medium blond, wearing glasses, and having a strong Viennese accent. As his whereabouts (Vienna?) are uncertain, no interrogation has been possible.



Consolidated Interrogation Reports (CIR) 4 Linz: Hitler's Museum And Library World War II M1782 OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit Reports, 1945-46 NARA NARA 2001 English, German Germany, United States 09-017 2009 Reports include looters' biographical information, records of their sales, lists of stolen property, and recommendations for action. The images are divided into three categories: Consolidated Interrogation Reports, Detailed Interrogation Reports, and a Final Report, which was the primary work product of the ALIU. The latter includes summaries and information about the looters, organized by country, then alphabetically by surname. WWII OSS Art Looting Investigation Reports RG 239 NARA M1782. Reports by the Art Looting Investigation Unit of the OSS relating to jewels, paintings, and other art objects appropriated during WWII. M1782_10F1 Page 64

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